[Adopted 4-11-1963 by Ord. No. 319 (Ch. 10, Part 5, of the 1985 Code of Ordinances)]
A Board of Health is hereby constituted to consist of five members, one of whom shall be a registered physician, to be appointed from time to time by Borough Council. The term of each appointment is to be for five years, except appointments to fill vacancies which shall be for the unexpired term of such vacancy; and further provided that the first appointment by Borough Council under this article shall be five members, one member shall be appointed to serve for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years and one for five years; and thereafter one member shall, in like manner, be appointed each year to serve for five years. Whenever any term of office expires in an even-numbered year, the expiration date shall be at the time of the biennial organization meeting of Borough Council, and whenever the expiration of a term is in an odd-numbered year, the expiration date shall be at the time of the regular January meeting of Borough Council.
The organization meeting of the Board of Health shall be held promptly after the final passage of this article and appointment of its members. Meetings thereafter shall be held at such times and at such places as the Board of Health shall from time to time fix. The meeting held in January of each and every year shall be considered as the annual organization meeting; at which time, the terms of all officers elected and appointed by the Board shall expire and election held and appointments made.
At the organization meeting and each annual meeting thereafter, the Board of Health shall elect from among its members a President and shall also appoint a Secretary, who may or may not be a member of the Board; a Health Officer, who shall not be a member of the Board; a Deputy Health Officer, who shall not be a member of the Board; and a Plumbing Inspector, and may appoint an Assistant Plumbing Inspector, who shall perform such duties as are, from time to time, assigned to them by the Board and shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed by the Board of Health from time to time.
A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for all meetings.
Any and every person who creates, continues or maintains any place or condition detrimental to health, adjudged by the Board of Health to constitute a nuisance, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this article and shall be liable for the expense of the abatement and remedy thereof and be subject to the penalty prescribed for violation of any of the provisions therein. "Nuisances," within the meaning hereof, shall include, without being limited to, pools of stagnant water, faulty water drains, faulty sewers, dead animals, discharge of laundry and kitchen wastes onto streets and alleys, cesspools, privy vaults, stables, accumulations of filth, garbage and rubbish, discharge of industrial wastes or raw sewage into streams, noxious weeds, dense smoke, noxious fumes from industrial plants, stockyards, slaughterhouses, pig sties, use of a common drinking cup, and use of a common towel.
The Board of Health is hereby authorized and empowered to make and adopt such rules and regulations as it may deem proper and necessary for the better protection of public health and the maintenance of cleanliness and sanitary conditions within the Borough and for the enforcement of this article.
All buildings or other structures used for human or animal habitation shall conform to the following standards:
All yards, lawns, courts and private driveways shall be kept free from accumulation of rubbish, which shall include any discarded material, animal, vegetable or mineral, and from vermin and rodent infestation.
Each basement or cellar shall be kept in such physical condition as to prevent accumulations of water and of impure air and shall at all times be fully ventilated and kept free from accumulation of rubbish, which shall include any discarded material, whether animal, vegetable or mineral and from all vermin and rodent infestation.
Every dwelling and every dwelling unit shall be weatherproof and capable of being adequately heated, and the heating equipment in every dwelling or dwelling unit shall be maintained in good order and repair and shall be of a type to be approved by the Building Inspector of the Borough.
All apparatus, implements or devices used for heating purposes or for the cooking of food shall be maintained in good order and repair and shall be of a type to be approved by the Building Inspector of the Borough.
The floors and walls of every dwelling and every dwelling unit shall be kept free from dampness.
Every habitable room in a dwelling or dwelling unit shall contain a window or windows, opening directly to the outside air, and the total area of such window or windows shall not be less than 10% of the floor area of such room. All window sashes shall be glazed and provided with suitable hardware so that such window or windows open to the extent of not less than 5% of the floor area of such room.
No room in any basement or cellar shall be occupied as a habitable room unless:
The clear inner height is at least eight feet;
The uppermost four feet of the required clear inner height is above the average outside ground level; and
The floors and walls are waterproof and damp-proof in accordance with an approved method if in contact with earth. Such waterproofing shall be between the floor or wall finish and the ground.
