The Princess Anne Town Commissioners may from time to time amend the Critical Area provisions of this chapter. Changes may include, but are not limited to, amendments, revisions, and modifications to these Critical Area regulations, Critical Area Maps, implementation procedures, and local policies that affect the Princess Anne Critical Area. All such amendments, revisions, and modifications shall also be approved by the Critical Area Commission as established in § 8-1809 of the Natural Resources Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. No such amendment shall be implemented without approval of the Critical Area Commission. Standards and procedures for Critical Area Commission approval of proposed amendments are as set forth in the Critical Area Law, § 8-1809(i) and § 8-1809(d), respectively.
Except for ordinance amendments or ordinance refinements developed during a six-year comprehensive review, a Zoning Map amendment may only be granted by the Princess Anne Commissioners upon proof of a mistake in the existing zoning. This requirement does not apply to proposed changes to a Zoning Map that meet the following criteria:
Are wholly consistent with the land classifications as shown on the adopted Critical Area Overlay Map; or
The use of growth allocation in accordance with the growth allocation provisions of this chapter is proposed.
When an amendment is requested, the applicant shall submit the amendment to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation. Upon completing findings of fact, these documents shall be forwarded to the Princess Anne Commissioners.
The Princess Anne Commissioners shall hold a public hearing, at which parties of interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. At least 14 days' notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in Princess Anne.
After the Town Commissioners approve an amendment, they shall forward their decision and applicable resolutions along with the amendment request to the Critical Area Commission for final approval.