[Amended 4-22-2008 by Ord. No. 15-08; 9-8-2009 by Ord. No. 26-09; 11-14-2011 by Ord. No. 35-11; 8-24-2021 by Ord. No. 16-21; 12-11-2012 by Ord. No. 23-12; 9-22-2020 by Ord. No. 14-20; 7-25-2023 by Ord. No. 20-232-27-2024 by Ord. No. 06-24]
[Added 2-27-2024 by Ord. No. 06-24]
There is hereby created the position of Director of Public Safety (also referred to as "Public Safety Director") whose purpose shall be to serve as the civilian manager of the Jackson Township Police Department.
The Director of Public Safety shall be responsible for the administration, regulation and discipline of the Division of Police. The Director of the Department of Public Safety shall report to the Township Administrator and said Township Administrator shall continue to be designated as the appropriate authority as provided for in N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118.
The Director of Public Safety shall:
Be the Chief Executive of the Jackson Township Police Department.
Report to the Township Administrator who shall be designated as the appropriate authority.
Recommend to the appropriate authority such policies to be followed and implemented by the Chief of Police, or officer in charge, if the position of Chief is vacant, for the efficient operation of the Jackson Township Police Department pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118.
Prepare and submit a proposed budget for the Police Department to the Township Administrator as required by the Township Administrator.
Report monthly to the appropriate authority and Mayor on matters relating to the Police Department and make recommendations as to the appropriate courses of action.
Establish performance standards for the Jackson Township Police Department, in its entirety and individually, and to conduct periodic evaluations to ensure compliance with said performance standards.
Attend Township meetings as deemed necessary by the Township Administrator and act as a liaison for the Police Department with all municipal communities and departments.
Make such recommendations, when appropriate as to the Townships Police Department and Township ordinances relating to public safety.
Keep abreast of public safety requirements of the Township and formulate policies, plans and procedures to determine such needs.
Be responsible for the recommendation for all hiring, promotions and resource allocations, all subject to the approval of the Township Administrator. The daily duties of all police officers within such positions and duty assignments shall be the responsibility of the Chief of Police.
Perform any and all duties as should be assigned by the Township Administrator.
Have and exercise all of the functions, powers and duties of a department head for the Township of Jackson which are not in conflict with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118.
Be charged with the duties of supervising the Division of Police and may establish polices with respect to the daily operations of the Division of Police and the discipline of its members.
Compensation. The Director of Public Safety shall receive such compensation as designated by the Mayor in accordance with the Township's Salary and Wage Ordinance adopted by the Township Council.
Qualifications. The Director of Public Safety shall have a minimum of 20 years of law enforcement experience as a sworn police officer for any local, county, state or federal law enforcement agency, and shall have attained a rank of Sergeant or above.
There is hereby continued in the Township of Jackson, in the County of Ocean, the police force under the auspices of the Division of Police, Department of Public Safety, of the Township of Jackson, and is established in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118 et seq.
Police officers regularly employed by the Township of Jackson at the time of passage of this chapter shall continue as members of the police forces of the Division of Police, Department of Public Safety, in the Township of Jackson, in the County of Ocean.
The police forces under the Division of Police, Department of Public Safety, shall preserve the public peace; protect life and property; detect, arrest and prosecute offenders of the laws of New Jersey and the ordinances of the Township of Jackson; direct and control traffic; provide assistance and protection during emergencies; provide appearances in court; cooperate with all other law enforcement agencies; and provide training for the efficiency of its members and officers.
The Business Administrator shall be designated as the appropriate authority as provided by N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118.
The Division of Police within the Department shall be divided into the Uniform Services, Special Services and Investigative Services. The head of each Service shall be a Captain or other ranking officer as designated by the Chief of Police from within the membership of the Division and shall have such duties and responsibilities as shall be determined by the Chief of Police in his or her discretion. In addition to the Division of Police, the Municipal Alliance Committee and the Office of Emergency Management shall be under the auspices of the Department of Public Safety.
[Amended 11-14-2011 by Ord. No. 35-11; 8-24-2021 by Ord. No. 16-21]
The Division of Police shall consist of up to 110 sworn officers, all of whom shall have been duly appointed and shall serve in the following positions:
One Chief of Police.
Three Captains.
Four Lieutenants.
Up to 17 Sergeants.
Up to 85 patrol officers.
The Chief of Police shall be the executive head of the Department.