No room shall be used for sleeping purposes unless there are at least 400 cubic feet of air space and 50 square feet of floor space for each person over the age of 12 years and at least 200 cubic feet of air space and 30 square feet of floor space for each child under the age of 12 years occupying such room. No room used for sleeping purposes shall have a floor area of less than 60 square feet.
The occupancy of any dwelling unit having more than one habitable room shall not exceed an average of 1 1/2 persons per habitable room. For the purpose of this regulation, any child under one year of age shall not be counted and any child more than one year of age but under 12 years of age shall be deemed to be 1/2 person.
In every dwelling unit containing two or more rooms, there shall be running water and at least one sink connected to the public sewer or to an approved sewage disposal system.
There shall be at least one water closet for each 15 persons or fraction thereof occupying a dwelling, which water closet shall be within and accessible from within the building, and there shall be one such toilet or water closet on each floor of the dwelling which is occupied as an apartment.
All plumbing, water closets and other plumbing fixtures in every dwelling or dwelling unit shall be maintained in good order and repair and in accordance with the requirements of the Plumbing Code of the Borough of Trainer, of this article, and of all regulations thereunder.
Every toilet and every bathroom in a dwelling shall be provided with adequate light and ventilation.
Every dwelling and every dwelling unit shall be provided with such receptacles to contain all garbage, rubbish and ashes as may be necessary, and all such receptacles shall at all times be maintained in good order and repair. Receptacles for garbage shall be made of metal, watertight, and provided with tight covers.
There shall be for each dwelling unit a separate access either to a hallway, landing, stairway or street.
All courts, yards or other areas on the premises of every dwelling shall be graded and drained so as to prevent the accumulation of water or waste.
Every dwelling unit shall be provided with a separate toilet or water closets.
It shall be the duty of any person who has knowledge that a dog or other animal has bitten or injured any person in the Borough of Trainer to immediately report the facts and the whereabouts of such dog or other animal, if known, to the Board of Health or to the Police Department, and it shall be the duty of the owner of every such dog or other animal to immediately confine it in such manner as will prevent it from running at large. Upon receipt of such report, the Board of Health or the Police Department shall advise the owner as to the procedure to be followed with respect to the further confinement and examination of the dog or other animal.
It shall be the duty of the owner of any dog or other animal which has bitten or injured any person in the Borough of Trainer to follow the procedures set forth below:
The dog or other animal shall be confined by the owner, for an observation period of 10 days from the date the bite occurred at the home of the owner or at some other location selected by him under the supervision of a duly licensed veterinarian, in such manner as will prevent it from escaping or running at large.
Immediately upon being placed in confinement, the dog or other animal shall be examined by a duly licensed veterinarian employed by the owner. A written report of the results of such examination shall be submitted by the owner or the veterinarian within 24 hours to the Board of Health.
If at any time during the said ten-day observation period, the dog or other animal develops symptoms indicative of rabies, such fact shall be communicated at once to the Board of Health, and the dog or other animal shall immediately be removed to a veterinary hospital acceptable to the Board of Health.
At the end of the said ten-day observation period, the dog or other animal shall again be examined by a duly licensed veterinarian employed by the owner, and a written report of the results of such examination shall be submitted by the owner or the veterinarian within 24 hours to the Board of Health. If the second report reveals no symptoms indicative of rabies, the owner may obtain from the Police Department the hospital receipt for the dog or other animal and it may then be released from confinement.
If at any time after the dog or other animal is placed in the hospital it develops rabies, it shall be disposed of in such manner as the Board of Health shall direct.
It shall be the duty of any person who has knowledge that a dog or other animal in the Borough of Trainer has been bitten or otherwise injured by or been exposed to or been in contact with a dog or other animal infected with or suspected of being infected with rabies to immediately report the facts and the whereabouts of such dog or other animal, if known, to the Board of Health or to the Police Department.
It shall be the duty of any person who has knowledge that a dog or other animal in the Borough of Trainer is infected with or suspected of being infected with rabies to immediately report the facts and the whereabouts of such dog or other animal, if known, to the Board of Health or the Police Department. The provisions of Subsection B hereof shall forthwith be applied to such dog or other animal.
All expenses connected with the confinement and examination of any dog or other animal pursuant to the rules and regulations herein contained shall be paid by the owner of such dog or other animal.
