[Amended 2-15-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-01; 9-18-2007 by Ord. No.
2007-05; 6-15-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-04; 7-17-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-03; 8-18-2015 by Bill No. 2015-13; 11-20-2019 by Bill
No. 2019-19; 4-2-2024 by Bill No. 2024-04]
A. A certain document, copies of which are on file in the Division of Permits and Inspections, being marked and designated as the "2021 International Building Code (IBC)," is hereby adopted as the Building Code of Cecil County, Maryland, for the control of buildings and structures as herein provided; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of the 2021 International Building Code (IBC) are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this chapter, with additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in §
157-2 of this chapter.
B. Further, the document marked and designated as the "2021 International Residential Code" be and the same is hereby adopted as an addition to the Building Code of Cecil County, Maryland, and each and all regulations and provisions and terms of the 2021 International Residential Code are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this chapter, with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in §
157-2 of this chapter.
C. In addition to the codes listed in Subsections
A and
B above, local jurisdictions are responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the Maryland Building Performance Standards.
[Amended 1-18-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-01; 5-3-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-05; 7-17-2012 by Ord. No.
2012-03; 8-18-2015 by Bill No. 2015-13; 11-20-2019 by Bill No. 2019-19; 4-2-2024 by Bill No. 2024-04]
A. The following sections of the 2021 International Building Code (IBC)
are hereby revised and amended as follows:
(1) Section 101.1 Title. Insert: "Cecil County" (Name of Jurisdiction).
(2) Add: "In addition to the International Building Code (IBC), local
jurisdictions are responsible for implementation and enforcement of
the Maryland Building Performance Standards."
(3) Section 101.2 Scope. Delete exception in its entirety. Insert:
Exception #1: Detached one- and two-family dwellings
and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses) not more than three
stories above grade plane in height with a separate means of egress
and their accessory structures shall comply with the International
Residential Code (IRC).
Exception #2: Existing buildings undergoing repair,
alterations or additions, and change of occupancy shall comply with
the Maryland Building Rehabilitation Code set forth in COMAR 05.16.
(4) Section 101.2.1 Appendices. Delete entire section. Insert:
101.2.1 Appendices.
Provisions in Appendix C, Group U — Agricultural Buildings;
Appendix F, Rodent Proofing; Appendix G, Flood Resistant Construction;
Appendix H, Signs; and Appendix I, Patio Covers, are adopted as part
of the IBC. Provisions in other appendices within the code do not
apply unless specifically adopted by the authorities having jurisdiction.
(5) Section 104.10.1 Flood hazard areas. Delete entire section.
(6) Section 105.2 Work exempt from permit.
Delete 1: "One story detached accessory structures used as tool
and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor
area does not exceed 120 square feet (11 m2)."
Add (14): "Replacement or repair of roofing shingles, membranes
and flashings is exempt only where the work does not include any alteration
or replacement of structural members or components."
Add (15): "Replacement or repair of windows and doors is exempt
only where the new windows or doors have the same dimensions as the
original windows or doors and the work does not include any alteration
or replacement of structural members. In the case where other more
restrictive codes have been adopted by state or federal agencies,
permits may be required."
(7) Section 105.5 Expiration. Add:
Any permit issued shall be valid for a period of one year from
date of issue, provided work is ongoing. An applicant may apply for
two six-month extensions as described above as long as the work is
progressing. At the expiration of the second six-month extension,
the owner/applicant shall apply for a renewal permit.
(8) Section 110.3.3 Lowest floor elevation.
Delete "building official."
Insert "Zoning Administrator or applicable approving agency."
(9) Section 111.3 Temporary occupancy. Delete entire section. Insert:
"The Division of Permits and Inspections is authorized to issue a
temporary certificate of use and occupancy before the completion of
the entire work covered by the permit, provided that such portion
or portions shall be occupied safely. The temporary certificate of
occupancy will only be issued upon receipt of conditional approval
of the Department of Public Works, approval of the Division of Development
Plans Review approval of the Electrical Department/Inspector, the
Fire Marshal, if necessary, and approval of the Division of Water
and Sewer Planning. Town approval is also required if the property
is located within any of the town limits of any incorporated town
within the County in which the Cecil County Division of Permits and
Inspections issues permits. The certificate shall have a specific
time limit and will not be valid for more than 180 days maximum unless
extended by the Chief of Permits and Inspections in writing. Fees
may be established and assessed by the Division for the issuance of
the temporary certificate."
Chapter 2 - Definitions, Section
Delete "agricultural building." Insert: AGRICULTURAL BUILDING. A structure designed and constructed to house farm implements, hay,
grain, poultry, livestock, or other horticultural products. This structure
shall not be a place of human habitation.
Add: AGRITOURISM. Tourism of agricultural farms
and buildings by members of the general public for recreational, entertainment
or educational purposes for which tourists may or may not pay fees.
Agritourism includes the following activities when performed by a
Viewing rural activities, farming, ranching and wine making;
Viewing natural, historical, and cultural resources; and
Harvesting agricultural products.