The Chief of Police shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Township Council and shall receive such compensation within the Township Salary Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 62, Salaries and Compensation.
To be qualified for appointment, the Chief of Police shall hold a minimum of a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution and shall have at least 10 years of experience as a law enforcement officer, at least five years of which shall be command level experience at or above the rank of Lieutenant in municipal law enforcement. Four or more years of command experience at or above the rank of Lieutenant in municipal law enforcement may be substituted for the degree requirement.
[Amended 12-11-2012 by Ord. No. 23-12]
Each Police Physician shall be appointed by the Township Council for the term of one year, beginning on the first day of January of the year for which the appointment shall be made. To be eligible, the appointee must be duly licensed under the laws of the State of New Jersey for the general practice of medicine.
[Added 7-25-2023 by Ord. No. 20-23]
Position created. The position of Police Chaplain for the Township of Jackson Police Department is hereby created in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-141. Said position is volunteer and under the direction of the Chief of Police.
Qualifications. Any person appointed as Chaplain shall be an ordained member of the clergy in good standing in the religious body from which he/she is selected. All Chaplains must reside within the Township of Jackson. Any person appointed as Chaplain shall be qualified in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-141. The Chief of Police may recommend potential candidates to the Mayor and may perform any criminal background check the Chief deems appropriate prior to their appointment.
Duties of Police Chaplain. The duties of Police Chaplain shall include, but not be limited to, assisting the Township of Jackson Police Department in death notifications, station house adjustments and any other duties that may be assigned by the Chief of Police.
Rank and salary. Any person appointed as Chaplain shall serve in that capacity without rank or salary.
Term of office. A person appointed as Chaplain shall serve as an at-will volunteer for a period of up to three years from the date of appointment and may be removed by the Mayor at any time.
Appointment. The Mayor shall appoint Chaplains in accordance with this section with the advice and consent of the Township Council.
All appointments by the Township and promotions shall be in accordance with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements for the hiring of police officers.
In addition to the specific qualifications for appointment to police officer as required by N.J.S.A. 40A:14-122, or special law enforcement officer as required by N.J.S.A. 40A:14-146.10, the following general qualifications shall apply. No person shall be appointed an officer in the Division unless that person:
Completes an application on a form provided for such purpose. Any misstatement or nonstatement of essential facts in such application shall be sufficient cause for rejection of the applicant or for dismissal from the Department if not discovered until after the appointment is made.
Is a citizen of the United States.
Is able to read, write and speak the English language well and intelligently.
Is sound in body and of good health.
Is of good moral character.
Never has been convicted of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude.
Has his or her fingerprints taken, which shall be filed with the State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Having been a member of the armed forces, shall have completed such services under honorable conditions.
Any full-time police officer who shall be injured, ill or disabled from any cause shall be granted a leave of absence with pay not exceeding one year pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-137, provided that the appointed Police Physician shall certify to such illness or disability.
Probationary police officers shall pay for initial expenses for uniforms received by them for use in connection with their probationary employment. The Township shall reimburse the probationary officer for uniforms upon the satisfactory completion of the probationary period and upon the appointment, for an indefinite term, of said probationary officer to the contemplated office in the Division of Police.
All appointments to the office of Police Captain, Police Lieutenant and Police Sergeant, respectively, shall be made after appropriate competitive examinations conducted in such manner as shall be approved by the New Jersey Merit System Board, and appointments shall be made from among the candidates in accordance with Department of Personnel regulations for the selection of police officers. The Chief of Police shall make said appointments with the advice and consent of the Mayor. Said officers shall be sound in body and in good health as determined by a Police Physician after physical examination of the candidates.
In the event that, by reason of absence, illness or other cause, the Chief of Police, or a Police Captain, or a Police Lieutenant, or a Police Sergeant, should be temporarily unable to perform the duties of his or her office, such duties shall be performed in the interim as hereinafter provided:
A Police Captain, when so ordered by the Chief of Police and the Mayor, shall temporarily have the authority and perform the duties of the Chief of Police; and if no Police Captain should be able to act, a Police Lieutenant, when so ordered by the Mayor, shall temporarily have the authority and perform the duties of the Chief of Police; and if no Police Lieutenant should be able to act, a Police Sergeant, when so ordered by the Mayor, shall serve.
A Police Lieutenant, when so ordered by the Chief of Police and the Mayor, shall temporarily have the authority and perform the duties of a Police Captain.