The following diseases are hereby declared to be communicable and dangerous to the public health, viz., actinomycosis, acute anterior poliomyelitis, anthrax, bubonic plague, cerebrospinal meningitis (spotted fever), chicken pox, cholera (Asiatic or epidemic), diphtheria, diphtheritic croup, diphtheritic sore throat, epidemic dysentery, erysipelas, German measles, glanders (farcy), hydrophobia (rabies), leprosy, malarial fever, measles, mumps, pneumonia (true), puerperal fever, relapsing fever, scarlet fever (scarlatina, scarlet rash), small pox (variola, varioloid), tetanus, trachoma, trichiniasis, tuberculosis in any form, typhoid fever, typhus fever, whooping cough and yellow fever, and shall be understood to be included in the following provisions of this section.
Every physician who shall know that any person requiring his or her services professionally in suffering from any of the above-named diseases shall forthwith make a report in writing to the Board of Health upon blanks to be furnished for that purpose by the Board. In case of smallpox, in addition to the card report, the Secretary of the Board of Health shall be immediately notified and he shall immediately notify the State Department of Health. Houses from which cases of variola or varioloid are reported shall be placarded as smallpox. Houses from which cases of membranous croup or diphtheritic croup are reported shall be placarded as diphtheria.
The report, personally signed by the physician, shall be dated and shall state the occupation, nationality, nativity, age, sex, color, and street address of the patient, the disease from which the patient is suffering, the date of onset, the name and occupation of the householder, the number of schoolchildren living in the house and the school attended.
Whenever any householder believes that any person within his family or household, who is not attended by a physician, has a communicable disease dangerous to the public health, he shall immediately report the same to the Board of Health, giving the street and number or location of the house.
Upon receipt by the Board of Health of a report of the existence of any of the following diseases, one or more placards bearing the name of the diseases shall be placed in a conspicuous place or places upon the premises within which the diseases appears, viz., mumps, chicken pox, cholera, diphtheria, German measles, measles, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis (spotted fever), scarlet fever, smallpox, typhoid fever, whooping cough and acute anterior poliomyelitis. In cases of hotels and lodging houses, boardinghouses or tenement houses, in addition to the foregoing provisions, a placard shall be placed upon or near all entrances to the apartment in which the sick person is located.
The following diseases require absolute quarantine: acute anterior poliomyelitis, bubonic plague, cholera, leprosy, smallpox and yellow fever, and quarantine shall be continued until raised by an authorized agent of the Board of Health.
Absolute quarantine includes: first, absolute prohibition of entrance to or exit from a building or conveyance except by officers or attendants authorized by the health authorities, and the placing of guards, if necessary, to enforce this prohibition; second, the posting of a warning placard stating the name of the diseases in a conspicuous place or places on the outside of the building or conveyance; third, the prohibition of the passing out of any object or material from the quarantined house or conveyance; fourth, provision for conveying the necessaries of life, under certain restrictions, to those in quarantine.
The following diseases require modified quarantine: epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever, and relapsing fever.
Modified quarantine includes: first, prohibition of entrance and exit as in absolute quarantine, except against certain members of the family authorized by the health authorities to pass in and out under certain definite restrictions; second, the placing of a placard as before; third, isolation of patient and attendant; fourth, prohibition of the carrying out of any object or material unless the same shall have been thoroughly disinfected.
The wage earner only is allowed, under modified quarantine, to continue work, provided he at no time comes in contact with the patient or enters any room or rooms used by the patient until quarantine has been raised and the room or rooms disinfected, and that he has an outer room set apart where he can change his outer clothing and disinfect exposed surfaces. In permitting householders and wage earners to continue work when cases of diphtheria, scarlet fever, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis (spotted fever), measles, and German measles appear on the premises, it shall be understood that such persons shall not be employed in an establishment maintaining the production, sale or manufacture of fabrics, candy, food products or cigars. If so employed, he shall have the privilege of leaving the premises after taking an antiseptic bath and having his clothing disinfected and shall thereafter remain away from the premises up to the time of the recovery of the last patient and the disinfection of the house.