Add: CODES ADMINISTRATION. The Maryland Codes Administration.
Add: DEPARTMENT. The Department of Labor of Maryland.
Add: MBPS. The Maryland Building Performance Standards.
Add: SLEEPING (BEDROOM) ROOM. Any room 70 square
feet (6.5 m2) or larger with direct access
to a closet other than a kitchen, bathroom, hallway, foyer or utility
room. Every sleeping room/bedroom occupied by more than one person
shall contain a minimum of 50 square feet (4.6 m2) of floor area for each occupant thereof.
Add: HIGH PERFORMANCE HOME. Has the meaning stated
in Public Safety Article § 12-509(a), Annotated Code of
Add: HOTEL. Means an establishment that offers
sleeping accommodations for compensation. "Hotel" does not include
a bed-and-breakfast establishment.
Chapter 9 - Fire Protection Systems. 901.1 Scope. Add: "Fire
protection system requirements of Chapter 9 may be concurrently covered
in the State Fire Prevention Code, Public Safety Article, §§ 6-101
through 6-602, Annotated Code of Maryland, and COMAR 29.06.01. The
State Fire Prevention Code is enforced by the State Fire Marshal or
authorized fire official."
10 - Means of Egress, 1001.1 General. Add: "Means of egress requirements of Chapter
10 may be concurrently covered in the State Fire Prevention Code, Public Safety Article, §§ 6-101 through 6-602, Annotated Code of Maryland, and COMAR 29.06.01. The State Fire Prevention Code is enforced by the State Fire Marshal or authorized fire official."
Chapter 11 - Accessibility. Delete entire chapter. Insert: Maryland
Accessibility Code as set forth in COMAR 05.02.02.
Section 1612.1 General. Delete "Within flood hazard as established
in Section 1612.3." Insert: "Within flood hazard areas as established
by Article XI, Part III, Floodplain District, of the Cecil County
Zoning Ordinance as amended and adopted by the County Council of Cecil
County May 4, 2015, or any construction occurring within the incorporated
boundaries of the eight municipalities within Cecil County shall comply
with the Floodplain Regulations as adopted by the County or floodplain
regulation as adopted by such municipalities."
Section 1612.3 Establishment of flood hazard areas.
Section 1612.3.1 Design flood elevations.
Delete: "building official."
Insert: "Zoning Administrator or municipality's zoning
authority, AS applicable."
Section 1612.5 Flood hazard documentation.
Delete: "building official."
Insert: "Zoning Administrator or municipality's zoning
authority, AS applicable."
Chapter 24 - Glass and Glazing. Add: "The requirements for safety
glazing set forth in Public Safety Article, Title 12, Subtitle 4,
Annotated Code of Maryland, are in addition to Chapter 24, Section
2406, of the IBC related to safety glazing. In the event of a conflict
between Chapter 24 of the IBC and the Annotated Code of Maryland,
the requirements of the Annotated Code of Maryland shall prevail."
Chapter 27 - Electrical, Section 2701.1 Scope. Add: "The subject
matter of this chapter is not within the scope of the Maryland Building
Performance Standards. For the applicable electrical requirements,
refer to the local electrical code and the National Electrical Code
as adopted and enforced by the State Fire Marshal, authorized fire
officials, or building officials pursuant to the provisions of Public
Safety Article, Title 12, Subtitle 6, Annotated Code of Maryland."
Chapter 28 - Mechanical Systems, Section 2801.1 Scope. Add:
"The subject matter of this chapter is not within the scope of the
Maryland Building Performance Standards. For the applicable requirements
concerning mechanical systems, refer to the local mechanical code
and the mechanical code adopted pursuant to the provisions of Business
Regulation Article, § 9A-205, Annotated Code of Maryland."
Chapter 29 - Plumbing Systems, Section 2901.1 Scope. Add: "The
subject matter of this chapter is not within the scope of the Maryland
Building Performance Standards. For the applicable requirements concerning
plumbing systems, refer to the local plumbing code and the plumbing
code adopted pursuant to the provisions of Business Occupations and
Professions Article, Title 12, Annotated Code of Maryland."
30 - Elevators and Conveying Systems, Section 3001.1 Scope. Add: "The provisions of Chapter
30 of the IBC relate to elevators and conveying systems and are in addition to and not instead of the requirements set forth in Public Safety Article, Title 12, Subtitle 8, Annotated Code of Maryland. In the event of a conflict between the IBC and the Annotated Code of Maryland, the provisions of the
Chapter 31 - Special Construction.
Delete Section 3103.1.1 Permit required.
3103.1.1 Permit required.
Temporary structures that cover an area in excess of 360 square
feet, including connecting areas or spaces with a common means of
egress or entrance which are used or intended to be used for the gathering
of 50 or more persons, shall not be erected, operated or maintained
for any purpose without obtaining a permit from the Code Official.