A Police Sergeant, when so ordered by the Chief of Police and the Mayor, shall temporarily have the authority and perform the duties of a Police Lieutenant.
A patrol officer, when so ordered by the Chief of Police and the Mayor, shall serve as a Police Sergeant; and in the event that such designation shall not have been made prior to the beginning of a regular shift or tour of duty, the uniformed patrol officer on duty during such tour of duty and who has the longest record of police service in the Township shall serve as Police Sergeant during such tour of duty.
The Township may appoint from time to time special law enforcement officers in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-146.8 et seq. for terms not exceeding one year, which shall be for 12 consecutive months. They shall possess and exercise all the powers and duties provided by said statutes during their term in office, but shall not be continued as regular members of the Division of Police, Department of Public Safety, and shall not be entitled to tenure. The Chief of Police may authorize special law enforcement officers when on duty to exercise the same powers and authority as regular members of the Division of Police, Department of Public Safety, including the carrying of firearms and the power of arrest in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-146.15.
Classification. There shall be the following two classes of special police officers pursuant to law:
Class 1: Officers of this class shall be authorized to perform routine traffic detail, spectator control and similar duties. Such officers shall have the duty to issue summonses for disorderly person's offenses, petty disorderly person's offenses, violations of municipal ordinances and violations of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes. The use of a firearm by an officer of this class shall be strictly prohibited, and no officer of this class shall be assigned any duties which may require the carrying of or the use of a firearm. The number of Class 1 officers shall not exceed 25% of the total number of regular police officers.
Class 2: Officers of this class are authorized to exercise the full powers and duties of regular police officers. The use of a firearm by such officer may only be authorized upon successful completion of training and instruction as required by law. The number of Class 2 officers shall not exceed 25% of the total number of regular police officers.
Each special police officer shall receive compensation as set by the Mayor as indicated in the appointment letter, which shall be within the range provided for in the current Salary Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 62, Salaries and Compensation.
Use of uniforms and equipment limited. No special police officer shall wear the police uniform except while actually on duty, nor shall any special police officer carry any police equipment in any private vehicle unless reporting to or returning from duty.
Use of private vehicle restricted. No special police officer shall use his or her private vehicle upon official police business unless directly ordered to do so by the Chief of Police.
Compliance with rules and regulations. Every special police officer, while on duty, shall abide by all the rules and regulations of the Division of Police, Department of Public Safety. Any violation of the rules and regulations, where the penalty for a police officer is a suspension or dismissal, may result in the immediate dismissal of the special police officer.
Establishment of policies and procedures; posting of notice; when effective.
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118, the Business Administrator, in his or her capacity as the appropriate authority, shall adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the government of the police force within the Division of Police, Department of Public Safety, and for the discipline of its members, after consideration of the recommendations by the Chief of Police.
All rules and regulations promulgated by the appropriate authority shall be posted upon the Department bulletin board and distributed via memorandum to members of the Division of Police. An acknowledgment of receipt shall accompany each manual and shall state that the policies and procedures, rules and regulations apply to all members and employees of the Division of Police. The acknowledgment shall be signed and dated by each employee receiving the manual. Said acknowledgment shall be placed in the employee's personnel file.
Such rules or regulations, including amendments thereto, shall not take effect until five days after posting.
Manual form; distribution of copies.
Rules and regulations for the efficient operation of the Police Division, the government of the police force and for the discipline of its members shall be provided to all members of the Police Department. The rules and regulations may be amended at any time by the appropriate authority. Whenever such amendments or additions to the police rules and regulations are adopted, copies of such amendments or additions shall be supplied to all members of the Police Division.
A copy of the Rules and Regulations of the Division of Police and the Division of Police Policies and Procedures shall be maintained in the following locations:
The office of the Business Administrator.
The office of the Chief of Police.
The Watch Commander's office.
The Chief of Police shall be the head of the police force and shall be directly responsible to the appropriate authority for the efficiency and routine day-to-day operations of the Police Department. The Chief of Police shall, pursuant to policies established by the appropriate authority:
Administer and enforce rules and regulations and special emergency directives for the disposition and discipline of the force and its officers and personnel;
Have, exercise, and discharge the functions, powers and duties of the force;
Prescribe the duties and assignments of all subordinates and other personnel;
Delegate such of his authority as he may deem necessary for the efficient operation of the force to be exercised under his direction and supervision; and
Report at least monthly to the appropriate authority in such form as shall be prescribed by such authority on the operation of the force during the preceding month, and make such other reports as may be requested by such authority.