The period of quarantine in cases of diphtheria shall be 21 days from the date of onset of the disease in the person last so afflicted, or for a period of 14 days from the date of onset of the disease in the person last so afflicted, provided that antitoxin has been used for the treatment of the person or persons so afflicted; and further provided that two negative bacteriological cultures have been secured from the diseased area of the person last so afflicted, on two successive days; said children or persons may, in either event, thereafter, upon the removal of quarantine and disinfection of the premises, be immediately readmitted to any public, private, parochial, Sunday or other school.
The period of quarantine in cases of scarlet fever shall be not less than 20 days from the date of onset of the disease in the person last so afflicted, but in no case, under any circumstances, shall any person be released until the physician has certified in writing that desquamation has entirely ceased.
The period of quarantine in cases of smallpox shall be 30 days from the date of onset of disease in the person last so afflicted, to which shall be added in each case such additional time as may be necessary, in the opinion of the attending physician, for the complete recovery of the patient.
Members of any household in which chicken pox, mumps, or whooping cough exists shall abstain from attending places of public amusement, worship or education and, as far as possible, from visiting other private houses or public gatherings.
The head of a family occupying any house, apartment or premises, or the proprietor of any hotel, boardinghouse, lodging house or tenement house, upon or near which a placard or placards are placed, shall not remove, deface, cover up, or destroy such placard or placards; and if, through accident, atmospheric conditions or other agencies, said placard or placards are destroyed, removed or defaced, the householder or proprietor shall at once notify the Board of Health of the fact.
No person shall let or hire any house or room in a house in which a communicable disease dangerous to the public health has recently existed until the room or house and premises therewith connected have been disinfected to the satisfaction of the Board of Health.
Premises on which are located any of the following diseases will not be placarded or quarantined unless there are unusual conditions which require it for the protection of the public health, viz., erysipelas, hydrophobia, pneumonia, tuberculosis, puerperal fever, tetanus or trachoma.
Upon the removal to the hospital or other place, or upon the discharge by recovery or death of any person or persons who have suffered from anthrax, acute anterior poliomyelitis, bubonic plague, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis (spotted fever), cholera, diphtheria, measles, mumps, scarlet fever, smallpox, typhus fever, leprosy or tuberculosis, the premises where said diseases existed, together with the bedding, clothing and other articles exposed to infection, shall be disinfected by the Board of Health.
No child or other person belonging to or residing with the family, or any person residing in the same house in which any person may be located who is suffering from cholera, smallpox (variola or varioloid), scarlet fever, typhus fever, yellow fever, relapsing fever or leprosy shall be permitted to attend any public, private, parochial, Sunday or other school in the Borough of Trainer, and all principals, Sunday school superintendents or other persons in charge of such schools are hereby required to exclude any and all such children and persons from said schools, such exclusion to continue for a period of 30 days following the discharge by recovery or death of the person last affected in said house or family, or his or her removal to a hospital, and the thorough disinfection of the premises. All such children or other persons as aforesaid, before being permitted to attend or return to school, shall furnish to said principal or other person in charge of said school a certificate signed by the Health Officer or Secretary of the Board of Health, setting forth that the 30 days mentioned in this section have fully expired.
No child or other person who is suffering from epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis (spotted fever), whooping cough, measles, German measles, mumps or chicken pox shall be permitted to attend any public, private, parochial, Sunday or other school, and all principals, Sunday school superintendents or other persons in charge of such schools are hereby required to exclude any and all such children and persons from said schools prior to the receipt of a certificate of disinfection issued by the Health Officer following a receipt of the physician's certificate of recovery and request for disinfection. Other persons living in households where the diseases mentioned in this section exist may be readmitted to school at the end of 21 days from the date of onset of the diseases, if well, and if they have not been exposed to the sick for that length of time, provided they present a certificate of disinfection issued by the Health Officer.
Pupils actually affected with the following diseases shall be excluded from school during the existence of the disease and shall be readmitted upon the physician's certificate attesting to the recovery of the patient, viz., tonsilitis, scabies, pediculosis capitis, pediculosis corporis, tinea circinata, impetigo contagiosa, favus, acute contagious conjunctivitis, trachoma and erysipelas.