34 - Existing Structures, Section 3401.1 Scope. Add: "
Exception: Any rehabilitation work undertaken in an
existing building as defined in COMAR 05.16 shall comply with the
requirements of the Maryland Building Rehabilitation Code as set forth
in COMAR 05.16."
B. The following sections of the 2021 International Residential Code
(IRC) are hereby revised as follows:
(1) Section R101.1 Title. Insert: Cecil County (Name of Jurisdiction);
add: "In addition to the International Residential Code (IRC), local
jurisdictions are responsible for implementation and enforcement of
the Maryland Building Performance Standards."
(2) Section R102.5 Appendices. Delete entire section. Insert:
R102.5 Appendices.
Provisions in Appendix A, Sizing and Capacities of Gas Piping;
Appendix B, Sizing of Venting Systems Serving Appliances Equipped
with Draft Hoods, Category I Appliances Listed for Use with Type B
Vents; Appendix C, Exit Terminals of Mechanical Draft and Direct-Vent
Venting Systems; Appendix D, Recommended Procedure for Safety Inspection
of an Existing Appliance Installation; Appendix G, Piping Standards
for Various Applications; Appendix H, Patio Covers; Appendix K, Sound
Transmission; Appendix M, Home Day Care R-3 Occupancy; Appendix N,
Venting Methods; Appendix O, Automatic Vehicular Gates; Appendix P,
Sizing of Water Piping Systems; Appendix R, Light Straw-Clay Construction;
Appendix S, Straw Bale Construction; and Appendix T, Recommended Procedure
for Worst Case Testing of Atmospheric Venting Systems under N1102.4
and N1105 conditions, are adopted as part of the IRC.
(3) Section R102.7 Existing structures. Add:
Any rehabilitation work undertaken in an existing building shall
comply with the requirements of the Maryland Building Rehabilitation
Code as set forth in COMAR 05.16.
(4) Section R104.10.1 Flood hazard areas. Delete entire section.
(5) Section R105.2 Work exempt from permit. Under "Building":
Delete 1: "One story detached accessory structures used as tool
and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor
area does not exceed 200 square feet (18.58 m2)."
Delete 10: "Decks not exceeding 200 square feet (18.58 m2) in area, that are not more than 30 inches (762 mm)
above grade at any point, are not attached to a dwelling and do not
serve the exit door required by Section R311.4."
Add 12: "Replacement or repair of roofing shingles, membranes
and flashings is exempt only where the work does not include any alteration
or replacement of structural members or components."
Add 13: "Replacement or repair of windows and doors is exempt
only where the new windows or doors have the same dimensions as the
original windows or doors and the work does not include any alteration
or replacement of structural members. In the case where more restrictive
codes have been adopted by state or federal agencies, permits may
be required."
(6) Section R105.3.1.1 Determination of substantially improved or substantially
damaged existing buildings in flood hazard areas. Delete entire section.
Insert: "For applications for reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition
or other improvements of existing buildings or structures located
within the flood hazard areas as established by Article XI, Part III,
Floodplain District, of the Cecil County Zoning Ordinance or within
flood hazard areas as established by the adoption of floodplain regulations
by the eight municipalities within Cecil County, any such reconstruction,
rehabilitation, addition or other improvements shall be subject to
such regulations."
(7) Section R105.5 Expiration. Add:
Any permit issued shall be valid for a period of one year from
date of issue, provided work is ongoing. An applicant may apply for
two six-month extensions as described above as long as the work is
progressing. At the expiration of the second six-month extension,
the owner/applicant shall apply for a renewal permit.
(8) Section R106.1.4 Information for construction in flood hazard areas.
In 4, delete "building official."
In 4, insert "approving agency."
(9) Section R107.3 Temporary power. Delete entire section.
Section R109.1.3 Floodplain inspections.
Delete: "building official."
Insert: "approving agency."
Section R109.1.6.1 Elevation documentation.
Delete: "building official."
Insert: "approving agency."
Section R110.2 Change in use. Add: "Any rehabilitation work
undertaken in an existing building as defined in COMAR 05.16 shall
comply with the requirements of the Maryland Building Rehabilitation
Code as set forth in COMAR 05.16."
Section R110.4 Temporary occupancy. Delete entire section. Insert:
"The Division of Permits and Inspections is authorized to issue a
temporary certificate of use and occupancy before the completion of
the entire work covered by the permit, provided that such portion
or portions shall be occupied safely. The temporary certificate of
occupancy will only be issued upon receipt of conditional approval
of the Department of Public Works, approval from the Division of Development
Plans Review approval of the Electrical Department/Inspector, the
Fire Marshal, if necessary, and approval from Division of Water and
Sewer Planning. Town approval is also required if the property is
located within any of the town limits of any incorporated town within
the County in which the Cecil County Division of Permits and Inspections
issues permits. The certificate shall have a specific time limit and
will not be valid for more than 180 days maximum unless extended by
the Chief of Permits and Inspections in writing. Fees may be established
and assessed by the Division for the issuance of the temporary occupancy."