Each Police Physician shall have and exercise the following authority and shall perform the following duties:
He or she shall, only upon request, advise the Mayor and Township Council and the Chief of Police in all matters that may arise in the course of operation and activities of the Department and shall likewise advise in all matters pertaining to sanitation and public health that may require the attention of the Department.
He or she shall, when requested by the Mayor, Business Administrator or the Chief of Police, make a physical examination of an applicant for an appointment to office in the Division of Police and shall submit his or her report of such examination to the Chief of Police.
Upon the request of the Mayor, Business Administrator or Chief of Police, he or she shall make a physical examination of the Police Captain, all Police Lieutenants, Police Sergeants and patrol officers and shall submit a report of his or her findings to the Chief of Police.
He or she shall, upon the request of any member of the Division of Police effectuating the arrest of a person for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, examine the accused and submit a report of his or her findings to said arresting officer.
He or she shall, when requested by any member of the Division of Police, examine any person taken into custody who evidences or complains of any illness and shall submit a report of his or her findings to said police officer.
He or she shall, when requested by the governing body of the Township, conduct a physical examination or a mental examination of any police officer and submit a report of his or her findings to said governing body, with his or her recommendations.
Each Police Captain shall have and exercise the following authority and perform the following duties:
He or she, if so designated by the Mayor, shall be next in command to the Chief of Police and, in the case of absence or disability of the Chief of Police, shall perform all the duties of the Chief of Police when so ordered by the Mayor. He or she shall be superior in rank to Police Lieutenants, Police Sergeants, patrol officers and special officers assigned to active duty.
It shall be his or her duty to take cognizance of any and all neglect of duty, disobedience of orders and other offenses on the part of members of the Division of Police. He or she shall also ensure that the police headquarters and other property of the Division of Police are kept in proper order and condition and that strict discipline is always maintained and that efficient service is performed by the Division of Police.
He or she may, in the absence of the Chief of Police, issue such orders or take such action as may be necessary, but in every case shall make a full report of the entire occurrence to the Chief of Police at the earliest practicable moment.
He or she shall ensure that every person connected with the Division of Police is properly instructed in his or her duties by the Sergeants, paying particular attention to the instruction of new members of the force. He or she shall see that the Police Sergeants require all members of the Division of Police to be attired in the proper uniform, with the proper equipment to perform their duties.
He or she shall assist the Chief of Police in the performance of his or her duties and shall be responsible for seeing that all laws of the State of New Jersey and ordinances of the Township are duly enforced and observed and that the public peace is maintained.
He or she shall, during his or her tour of duty, in addition to the performance of the duties herein listed, exercise the authority and perform the duties of a patrol officer as far as practicable.
He or she shall, in the absence of the Chief of Police, issue such orders and give such instructions as he or she may deem necessary or proper, from time to time, in the operation, administration and management of the Division of Police and in relation to the work of the special police officers assigned to active duty.
He or she shall, by virtue of his office, be vested with all the authority and duty of a patrol officer with respect to the making of arrests.
He or she shall keep him- or herself fully informed at all times with respect to conditions in the Township affecting the public safety and good order.
He or she shall communicate to the other members of the Division of Police and to the special police officers assigned to active duty all orders made and instructions given by the Chief of Police in relation to their work and shall require the prompt performance thereof and compliance therewith.
He or she shall observe the work of all other members of the Division of Police and the special police officers assigned to active duty and, as occasion may require, shall criticize constructively the work of individual officers and give such instruction and direction as may be appropriate to improve the efficiency of their work.
He or she shall be administrative agent of the Chief of Police and shall supervise and direct the Lieutenants, Sergeants and patrol officers, whether uniformed or plain-clothed, in the proper administration of their duties and shall be responsible to the Chief of Police for the proper performance of their duties.
Each Police Lieutenant shall have and exercise the following authority and perform the following duties:
He or she shall be next in command to the Captain, and in case of the absence or disability of the Captain, the most senior Police Lieutenant shall perform all of the duties of the Police Captain when so ordered by the Mayor. He or she shall be superior in rank to Police Sergeants, patrol officers and special officers assigned to active duty.