All directors, principals, superintendents, teachers or other persons in charge of schools as aforesaid are hereby required to refuse admission of any child to school under their charge or supervision, except upon a certificate signed by a registered physician setting forth that such child has been successfully vaccinated or that the child has previously had smallpox; provided, however, that where two unsuccessful attempts at vaccination have been made and certified to by a physician, the child, before being admitted to school, shall be vaccinated without cost, by or in the presence of the physician of the Board of Health or someone deputized by the Board for the purpose. Following such an attempt, even though unsuccessful, an order shall be issued on a vaccination form by the physician of the Board of Health, or the deputy, requiring the admission of the child to school, such order to be valid for the period of one year only. Provided, further, that in case the attending physician certifies that the physical condition of the child is such as would render the performance of vaccination injurious or unjustifiable, the physician of the Board of Health shall examine the child and if, in the opinion of the physician of the Board of Health, vaccination is advisable, an order shall be issued by him on a vaccination form, requiring the admission of the child to school, such order to be valid for the period of one year only.
The body of a person who has died of any of the diseases requiring absolute quarantine shall not remain unburied for a longer period of time than 36 hours after death, unless special permission be granted by the Board of Health extending the time during which said body may remain unburied for special and satisfactory cause shown. The head of the family and the person or persons having charge of the funeral of such body shall be responsible for any violation of the provisions of this section.
All services held in connection with the funeral of the body of a person who has died of any of the diseases requiring absolute or modified quarantine must be private, and the attendance thereat shall include only the immediate adult relatives of the deceased and the necessary number of adult pallbearers, and any advertisement of such funeral shall state the cause of death. The head of the family and the person or persons having charge of said funeral services shall be responsible for any violation of the provisions of this section.
No meat, fish, bird, fowl, fruit, vegetable, milk or other article of human food not being healthy, fresh, sound, wholesome, fit and safe for such use, nor any animal or fish or any part thereof that died by disease shall be brought within this Borough or offered or held for sale as food anywhere in said Borough.
Regulations of commonwealth. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, or deliver for sale or consumption within the Borough of Trainer milk or its fluid derivatives, except in accordance with the requirements and subject to the conditions prescribed in the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved July 2, 1935, P.L. 589,[1] its amendments and supplements, and except in accordance with regulations of the Advisory Health Board of the Department of Health of the Commonwealth and of the Secretary of Health of the Commonwealth promulgated from time to time in accordance with the authority conferred by the Act hereinbefore referred to, its amendments and supplements, to enforce the provisions thereof.
Editor's Note: See 31 P.S. § 645 et seq.
Raw milk. The sale of raw milk, other than certified raw milk, in the Borough of Trainer is hereby prohibited.
No person shall sell milk within the Borough of Trainer without a license issued by the Board of Health of the Borough of Trainer nor otherwise than in accordance with the terms of such license and with the regulations of the Board of Health of Trainer.
Any person desiring a license to sell milk shall annually make application therefor on a form to be furnished by the Board of Health of Trainer and shall pay to the Board of Health for the use of the Borough the sum of $25 for such license for a full period of one year, a proportional reduction in the fee for the license being made where such license issues after the beginning of the license year. Each license to sell milk shall be valid for one year, or portion thereof, commencing the first day of October or thereafter and expiring the 30th day of September of the year following issuance.
This section shall not apply to persons in charge of hotels, restaurants, soda fountains, boardinghouses, or other places in which milk is served when such milk is to be consumed on the premises thereof and is purchased from one already in lawful possession of a license to sell milk, nor to persons selling or delivering milk direct from a dairy farm to a milk plant.
Bacteriological requirements. Milk sold, offered for sale, or delivered for sale or consumption within the Borough of Trainer shall, unless otherwise stated in the license, be delivered in containers and shall meet the following bacteriological requirements:
"Milk for pasteurization" shall give a standard plate count of not more than 300,000 per cubic centimeter prior to pasteurization.
Pasteurized "A" milk shall give a standard plate count of not more than 50,000 per cubic centimeter prior to delivery to consumer.
Pasteurized milk shall give a standard plate count of not more than 50,000 per cubic centimeter prior to the delivery to the consumer.
Milk handlers.