When a structure or equipment is found by the code official
to be unsafe, or when a structure is found unfit for human occupancy,
or is found unlawful, such structure shall be posted as "Unsafe" or
"Condemned" pursuant to this code as the code official deems necessary.
R115.2 Unsafe structure.
An unsafe structure is one that is found to be dangerous to
the life, health, property or safety of the public or the occupants
of the structure by not providing minimum means of egress facilities,
sanitation, light, ventilation, fire protection, or which contains
unsafe equipment or is so damaged, decayed, dilapidated, structurally
unsafe or of such faulty construction or unstable foundation that
partial or complete collapse is possible.
R115.3 Unsafe equipment.
Unsafe equipment includes any boiler, heating equipment, elevator,
moving stairway, electrical wiring or device, flammable liquid containers,
or other equipment on the premises or within the structure which is
in such disrepair or condition that such equipment is a hazard to
life, health, property or safety to the public or occupant of the
premises or structure.
R115.4 Unlawful structure.
An unlawful structure is one found to be erected, altered or
occupied contrary to the provisions of this code or those adopted
by the governing agency responsible for enforcement of the code.
R115.5 Notice.
If it is determined that a property or equipment is unsafe or
condemned, the code official shall serve on the owner, agent or person
in control of the structure, equipment or premises a written notice
that describes the condition deemed unsafe or condemned and specifies
the required repairs, improvements or other action necessary to abate
the unsafe condition or that requires the unsafe or condemned building
to be demolished within a stipulated time. Such notice shall require
the person thus notified to declare within seven days of receipt of
the notice acceptance or rejection to the code official.
R115.6 Method of service.
Such notice shall be deemed properly served if a copy thereof
is: (a) delivered to the owner personally; (b) sent by certified or
registered mail addressed to the owner at the last known address with
return receipt requested; or (c) delivered in any other manner as
prescribed by local law. If the certified or registered letter is
returned showing that the letter was not delivered, a copy thereof
shall be posted in a conspicuous place in or about the structure affected
by such notice. Service of such notice in the foregoing manner upon
the owner's agent or upon the person responsible for the structure
shall constitute service of notice upon the owner.
Sections R202 Definitions.
Add: AGRICULTURAL BUILDING. A structure designed
and constructed to house farm implements, hay, grain, poultry, livestock,
or other horticultural products. An agricultural building does not
include a place of human residence.
Add: AGRITOURISM. Tourism of agricultural farms
and buildings by members of the general public for recreational, entertainment
or educational purposes for which tourists may or may not pay fees.
Agritourism includes the following activities when performed by a
Viewing rural activities, farming, ranching and wine making;
Viewing natural, historical, and cultural resources; and
Harvesting agricultural products.
Add: CODES ADMINISTRATION. The Maryland Codes Administration.
Add: DEPARTMENT. The Department of Labor.
Add: MBPS. The Maryland Building Performance Standards.
Add: SLEEPING (BEDROOM) ROOM. Any room 70 square
feet (6.5 m2) or larger with direct access
to a closet other than a kitchen, bathroom, hallway, foyer or utility
room. Every sleeping room/bedroom occupied by more than one person
shall contain a minimum of 50 square feet (4.6 m2) of floor area for each occupant thereof.
Table R301.2(1) Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria. Insert:
Ground Snow Load — 30 pounds psf
Wind speed — 90 mph
Seismic design category — B
Weathering damage — Severe
Frost line depth — 32 inches
Termite damage — moderate to heavy
Winter design temperature — 13°
Ice barrier underlayment required — Yes
Flood hazards — Cecil County Planning and Zoning or the
local municipality, as applicable.
Section 4 302.7 Add Exception. Unless under stair areas is served
by an operational sprinkle head.
Section 310.1 Exception 2. Delete in its entirety.
Section R312.1 Guards; 312.1.3 Opening limitations. Delete entire
section. Insert:
"Required guards shall not have openings from the walking surface
to the required guard height which allow for the passage of a sphere
four inches (102 mm) in diameter. Required guards shall not be constructed
with horizontal rails or other ornamental patterns that result in
a ladder effect. Alternative guards such as glass, cable, plastic,
vinyl, or other materials may be used, provided they are approved
at the time of application of the permit by the Code Official."
Section R313.2 One- and two-family dwellings automatic fire
systems. Delete entire section. Insert:
R313.2 One- and two-family dwellings automatic fire sprinkler
An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one-
and two-family dwellings.
An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall not be
required for any additions or alterations to existing buildings that
are not already provided with an automatic fire sprinkler system.
R313.2.A (Reserved)
R313.2.B (Reserved)
R313.2.C Mandatory automatic sprinkler systems
may be required for all new single-and two-family dwellings, additions
or renovations constructed within the boundaries of the incorporated
municipalities (towns) of Cecil County. Should such municipality (town)
have regulations governing residential sprinkler systems, those regulations
shall apply.
R313.2.D Dwelling units that are manufactured under
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) regulations (HUD Code) that are
placed within the County outside of incorporated municipalities (towns)
regulated by the County may be exempt from this section unless so
required by the FHA and/or the HUD Code.
