[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee (now Council) of the Township of Jackson 11-23-1976 by Ord. No. 58-76 (Ch. 101 of the 1972 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Public use of buildings and facilities — See Ch. 121.
Curfew — See Ch. 172.
As used in this chapter, the following words shall have the meanings indicated:
Any lands, buildings, premises, public grounds, areas and parks which are owned, possessed or controlled by a municipal public agency, including but not limited to the Township of Jackson, the Board of Education of the Township of Jackson, the Jackson Township Municipal Utilities Authority, the Board of Recreation Commissioners of the Township of Jackson, the Industrial Commission of the Township of Jackson and the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Township of Jackson.
Any adult person having care or custody of a minor, whether by reason of blood relationship, the order of any court or otherwise.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to enter onto or be present upon or within municipal public property without the permission of the public agency having title to, possession of or control of such municipal public property.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to drive or park a motor vehicle or motorized vehicle on or upon or within municipal public property or facilities, except that the driving or parking of duly licensed or registered motor vehicles on public streets or in designated parking areas while such parking areas are open to the public shall be permitted.
[Added 6-28-1977 by Ord. No. 29-77]
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to drive a motor vehicle on, upon or through municipal public property or facilities, or to use such municipal public property as a way or place for passage or as a thoroughfare, where such municipal public property has posted thereon, or at entrances thereto, signs bearing the notation "No Thoroughfare, Code Ch. 412."
[Added 4-24-1979 by Ord. No. 16-79]
The parking of motor vehicles by visitors to a public facility in parking areas designated for use by such visitors shall be permitted.
[Added 6-2-1980 by Ord. No. 18-80]
Whenever any police officer or any official or employee of the municipal public agency having title, possession or control of municipal public property finds any person or persons on, present upon or within such municipal public property without permission, said police officer, official or employee shall order that person or those persons to leave such municipal public property. Any person who shall fail or refuse to leave such municipal public property after being ordered to do so by a police officer or by an official or employee as aforesaid shall be guilty of a violation of this chapter.
The provisions of this chapter shall not be applicable to any public street, highway, road, alley or sidewalk, nor to any public park or recreation facility during hours when they are open to the public, nor to any public building during normal business hours or at such times when the public is permitted to attend meetings or sessions of public bodies.
The continued presence of any person or persons on municipal public property after having been ordered to leave such property or the continued repeated presence of any person or persons on municipal public property after having been ordered to leave such property shall be deemed to be a refusal to leave by such person or persons after being ordered to do so and shall be presumed to be a violation of this chapter.
No parent or guardian of a minor under the age of 18 years shall knowingly permit that minor to violate the provisions of this chapter.
Notice of violation. Whenever any minor under the age of 18 years is charged with a violation of this chapter, the parent or guardian of such minor shall be notified of this fact by the Chief of Police or any other person designated by him to give such notice.
Presumption of parental knowledge. If, at any time within 30 days following the giving of notice as provided in § 412-5B of this chapter, the minor to whom such notice relates again violates this chapter, it shall be presumed in the absence of evidence to the contrary that the minor did so with the knowledge and permission of the minor's parent or guardian.
[Amended 2-27-2024 by Ord. No. 07-24]
Any person violating any provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not to exceed $500 or by imprisonment not exceeding 90 days, or both, in the discretion of the court.
Whenever a vehicle is found to be in violation of the provisions of Section 412-2(B), any member of the Police Department is authorized to issue a summons to any person deemed to be in violation. In addition, any member of the Police Department is authorized to immediately remove or cause to be removed and impound such motor vehicle without the necessity of prior notification.