It shall be his or her duty to take cognizance of any and all neglect of duty, disobedience of orders and other offenses on the part of members of the Division of Police. He or she shall also ensure that the police headquarters and other property of the Division of Police are kept in proper order and condition and that strict discipline is always maintained and that efficient service is performed by the Division of Police.
He or she may issue such orders or take such action as may be necessary, but in every case shall make a full report of the entire occurrence to the Chief of Police at the earliest practicable moment.
In every case of disobedience, violation of rules or other offenses on the part of any member of the Division of Police, Police Lieutenants shall report the same as soon as possible to the Chief of Police and, in the case of negligence or other dereliction by any person on duty at police headquarters who is not employed in the police service, shall make a full report to the proper authorities.
He or she shall devote his or her energies and plan his or her activities for the health, safety, welfare and general well-being of the citizens and residents of the Township and for the efficient and responsible administration of the Division of Police. He or she shall stimulate in the members of the Division of Police a concern for the well-being of all the people and property in the community and an appreciation and respect for the rights and liberties of all persons. He or she shall constantly strive for a high degree of excellence in the quality of law enforcement and service rendered by them.
He or she shall ensure that every person connected with the Division of Police is properly instructed in his or her duties by the Sergeants, paying particular attention to the instruction of new members of the force. He or she shall see that the Police Sergeants require all members of the Division of Police to be attired in the proper uniform, with the proper equipment to perform their duties.
He or she shall be responsible for the maintenance of all records, files and reports pertaining to the operations of the Division of Police.
He or she shall assist the Chief of Police in the performance of his or her duties and shall be responsible for seeing that all the laws of the State of New Jersey and ordinances of the Township are duly enforced and observed and that public peace is maintained.
He or she shall supervise the uniformed members of the Division of Police and shall be responsible to the Chief of Police for the correct performance of their duties.
He or she shall, during his or her tour of duty, in addition to the performance of the duties herein listed, exercise the authority and perform the duties of a patrol officer as far as practicable.
He or she shall be responsible for the scheduling of the work of the Police Sergeants, patrol officers and special police officers to ensure that the proper number of officers will be on duty at all times.
Each Police Sergeant shall have and exercise the following authority and perform the following duties:
He or she shall, during his or her regular tour of duty, be superior in rank to and have charge of all patrol officers and special police officers who shall be serving on the same shift and shall, generally, supervise the work of all said members and shall give such instructions and directions as he or she shall deem necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the Division of Police in accordance with the provisions and regulations of this chapter.
He or she shall designate the streets, avenues and areas of the Township to be patrolled by such members of the Division of Police as shall have been assigned to patrol duty on his or her shift.
He or she shall see that officers reporting to him or her properly relieve the officers going off duty and that the officers are in proper uniform, with the necessary equipment to perform their duties properly.
He or she shall assign all patrol officers to their respective duties and shall note whether or not the officers to be relieved are at their given relieving point and in proper condition.
He or she shall constantly patrol his or her assigned area and shall supervise the work of the patrol officers in patrol cars and performing any other type of duty.
He or she shall review for approval all written reports made by the officers under his or her supervision during a tour of duty. If reports fail to meet with his or her approval, he or she shall instruct the officers under his or her supervision as to the proper form and information to be supplied.
He or she shall perform his or her duties under the supervision and direction of the Police Lieutenant and shall be responsible for seeing that all laws of the State of New Jersey and ordinances of the Township of Jackson are duly observed and enforced and that the public peace is maintained. The Police Sergeants shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them, from time to time, by the Chief of Police.
It shall be the duty of the Police Sergeants to take cognizance of any and all neglect of duty, disobedience of orders and other offenses by members of the Division of Police and to take immediate steps to correct or eliminate same and to report same to their appropriate superiors. They shall also ensure that the police headquarters and property of the Division of Police are kept in proper order and condition and that strict discipline is always maintained and that efficient service is performed by the force.
He or she shall, during his or her regular tour of duty, in addition to the performance of the duties of Sergeant specified herein, exercise the authority and perform the duties of a patrol officer as far as practicable.
Each patrol officer shall have and exercise the following duties:
To perform general police work and to be the primary public relations representative of the Division of Police.
To conduct preliminary investigations at the scenes of crimes or accidents and to gather evidence, administer first aid, locate and interview witnesses, make proper arrests and submit proper reports.
To watch particularly the actions of suspected criminals.
To be responsible for all phases of police work, not just his or her specific assignments.
To confine his or her patrol within the limits of the Township of Jackson except when making arrests or making urgent investigations or when ordered elsewhere by his or her superior officer.