R313.2.E Any regulation imposed by a federal or
state governing body or agency which requires or exempts residential
automatic sprinkler systems in manufactured housing shall apply.
R313.2.1 Design and installation. Automatic residential
fire sprinkler systems shall be designed and installed in accordance
with NFPA 13D.
R313.2.2 The requirements of this section (R313.2)
shall not apply to the following:
A property not connected to an electrical utility.
Until January 1, 2016, standards governing issuance of a building
permit for one- and two-family dwellings constructed on:
A lot subject to a valid unexpired public works agreement that
was executed before March 1, 2011; or
A lot served by an existing water service line from a water
main to the property line that:
Is less than a nominal one-inch size;
Is approved and owned by the public or private water system
that owns the mains;
Was installed before March 1, 2011; and
Is fully operational from the public or private main to a curb
stop or meter pit located at the property line.
Section R322 Flood-Resistant Construction, R322.1 General. Delete
entire section. Insert: "Buildings and structures constructed in whole
or in part in flood hazard areas as established by Article XI, Part
III, Floodplain District, of the Cecil County Zoning Ordinance or
as required by the statutes of the municipality in which the project
is to be constructed or repaired shall comply with the regulations
of this section as well as all regulations or ordinances within the
specific municipality."
Section 322.1.4.1 Determination of design flood elevations.
Delete: "building official."
Insert: "Zoning Administrator or municipality's zoning
authority, as applicable."
Section R322.3.1, Location and site preparation, Subsection
Delete: "building official."
Insert: "approving authority."
Section R403.1.4.1 Frost protection. Exception 1:
Delete: 600 square feet (56 m2).
Insert: 400 square feet (37 m2).
Section R405.1 Concrete or masonry foundations. Delete entire
section. Insert:
"Subsoil drains shall be required for all buildings having basements,
cellars, crawl spaces or floors below grade. Subsoil drains shall
be located inside the foundation and shall be installed at or below
the area to be protected. Drains shall discharge by gravity or mechanical
means. Where drains do not discharge by gravity, the drains shall
discharge into an accessible sump pit with an automatic electrical
pump. Drains shall be perforated or open joint approved drain tile
not less than four inches in diameter and be placed in washed stone
or gravel at least one sieve size larger than the tile joint opening
or perforations with a minimum of four inches surrounding the drain
tile or pipe on all sides. Where provided, exterior subsoil drains
shall have an approved filter material placed on top of the required
washed stone or gravel."
Section R506.2.3 Vapor retarder.
Insert: Exception 1. From detached garages, utility buildings,
and other unheated accessory structures.
Section R807.1 Attic access.
Delete: "See Section M1305.1.3 for access requirements where
mechanical equipment is located in attics."
Insert: "Attics containing appliances shall be provided with
a permanent or pull-down stairway in all new construction."
Part V, Mechanical, Chapter 12, Mechanical Administration, (Part
VI, Fuel Gas, Chapter 24, Fuel Gas,) Section M1201.1 Scope. Add: "The
subject matter of Chapters 12 through 24 is not within the scope of
the Maryland Building Performance Standards. For the applicable requirements
concerning mechanical systems, refer to the local mechanical code
and the mechanical code adopted pursuant to the provisions of Business
Regulation Article, § 9A-205, Annotated Code of Maryland."
Part VII, Plumbing, Chapter 25, Plumbing Administration, Section
P2501.1 Scope. Add: "The subject matter of Chapters 25 through 33
is not within the scope of the Maryland Building Performance Standards.
For the applicable requirements concerning plumbing systems, refer
to the local plumbing code and the plumbing code adopted pursuant
to the provisions of Business Occupations and Professions Article,
Title 12, Annotated Code of Maryland."
Part VIII, Electrical, Chapter
34, General Requirements, Section E3401.1 Applicability. Add: "The subject matter of Chapters
34 through 43 is not within the scope of the Maryland Building Performance Standards. For the applicable electrical requirements, refer to the local electrical code and the National Electrical Code as adopted and enforced by the State Fire Marshal, authorized fire officials, or building officials pursuant to the provisions of Public Safety Article, Title 12, Subtitle 6, Annotated Code of Maryland."
Section R326 Swimming pools, spas and hot tubs.
Insert: "Swimming pools, spas and hot tubs shall comply with
the requirements of The 2021 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code
[Amended 7-17-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-03; 11-20-2019 by Bill No. 2019-19]
The International Code Council issues an amended Building Code approximately every three years. Amendments incorporated into subsequent International Building Codes and International Residential Codes are hereby adopted prospectively. The date that such amendments shall be effective in Cecil County shall be the date when the Chief of Permits and Inspections shall have received copies of said future editions and shall have presented to and received adoption by resolution from the Cecil County Council as the new official Building Code of Cecil County. The insertions of amendments and penalties and other matters as set forth hereinbefore in §
157-2 shall be the same in meaning and context as those adopted herein, regardless of number designation or page number in the newly adopted code or codes.