The Board of Health shall cause all persons who in any manner come in contact with milk to be sold, offered for sale or delivered for sale or consumption within the Borough of Trainer as "pasteurized milk," during or after pasteurization, to be examined for communicable diseases at least annually and as much more frequently, as the Board of Health deems desirable. The medical examination shall be at the expense of the applicant for, or the holder of, the license to sell milk.
Those found free from communicable disease shall be furnished a health certificate in accordance with the regulations of the Board of Health.
Those found to be afflicted with a communicable disease shall be refused employment in any milk plant where pasteurized milk is offered for sale, delivered for sale or consumption within the Borough of Trainer, or is handled.
Samples. Any member, officer or agent of the Board of Health of the Borough of Trainer is hereby authorized to take samples of milk from any building, farm, or vehicle in the Borough of Trainer for the purpose of inspecting, testing or analyzing such milk, upon payment therefor at the usual market rate when payment is demanded.
Regulations of Board of Health. The Board of Health is hereby authorized to make such regulations from time to time as are necessary for the efficient execution of the provisions of this article dealing with milk.
[Amended 12-13-2001 by Ord. No. 636]
Regulations of commonwealth. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation to conduct and operate within this Borough any public eating and/or drinking places unless the same shall comply with the provisions of the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, May 23, 1945 (P.L. 926),[1] entitled: "An Act for the protection of the public health by regulating the conduct and operation of public eating and drinking places within this commonwealth; requiring their licensing; imposing certain duties on the Department of Health of this commonwealth and on the local health authorities; and providing penalties."
Editor's Note: The Public Eating and Drinking Place Law, 35 P.S. § 655.1 et seq., was repealed by 2010, November 23, P.L. 1039, No. 106, effective January 24, 2011. See now the Retail Food Facility Safety Act, 3 Pa.C.S.A. § 5701 et seq.
Inspection. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer, acting through the Board of Health, to have inspection made of all public eating and/or drinking places at least four times a year and more often if he deems it necessary for the purpose of determining whether said eating and/or drinking places comply with the requirements of the aforementioned act.
Licenses. If after inspection as herein provided a public eating and/or drinking place is found to comply with the provisions of this article and has had the necessary physical examination made and health certificate filed with the Board of Health on forms provided, the said Board shall issue a certificate of compliance to the conductor of the said eating and/or drinking place. The Board of Health is hereby authorized to charge an inspection fee in the sum of $50 annually, payable when application for such inspection is filed. All certificates issued shall be for the calendar year or any part thereof and shall expire on December 31 of the year issued and shall not be transferable. All moneys received in payment on the cost of inspection shall be paid into the Borough treasury.
Physical examination. All physical examinations made in compliance with the Act of Assembly, May 28, 1915 (P.L. 642), Section 1, as amended by the Act of Assembly of May 5, 1921 (P.L. 347), Section 1, shall be made by doctors of medicine registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, who shall have previously registered their signature with the Board of Health and who shall further agree to comply with any further rules and regulations which may be adopted by the Board of Health.
Regulations of Borough. The Board of Health is hereby empowered to make such additional rules and regulations governing the conduct of public eating and/or drinking places in this Borough not inconsistent with this article and/or the Act of May 23, 1945 (P.L. 926).
The property, containers and all other equipment of every transient vendor of foodstuffs or beverages, and of every peddler of foodstuffs or beverages, and of every other person, partnership or corporation selling or dispensing foodstuffs or beverages within the Borough of Trainer shall be inspected and licenses issued in the same manner as provided with respect to public eating and/or drinking places by § 140-7, inclusive, hereof.
Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any person who, in any manner whatsoever while engaged in the same or preparation for sale to the public within the Borough of Trainer, handles or comes into contact with baked products, fruit syrup, butter, oleo margarine, imitation butter, cheese, candy, coffee, eggs, ice cream, meat, meat products, poultry, game, fish, lard, oysters, clams and sausage, and the proprietor or any members of the proprietor's family who handles said food.
Any person, partnership, association or corporation engaged in the sale or preparation for sale to the public within the Borough of Trainer certain types of food and food products as hereinafter enumerated.