To maintain constant patrol of the Township except when taking a proper lunch period or for personal necessity.
To note and investigate all vehicles, the driver or occupants of which arouse suspicion, and question the occupants and driver, learning names, ages, sexes, residence and other pertinent information, together with the make, license number, serial number, color and type of vehicle.
To note all defects in highways, sidewalks, buildings, etc., from which accidents might arise, and when unable to immediately adjust such defect, to notify his or her superior officer by written report or, where urgency is required, by phone or other means.
To report at once to the desk officer all defective traffic signals, streetlights, etc.
To report to his or her superior officer as quickly as possible if, for any reason, he or she cannot report by police radio.
To be responsible for seeing that all laws of the State of New Jersey and ordinances of the Township of Jackson are duly observed and enforced and that the public peace is maintained. He or she shall also be responsible for the protection of life and property and for the health, safety, welfare and general well-being of the citizens and residents of the Township.
To appreciate and respect the rights and liberties of all persons and to constantly strive for a high degree of excellence in the quality of law enforcement and services rendered by him.
Authority to discipline.
Within the limitations set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:14-147 to 40A:14-151, inclusive, Article IX of this chapter of the Code of the Township of Jackson, New Jersey, any appropriate collective bargaining agreements between the Township of Jackson affecting the employees effected by the discipline, the Rules and Regulations of the Township, Division of Police, Department of Public Safety and the Division of Police Policies and Procedures, the departmental disciplinary authority and responsibility rests with the Chief of Police or his or her representative designated by him or her in writing to the Mayor and Township Council.
No sworn member or officer of the Division of Police, Department of Public Safety, shall be suspended, removed, fined or reduced in rank for any cause other than for incapacity, misconduct or disobedience as provided in the New Jersey statutes, the Division of Police Rules and Regulations and Division of Police Policies and Procedures.
Revocation of appointment of special law enforcement officers with or without cause shall be conducted in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-146.14.
Conflict with laws and contract provisions. Nothing contained herein shall operate to deny any member or employee of the Department any rights guaranteed under applicable law and any collective bargaining agreement.
Every member of the Division of Police shall, under the supervision of the Chief of Police, provide for him- or herself the necessary police uniforms, which shall comply with standards and specifications prescribed, from time to time, by the Township Council and shall at all times maintain his or her uniforms in neat, clean and presentable condition.
Each member of the Division of Police shall submit to an annual physical examination by one of the Police Physicians. Failure to submit to a physical examination annually or when otherwise directed by the Chief of Police and/or the Business Administrator may result in appropriate disciplinary action.
Whenever the Business Administrator or his or her designee determines that extra-duty assignments shall be performed for a party requesting private or quasi-public duty, the Business Administrator or his or her designee shall enter into an agreement providing for extra-duty assignments for which the Township shall be compensated at the rate set from time to time by resolution. Such agreement shall be in accordance with the following standards:
The party requesting the assignment shall execute and deliver an agreement in a form approved by the Township Council by resolution from time to time. The Business Administrator or his or her designee shall be authorized to execute any such agreement, provided that it has been submitted in the form approved by resolution. The Township shall be responsible to provide all necessary insurance coverage as required by law, including but not limited to worker's compensation, public liability and claims for damage for personal injury, including death or damage to property which may arise or result from the Township's performance under the contract.
Officers engaged in special duty assignments shall be deemed on-duty and shall conform to all Division of Police rules, regulations and procedures.
Any and all extra-duty assignments shall be determined and approved by the Business Administrator or his or her designee. The Business Administrator or his or her designee may assign a patrol vehicle for use in performing extra duty if and in the event it is determined that the use of a patrol vehicle is necessary to perform the contracted duty.
All special-duty assignments shall be within the municipality, unless specific written approval is given by the Business Administrator to the officer to work outside of the municipality. If no municipal officers are available to work on special-duty assignments within the municipality, the Business Administrator may contact adjoining municipal police departments or any other law enforcement agent as deemed appropriate by the Business Administrator to see if they are willing to perform such special assignments.
The work to be performed shall be considered special assignment from independent contractors and will not be considered direct assignment or duty on the job through the Township. The taking of any and all extra-duty assignments shall be on a voluntary basis in accordance with a system established and administered by the Business Administrator.