[Amended 6-15-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-04; 11-20-2019 by Bill No. 2019-19]
All fees shall be established by resolution by the Cecil County
Council as provided for by law. Copies of the fee schedule will be
available in the office of the Cecil County Council and the Division
of Permits and Inspections.
Nothing in this chapter or in the Building Code hereby adopted
shall be construed to affect any suit or proceeding pending in any
court or any rights acquitted or liability incurred or any cause or
causes of action acquired or existing under any act or ordinance hereby
repealed, nor shall any just or legal right or remedy of any character
be lost, impaired or affected by this chapter.
[Amended 7-17-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-03]
A. Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have
the meanings indicated:
The party to whom the building permit for the building not
in compliance was issued and shall also include any party actually
performing the work of construction upon said building. The builder
shall also include any officer of any corporation, any partner of
any partnership or any related corporation, partnership, limited-liability
company or limited-liability partnership owned in whole or in part
by any aforementioned party.
The building, plumbing, mechanical or electrical codes or
other construction-related codes as adopted by Cecil County and enforced
by the Division of Permits and Inspections.
[Amended 11-20-2019 by Bill No. 2019-19]
The official designated by the County Executive or his designee
who is charged with the enforcement of the building, plumbing, mechanical
and electrical codes or other construction-related codes as adopted
by Cecil County.
An amount imposed by either the legal authority having jurisdiction
or by the Division of Permits and Inspections as has been established
on the fee schedule as adopted by the Cecil County Council.
[Amended 11-20-2019 by Bill No. 2019-19]
Any person, corporation, association, partnership, firm,
syndicate, joint venture, limited-liability corporation, or organization
of any kind holding title to any land or lot in the County; lessees,
tenants and principal occupants of any land or lot in the County or
agent of persons holding title to such lands or lots, having care,
custody, control or management of the land or lot; and fiduciaries
holding title to, having care, custody, control or management of land
or lots in the County for others.
Any person or authorized agent who constructs, enlarges,
alters, repairs, moves, demolishes, or changes the occupancy of a
building or structure or erects, installs, enlarges, repairs, removes,
converts or replaces any gas, mechanical, plumbing or electrical system,
the installation of which is regulated by the codes enforced by the
Division of Permits and Inspections, or to cause such work to be done
without obtaining the proper permits or which are found to be in noncompliance
with the applicable codes.
[Amended 11-20-2019 by Bill No. 2019-19]
B. Suspension. Whenever the Division of Permits and Inspections or any
designated Code Official of the County determines that an owner or
contractor as defined in this section, is in violation of the provisions
of this code or the rules and regulations of any other department
or agency of Cecil County in connection with the erection, alteration
or demolition of buildings, structures, lands, or equipment thereon
or therein, the Chief of Permits and Inspections or his designee may
suspend all active permits and inspections necessary which the individual
has acquired or may need until such time as any and all violations
have been corrected.
[Amended 11-20-2019 by Bill No. 2019-19]
C. Withholding. Whenever the Division of Permits and Inspections or
any designated Code Official of the County shall find that any contractor
or owner, as defined in this section, is in violation of this code
or of the rules and regulations of any other department or agency
of Cecil County in connection with the erection, alteration or demolition
of buildings, structures, land or equipment thereon or therein, the
Chief of the Division of Permits and Inspections or his designee may
refuse to grant any additional permits to the contractor or owner
until all such violations have been corrected.
[Amended 11-20-2019 by Bill No. 2019-19]
D. Revocation. The Division of Permits and Inspections or any designated
Code Official of the County may revoke a permit or approval issued
under the provisions of this code when it is determined that any owner
or contractor, as defined in this section, is in violation of this
code in the case of any false statement or misrepresentation of fact
in the application or on the plans on which the permit or approval
was based. If any permit is issued in violation of the provisions
of this code or other laws, resolutions and regulations of Cecil County,
or laws of the State of Maryland, or without proper authority, it
may be voided as if it had never been issued.
[Amended 11-20-2019 by Bill No. 2019-19]
E. Notice. Once it has been determined by the designated Code Official
that a violation of the provisions of this Code or any other construction-related
code of the County has occurred, notice shall be sent to the owner
or contractor, as defined in this section, who is responsible for
said violation, advising said owner or contractor. Said notice shall
be presumed received upon being mailed to the address of said owner
or contractor that is provided on the building permit issued to said
owner or contractor for said building three days after mailing. If
no permit exists, said notice shall be presumed received upon being
mailed to the address for the individuals responsible based on tax
assessments or any other information available three days after mailing.
Until said violation has been corrected, the Division of Permits and
Inspections and/or any appropriate Code Official of the County shall
have the power to withhold any further permits requested by said owner
or contractor.
[Amended 11-20-2019 by Bill No. 2019-19]
[Added 2-3-2009 by Ord.
