[Adopted 11-30-1971]
All County areas to be served with sewer and water shall be under the supervision of the Department of Public Works. This is in keeping with existing water and sewer legislation.
Where municipal areas have available facilities and are willing to furnish water and sewer service to the County, it shall be the policy of the County to permit the Department of Public Works to enter into an agreement for these services and become a bulk purchaser. The Department of Public Works is to be responsible for construction, maintenance and operation of the water and sewer systems outside the municipal boundaries.
Price agreements for the water and sewer services shall be negotiated between the parties for a two-year period and then subject to renegotiation and price adjustment upon justification of such increase or decrease.
The County may commit itself to a future total bulk service contract with the municipality, if so desired by the supplier, regardless of any future supply of services being furnished by the Department of Public Works itself in the contract area.
The County may approve municipal extensions of water and sewer into the County area when, in its opinion, it is to the best interest of its citizens.
[Amended 11-13-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-12]