The Chief of Police shall have the authority to order any police officer to vacate or terminate any special-duty assignment in response to emergency situations or whenever the assignment creates an unacceptable risk to health, safety and welfare of the police officer and/or the public, in the sole determination and discretion of the Chief of Police. The contractor shall not be responsible for any compensation for the time that the police officer is away from the special-duty assignment and shall have no claim for any costs or damages against the municipality, the Chief of Police or the police officer arising from the termination of a special duty assignment other than the prorated return of any costs prepaid to the Township or to the municipality.
Payment, in full, shall be made prior to the commencement of the employment of police personnel. Any unused portion of the payment shall be returned. For any period of employment that is either unknown, or is anticipated to be in excess of 20 days, the individual requesting the employment of the off-duty police officers shall pay a deposit equivalent to 20 days' payment to the Township prior to the commencement of any work. Any unused portion of the deposit shall be returned or credited against the final amount owed.
[Amended 9-8-2009 by Ord. No. 26-09]
Any and all payments due under any such agreement shall be paid 15 days from the date of billing. Interest shall be charged at the rate of 12% per annum on any amount billed for which payment has not been made within 15 days. The delinquent party shall be liable for all costs, fees and attorney's fees associated with the collection of any amounts due. The delinquent party shall forfeit the total amount of the deposit. The Business Administrator shall have the authority to cancel any agreement and to refuse to enter into future agreements in the event that payment is not made within 15 days.
In the event that the contractor fails to contact the Division of Police at least two hours prior to the scheduled start time to cancel the job, or the officer works less than four hours and the job is completed, the officer is entitled to be paid for a minimum of four hours at the current pay rate.
In lieu of utilizing the procedure set forth above, the Township, upon adoption of a resolution by the Township Council, may utilize the professional services of a third party to administer extra duty assignments within the municipality. In the event the Township wishes to utilize this procedure, the Township may enter into an agreement with such vendor which provides for the Township not to incur any cost or expense, and would require a portion of any administrative fees charged to vendors seeking such services to be shared with the municipality in accordance with the terms of a written agreement to be approved by resolution of the Township Council.
[Added 9-22-2020 by Ord. No. 14-20]
Residency shall be required of all candidates for full-time police officer from the closing date of the filing of the civil service examination and shall be maintained at least until the date of appointment to a full-time position in the Division of Police as is authorized by N.J.A.C. 4A:4-4.7(a)7.
Before any appointment or promotion can become effective, the appointee shall take an oath or affirmation as prescribed by regulation as herein after provided.
Establishment. There shall be established a Municipal Alliance Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse within the Department of Public Safety.
Membership. Membership on the Municipal Alliance Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Township Council and shall include but not necessarily be limited to representatives of the following groups:
A Mayoral representative.
The Chief of Police.
The President of the School Board.
The Superintendent of Schools.
The Student Assistant Coordinator.
A representative of the PTA.
A representative of the local bargaining unit for teachers.
A representative of the Chamber of Commerce.
A representative of organized labor.
A representative of the court system.
A representative of a local civic association.
A representative of a local treatment provider agency.
A representative of a local religious group.
A youth representative.
A recovered substance abuser.
A representative of Township Council.
Purpose. The purposes of the Municipal Alliance Committee shall include the following:
To organize and coordinate efforts involving school, law enforcement, business and community groups for purposes of reducing alcoholism and drug abuse.
To develop comprehensive alcoholism and drug abuse education programs for Grades K through 12.
To develop procedures for intervention, treatment/referral and discipline of students involved with substance abuse.
To develop comprehensive alcoholism and drug abuse education, outreach and support efforts for parents.
To develop a comprehensive alcoholism and drug abuse community awareness program.
Functions. The functions of the Municipal Alliance Committee shall be:
To create a network of community leaders, private citizens and representatives for public and private human service agencies who are dedicated to promote and support drug and alcohol prevention and education programs.
To conduct an assessment of community-wide needs pertaining to drug abuse and alcohol issues.
To identify existing efforts and services acting to reduce alcoholism and drug abuse.
To assist in the development of programs at the municipal level that accomplish the purpose of the Alliance effort.
To assist the municipality in acquiring funds for Alliance programs.
To cooperate with the Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, as well as the County Alliance Committee, to provide data, reports or other information that may be needed to assist in the Alliance effort.
Municipal Alliance Coordinator, position created. There is hereby created the position of Municipal Alliance Coordinator for the Township of Jackson.