Prohibited employees. No proprietor shall employ as defined herein any person who is suffering from trachoma, active tuberculosis of the lungs, open skin tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, open external cancer, barber's itch, or who is a typhoid fever carrier, or a carrier of other intestinal infections or of diphtheria.
Certificate of health. Every employee shall obtain a certificate from a registered doctor of medicine, certifying that such person is free from any of the diseases mentioned in Subsection B, and no person shall be employed or permitted to work as aforesaid without having first obtained such a certificate. Said certificate or certificates shall be filed with the Board of Health within five days from the date of said medical examination. The said certificate or certificates shall be valid for a period of six months and may be revoked at any time prior thereto if the condition of such person warrants it.
Physical examination. All physical examinations made in compliance with this article shall be made by doctors of medicine registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who shall have previously registered their signature with the Board of Health and who shall further agree to comply with any further rules and regulations which may be adopted by the Board of Health.
It shall be the duty of the Health Officer acting through the Board of Health to have inspections made at least once every six months of all places where food is sold or prepared for sale for human consumption for the purpose of determining whether compliance has been made with requirements of Subsections B, C and D of this section.
The Board of Health is hereby empowered to make such regulations from time to time as are necessary governing the physical requirements of employees.
No dead animal weighing more than 50 pounds shall be buried within the limits of this Borough.
Wherein in the opinion of the Board of Health it is deemed necessary for the safety of the public, a quarantine against all dogs may be declared by the Board, and such quarantine shall be for not more than 90 days from the date of declaration; and whenever such quarantine shall be declared, all dogs found unmuzzled, unless securely chained or penned up, may be killed by any police or health officer or constable.
All police officers and constables are hereby enjoined, and all citizens are respectfully requested, to give information in writing to the Board of Health of any violation of this article and of all rules and regulations promulgated under the authority thereof, so that the sanitary laws providing for the cleanliness and health of the Borough may be fully executed, and offenders promptly punished.
All property owners, their agents and tenants and occupants shall be jointly and severally responsible for the cleanliness and sanitary conditions in and about property owned or occupied and for the compliance with this article and all rules and regulations made hereunder.
The Board of Health shall have the right to make and enforce all rules and regulations which it deems necessary and proper to enforce the terms of this article and to efficiently provide for the complete execution of all of the provisions of this article or any part thereof.
If any part of this article shall be declared unconstitutional or in violation of statute or for any other reason invalid, it is expressly declared to be the intent of Council that the invalidity of any part of this article shall not affect the remainder of the article, and that the remainder would have been adopted without the invalid portion.
A "dwelling unit," as the words are used in this article, shall be defined as a separate suite of rooms designed for and occupied by one family living separate and apart from other families in the same building.
The Board of Health is hereby authorized and empowered to make and adopt, and change from time to time, a schedule of fees, not inconsistent with the provisions of this article, for the issuance or renewal of licenses and permits and, upon approval thereof by resolution of Council, to collect such fees and pay them over to the Borough Treasurer.
[Amended 11-14-1985 by Ord. No. 549]
In the event of any violation of the provisions of § 140-2 hereof, notice shall be given by the Borough Secretary or by the Secretary of the Board of Health or by the Plumbing Inspector, or by any Borough official, by handing a notice to any adult found in charge of the premises and by posting a notice upon the premises. Such notice shall direct the owner of the premises to abate the nuisance or the violation of this article and to conform to the provisions of this article within 30 days after the posting of such notice. A copy of the said notice shall be sent by registered mail to the owner or owners of the premises to the address at which tax bills are sent according to the most recent tax duplicate.
In the event of failure to comply with the directions in the notice required under this section, the Borough may cause the nuisance to be abated or may make, or may cause to be made, any changes necessary to effect compliance with the terms of this article, and charge the cost thereof jointly and severally to all owners of the premises served by such installation, and in the event of failure to pay the amount of said cost within six months from the date of such notice, the Borough may cause a lien to be filed against the said premises for the amount of such cost, together with a penalty of 10%, with interest at the rate of 6% of the cost per annum, from the date of completion of the work, and may effect collection of the amount of such lien in the manner provided by law for the collection of municipal liens.
Penalties. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 and/or to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days. Every day that a violation of this article continues shall constitute a separate offense.
[Amended 8-11-2005 by Ord. No. 670]