The Mayor shall serve as Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the Charter. The executive powers of the City shall be vested in the Mayor who shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the City government.
The Mayor shall:
Serve as a member and Chair of the Council.
Facilitate the faithful execution of all laws, provisions of this Charter, and acts of the City Council; however, pursuant to Section 3.4(4) of the Charter, the Mayor may not direct any employee and/or official of the City, including the City Manager, and must act with Council, as a body, to direct the City Manager.
Facilitate the submission of an annual budget to the City Council, and any necessary capital budget as may be required by the Administrative Code.
Submit and present to the Council at the beginning of each year a comprehensive "State of the City and Its Government" report with recommendations.
Facilitate the work of the Council in developing policy.
Lead the Council in the development of long-term goals for the City and strategies to implement those goals.
Encourage and support regional and intergovernmental cooperation.
Promote partnerships among Council, staff and citizens in developing public policy in building a sense of community.
Actively promote economic development to broaden and strengthen the commercial and employment base of the City. Encourage programs for the physical, economic, social and cultural development of the City.
In the event of a vacancy in any of the positions hereinafter set forth, the Mayor shall nominate a replacement for such vacant position and Council, by a majority vote of its total membership, may make such appointment; and in the event Council, by a majority vote of five of its members or a majority plus one in the event vacancies in office prevent five members being present to vote, rejects any such nomination by the Mayor, Council may appoint by a majority vote of five of its members or a majority plus one in the event vacancies in office prevent five members being present to vote, without further nomination by the Mayor:
The City Manager.
All members of authorities, boards, and commissions.
Until such time that any of the positions set forth in § 7-17A above have been filled Council may, without nomination by the Mayor, by a majority vote of its total membership, fill any such vacancy on an interim basis until such position is filled pursuant to this section.