No. 2009-01]
A. Definitions.
As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings
The building, plumbing and mechanical codes as adopted by
the Cecil County Council and enforced by the Division of Permits and
[Amended 11-20-2019 by Bill No. 2019-19]
The official designated by the County Executive, or his designee,
who is charged with the enforcement of this section.
To adjudge unfit for use or occupancy.
Any person, corporation, association, partnership, firm,
syndicate, joint venture, limited-liability corporation, or organization
of any kind holding title to any land or lot in the County; lessees,
tenants and principal occupants of any land or lot in the County or
agent of persons holding title to such lands or lots, having care,
custody, control or management of the land or lot; and fiduciaries
holding title to and having care, custody, control or management of
land or lots in the County for others.
One that is unsafe or, because of the degree to which it
lacks maintenance or is in disrepair, is unsanitary, vermin- or rat-infested
or contains filth and contaminants or, because of the chosen location,
constitutes a hazard to its occupants or to the public, as determined
by the Code Official.
Includes any boiler, heating equipment, plumbing fixtures
or equipment, electrical wiring or device, flammable liquid containers
or other equipment or machinery on the premises or within the structure
which is in disrepair or a condition that is found to be a hazard
to life, health, property or safety of the public or occupants of
the premises or structure. Unsafe equipment may contribute to finding
that the structure is unsafe or unfit for human occupancy or use.
One in which all or any part thereof is found to be dangerous
to life, health or the safety of the public or the occupants of the
premises or structure or, because it is so damaged, decayed, dilapidated,
structurally unsafe or of such faulty construction or unstable foundation,
it is likely to partially or completely collapse.
B. Condemnation
(1) General
procedures. When a structure or part thereof is found by the Code
Official to be unsafe or unfit for human occupancy or use, it may
be condemned pursuant to this section and the applicable adopted building
code. If the Code Official makes such determination, the Official
shall serve the owner with a compliance order pursuant to this section.
No condemned residential structure shall be used for human habitation
without approval of the Code Official. In addition, the Code Official
may also determine that equipment located in a residential structure
is unsafe and issue a compliance order.
(2) Closing
of vacant structures. If the structure or part thereof is vacant and
unfit for human habitation, occupancy or use and is not in danger
of structural collapse but is a potential hazard to health and safety,
the Code Official shall serve the owner with a compliance order pursuant
to this section. The owner shall secure the structure from entry by
boarding or any other method(s) necessary as approved by the Code
Official. Upon failure of the owner to close the premises within the
time specified in the compliance order, the Code Official shall cause
it to be closed through any available agency or by contract arrangement
with private persons, and the cost thereof shall be charged against
the real estate upon which the structure is located and shall be a
lien upon the real estate.
(3) Placarding
of structures. Upon inspection of the structure, the Code Official
may post on the premises a placard bearing the words "Condemned" as
dangerous and unsafe or "Danger" unsafe for human occupancy or use
or other words to that effect and a statement of penalties provided
for any occupancy or use and for removing the placard.
(4) Occupancy
of placarded premises prohibited. Any person who shall occupy a placarded
premises or structure or part thereof or any person responsible for
the premises who lets anyone occupy a placarded premises shall be
liable for penalties as provided for within this section.
(5) Removal
of placard. The Code Official shall remove the condemnation placard
whenever the defect or defects upon which the condemnation or danger
placard action were based have been eliminated. Any person who defaces
or removes a condemnation or danger placard without the approval of
the Code Official shall be subject to penalties as provided for within
this section.
C. Notice
of violation.
(1) Notification.
The Code Official shall give notice of the existing violation to the
owner of the affected structure and to its occupants.
(2) Notice.
The notice shall be in writing and include information sufficient
for identification of the real estate involved, include a statement
of the reason or reasons why the notice is being issued and any building
code citation described. The notice shall include the owner's right
to appeal the decision of the Code Official and shall include the
penalties for failure to correct said violation.
(3) Service.
Notice shall be considered served when the notice is delivered to
the owner personally and/or sent by certified or registered mail,
addressed to the owner at the last known address, with return receipt
requested. Notice shall also be posted in a conspicuous place on or
about the affected structure.
(4) Publication
of notice. In case the structure is to be razed and demolished, the
County shall publish a notice indicating the same, which shall include
all information relative to the property. The notice shall be advertised
once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper authorized to
provide service by publication.
D. Compliance
and emergency orders.
(1) Compliance
order. Any order issued pursuant to this section shall be in writing
and shall specify a deadline for compliance by the owner, which shall
not be less than 20 days nor more than 45 days, and in the event that
repairs are feasible, the order shall specify what repairs and modifications
are to be undertaken and completed by the owner in order to correct
any violations.
(2) Emergency
order. Whenever the Code Official finds that an emergency exists on
any premises and time is of the essence to protect the public's health
and safety or that of the occupants of a structure, the Code Official
may issue an emergency order reciting the existence of such an emergency
and require the vacating of the premises or such action as the Code
Official deems necessary to meet the emergency. The emergency order
shall be effective immediately, and the premises or equipment shall
be placarded immediately upon service of the order.
