Major Business Complexes shall be granted special permits only in districts where allowed under § 240-31, Use Regulations Schedule, and only in accordance with the following. The applicant shall submit adequate documentation, including plans, calculations and narrative, to allow determination of compliance by the Planning Board without need for extensive further analysis.
Major business complexes shall be so located and sized or their development phased so that the following will be met, as determined by the Planning Board.
Traffic. Projected peak hour traffic will not be increased on any servicing road by 25% or more above levels otherwise anticipated at the time of occupancy; provided, however, that a complex increasing traffic by more than that amount may be granted a special permit, provided that the Planning Board determines that traffic mitigation measures assured under the special permit adequately provided for capacity and safety improvements.
Water supply. Servicing the projected water demand for these premises will not result in substantial limitation upon the Town's ability to adequately provide water service to other developed sites in the Town.
Sewage disposal. If proposed to be serviced with public sewerage, providing that service will not result in substantial limitation upon the Town's ability to adequately provide sewage collection and treatment service to other developed sites in the Town.
Individual uses must be located within a district allowing that category of use even if it were not within a major business complex. Major business complexes shall be so designed that all banks exceeding 15° in slope resulting from site grading shall be retained with vegetative cover reasonably sufficient to prevent erosion.
Special permits for major business complexes may be granted subject to conditions requiring the applicant to provide off-site traffic mitigation, including measures to assure safety and adequacy of capacity at points of ingress and egress, and to participate in improvements at other locations in proportion to the development's pro-rated share of the municipal costs for those improvements.