Qualifications of Municipal Alliance Coordinator. To be appointed to the position of Municipal Alliance Coordinator for the Township of Jackson, an individual must possess the following qualifications:
Preferred, but not required, graduation from a four-year course at an accredited college or university.
Experience or training in the ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Council) field.
Experience in coordinating and managing programs in a related field.
Duties. The Municipal Alliance Coordinator shall be responsible for the planning, promotion, development and supervision of the Municipal Alliance Program as follows:
Coordinating and assuring the implementation of all Alliance ATOD programs as outlined in the approved grant. These programs shall include, but not be limited to, Project Graduation, the Senior Citizen Awareness Program, the Tobacco Awareness Program, Teen Coffee Shop Night and the Monthly Newsletter.
Gathering information for the community needs assessment and making recommendations for future grant applications based on that information.
Coordinating and managing Alliance volunteers by scheduling meetings, providing information and training, overseeing committees and maintaining pertinent records.
Providing the community with information on ATOD prevention, resources and specific Alliance programs through a monthly newsletter, press and other media releases.
Organizing fund-raising activities that will provide additional funds as needed.
Preparing the annual grant application which shall require attendance at Ocean County grant-related meetings/training and the compilation of statistical and financial information.
Coordinating activities with other municipal agencies and organizations, including the Board of Education.
Maintaining and filing all records in a central office. Such records shall include, but not be limited to, minutes of monthly meetings, financial records, the annual grant and related documents, program descriptions and evaluations, copies of the newsletter, media releases, a video pamphlet library, correspondence with the County of Ocean and training and time records for Alliance volunteers.
Compensation. The salary for the position of Municipal Alliance Coordinator shall be paid in accordance with the current Salary Ordinance.[1] Said position may also be funded by a grant from the Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 62, Salaries and Compensation.
Deputy Municipal Alliance Coordinator. There is hereby created the office of Deputy Municipal Alliance Coordinator, which shall be a part-time position. The duties and responsibilities of the Deputy Municipal Alliance Coordinator shall be prescribed by the Municipal Alliance Coordinator.
Office of Emergency Management Coordinator.
The Mayor shall appoint a Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator from among the residents of the Township of Jackson. The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall serve, subject to fulfilling the requirements of this section, for a term of three years.
As a condition of his or her appointment and his or her right to continue for the full term of his or her appointment, the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall have successfully completed, at the time of his or her appointment or within one year immediately following his or her appointment, the current approved Home Study Course and the basic Municipal Emergency Management workshop. The failure of any Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator to fulfill such requirements within the period prescribed shall disqualify the Coordinator from continuing in the office of Coordinator, and, thereupon, a vacancy in said office shall be deemed to have been created.
The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall be compensated at a salary to be determined by the Mayor within the range set by the current Salary Ordinance for the position.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 62, Salaries and Compensation.
Deputy Coordinator. The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall appoint a Municipal Emergency Management Deputy Coordinator with the approval of the Mayor. Wherever possible, such Deputy shall be appointed from among the salaried officers or employees of the Township.
Duties of Coordinator.
The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall be responsible for the planning, activating, coordinating and the conduct of disaster control operations within the Township.
Whenever, in his or her opinion, a disaster has occurred or is imminent in any municipality, the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator of that municipality shall proclaim a state or local disaster emergency within the Township. The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the State Director of Emergency Management, shall be empowered to issue and enforce such orders as may be necessary to implement and carry out emergency management operations and to protect the health, safety and resources of the residents of the Township.
Emergency Management Council. There is hereby created an Emergency Management Service Council, to be composed of not more than 15 members, who shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall hold office at the will and pleasure of the Mayor. The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall be a member and shall serve as Chairman of the Emergency Management Service Council. The members of the Emergency Management Service Council shall include the Mayor, the Chief of Police, representatives from Fire District Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, representatives from all first aid squads, the Director of Public Works, an environmental officer, a health officer, social service personnel, a resource manager, a public information officer, a shelter manager and one or more community group representatives.
Duties of Emergency Management Council.
The Emergency Management Service Council shall assist the municipality in establishing the various local volunteer agencies needed to meet the requirements of all local civil defense and disaster control activities in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the Governor of the State of New Jersey in pursuance of the provisions of acts concerning emergency management.
The Emergency Management Service Council is authorized, within the limits of appropriations, to establish an adequate organization to assist in supervising and coordinating the civil defense and disaster control activities of the local municipality.