E. Demolition
orders; subsequent action.
(1) Raze
and removal. At the time of service of a notice of violation to the
owner, the Code Official may order the owner of the premises or structure
that is an unsafe structure to raze and remove the structure and to
stabilize the disturbed area by grading and seeding.
(2) Noncompliance.
In the event the owner of a property fails to comply with an order
of the Code Official within the prescribed time of the order and upon
exhaustion of any and all legal remedies by the County, the Code Official,
with the approval of the County, may enter the building or premises
affected by the order and cause the building or premises to be repaired
or demolished and the materials removed, or cause any dangerous condition
to be remedied through an available public agency or by arrangement
with private persons, as the case may be, at the expense of the owner
of such property.
(3) Lien. If the owner fails to repay the County for expenses incurred under Subsection
E(2) above within 90 days after written demand has been mailed to his last known address, the Code Official shall notify the Collector of Taxes for Cecil County and a tax lien in favor of the County for the amount of expenses incurred under Subsection
E(2) above shall attach to the property and any other applicable fees which the County has expended will also be applied to the lien.
F. Violations
and penalties.
(1) Civil
penalties. Any person who shall violate any provision of this section
shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a civil penalty of not
less than $100 and not more than $5,000, at the discretion of the
court. Each day a violation continues after notice of violation has
been duly served shall be deemed a separate offense.
(2) Prosecution.
If an order is not complied with in the prescribed time, the Code
Official may request the County's legal representative to institute
appropriate civil action. The Code Official may ask for the legal
representative to proceed by civil action against the person responsible
for the violation in order to:
(a) Correct or remove any violations.
(b) Prevent occupancy or use of the structure in violation of this section.
(c) Hold violators accountable for unauthorized removal of any posted
(d) Order payment of the civil penalty authorized by this section.
G. Right to
(1) A person
affected by a decision of the Code Official which has been made in
connection with the enforcement of this section, or of a regulation
adopted pursuant to this section, may request and shall be granted
a hearing in a manner as prescribed by the applicable code.
(2) A person
aggrieved by a decision of the Code Official in connection with an
alleged violation of this section or demolition order issued under
the provisions of this section may appeal such decision or order to
the Building Boards of Appeals of the County within 10 days of receipt
of such notice.
(3) Any
decision of the Building Board of Appeals may be appealed to the Circuit
Court of Maryland in accordance with the Maryland Rules of Procedure.
[Added 8-18-2010 by Ord. No. 2009-05]
A. Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have
the meanings indicated:
The building, plumbing and mechanical codes as adopted by
the Cecil County Council and enforced by the Division of Permits and
[Amended 11-20-2019 by Bill No. 2019-19]
The official designated by the County Executive or his designee
who is charged with the enforcement of this chapter.
Any person, corporation, association, partnership, firm,
syndicate, joint venture, limited-liability corporation, or organization
of any kind holding title to any land or lot in the County; lessees,
tenants and principal occupants of any land or lot in the County or
agent of persons holding title to such lands or lots, having care,
custody, control or management of land or lot; and fiduciaries holding
title to and having care, custody, control or management of land or
lots in the County for others.
A legal notice posted on a specific property by a Code Official,
indicating that a violation(s) of a code enforced by the Division
of Permits and Inspections has been found and all construction, alterations
or repairs on the specific premises be stopped until such time as
the violation(s) has been remedied.
[Amended 11-20-2019 by Bill No. 2019-19]
Any person or authorized agent who constructs, enlarges,
alters, repairs, moves, demolishes, or changes the occupancy of a
building or structure or erects, installs, enlarges, repairs, removes,
converts or replaces any gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation
of which is regulated by the codes enforced by the Department of Permits
and Inspections, or to cause any such work to be done without obtaining
the proper permits or which are found to be in noncompliance with
the applicable codes.
B. Any person who shall violate a provision of this code or shall fail
to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who erects, constructs,
alters or repairs a building or structure in violation of an approved
plan or directive of the Code Official or his designee or of a permit
or certificate issued under the provisions of this code or who shall
fail to obtain a final use and occupancy certificate may be liable
for a civil offense and, upon judicial finding of said violation,
may be liable for a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment for
not more than 90 days and, in addition, shall pay all costs and expenses
associated with the County's abatement of said violation, as well
as any and all fair and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred as a result
of said abatement efforts. Each day that a violation exists shall
be deemed a separate offense. Nothing herein contained shall prevent
the County from taking such other lawful action as is necessary to
prevent or remedy any violation.
C. Unlawful continuance. Any person who shall continue work in or about
the structure after having been served with a stop-work order, except
such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation
or unsafe conditions, shall be liable for a fine of not less than
$250 and not more than $1,000 and shall be liable for all costs, expenses
and reasonable attorneys' fees associated with the County's administrative
actions and/or legal proceedings taken to discontinue any such work
after the service of said stop-work order. Each day that a violation
continues shall be deemed a separate offense.