[Adopted 11-1-1960 by Ord. No. 403 (Ch. 24, Part 10, of the 1999 Code of Ordinances)]
A monthly tax, at the rate of $3 per trailer, for general Borough purposes, be and the same is hereby levied, assessed and imposed for the period beginning December 2, 1960, and continuing until November 30, 1961, on the use or occupancy of each house trailer suitable for living quarters which are situate or located within the boundaries of the Borough of West Mifflin and which are regularly occupied and used for dwelling purposes for a consecutive period of 30 days or more, said tax not to be levied, assessed and imposed upon the use of any house trailer for the first 30 days of any such use within the boundaries of the Borough of West Mifflin, said tax to be paid by the owner, occupant or custodian of such house trailer. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector of the Borough of West Mifflin to collect and to remit to the Secretary of the Borough of West Mifflin the tax imposed by this article for each month, on or before the first day of the next succeeding month, said tax to be paid in advance each month by the owner, occupant or custodian of said house trailer to the Tax Collector of the Borough of West Mifflin. If the use or occupancy of any such house trailer shall terminate prior to the expiration of the tax month, the Secretary of the Borough shall return to the person from whom the tax was collected a pro rata portion of such tax.
Any person or corporation authorizing the occupancy of land located within the boundaries of the Borough of West Mifflin by house trailers regularly occupied or used for dwelling purposes shall make a monthly report, at the first of each month for the month immediately prior thereto, to the Tax Collector of the Borough of West Mifflin, and said report shall include the name or names of the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, custodian or custodians of each and every house trailer entering upon and occupying such land, whether or not such house trailer shall remain on said land for a period of 30 consecutive days. The report shall also include the license number of the house trailer, the date of arrival of the said house trailer and the date of departure, if prior to the date of the report.
To all taxes due hereunder which are not paid to the Borough Tax Collector on the due date shall be added a penalty of 5% and an additional 1/2% per month, or a fraction thereof, from the date upon which said tax is due until the date of payment thereof.
In order to insure compliance with the terms of this article and the payment of all taxes coming due hereunder, the Tax Collector of the Borough of West Mifflin and his, her or its duly authorized agents or representatives shall be and are hereby granted authority to inspect and examine, during reasonable hours, either in person or by representative, the books, records and physical premises of any person or corporation engaged in the operation of a trailer camp or in the leasing of land to be occupied by trailers within the boundaries of the Borough of West Mifflin. It shall be the duty of the persons or corporations authorizing the occupancy within the said Borough of West Mifflin by house trailers to keep full, complete and accurate books and records covering the information required for the reports provided for in this article.
The Tax Collector of the Borough of West Mifflin and his, her or its or their duly authorized agents and representatives shall have and are hereby granted authority to require the occupant of any house trailer located within the Borough of West Mifflin to produce sufficient evidence of his or her identification and also the name and address of the owner or owners of any such house trailer when it is owned by someone other than the occupant thereof.
It shall be the duty of any person, persons or corporation engaged in the operation of a trailer camp in the Borough of West Mifflin to post a copy of this article in the office thereof.
Upon failure of the owner, occupant or custodian of any such house trailer to pay the said taxes, as above provided, or such penalties as may be due thereon, the said taxes, with the penalties provided for herein, together with costs of suit, may be recoverable by action or actions in assumpsit, as other debts of like amount are recoverable, brought against the said owner, occupant or custodian of such house trailer.
In addition to the aforementioned methods of collection of the said tax, penalties and costs of suit by action or actions in assumpsit, the said Borough Tax Collector is hereby authorized to take any other action permitted by law to insure the payment of said tax, penalties and costs of suit against the owner, occupant or custodian of said house trailers.
[Amended 3-16-1999 by Ord. No. 1094]
Any person, firm or corporation convicted of violating or failing to carry out any of the provisions or requirements of this article or of neglecting, failing or refusing to furnish complete and correct reports or to pay over any tax levied by this article at the time required or of knowingly making any incomplete, false or fraudulent books and records or of doing or attempting to do anything whatsoever to avoid the payment of the whole or any part of the tax imposed under this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to a fine not to exceed $600, plus costs, and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days, provided that such fine or penalty shall be in addition to the tax and any other penalty imposed by any other section of this article, and provided that the Tax Collector of the Borough of West Mifflin shall receive all taxes, interest and such penalties as may be due thereon lawfully paid to the Tax Collector under the provisions of this article, said monies being payable at the office of the Tax Collector of the Borough of West Mifflin. The Tax Collector shall keep correct amount of all taxes and penalties paid to or collected by the Tax Collector by authority of this article and shall promptly remit said taxes and penalties to the Secretary of the Borough of West Mifflin.