[Adopted 1-13-2000 by Ord. No. 625 (Ch. 1, Part 6B, of the 1985 Code of Ordinances)]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The age attained by the employee at his or her last birthday.
Any January 1 after the effective date.
For police officers hired before January 1, 2015, the average monthly earnings of the member at any time of reference computed over the last 36 months (or for such shorter period as represents the member's total period of continuous employment by the Borough prior to such date of reference), and shall mean for police officers hired on or after January 1, 2015, the average monthly earnings of the member at any time of reference computed over the last 60 months (or for such shorter period as represents the member's total period of continuous employment by the Borough prior to such date of reference). For purposes of computing average applicable compensation, actual monthly earnings shall be based on W-2 earnings in which all forms of earnings are derived from the terms and conditions of the employee's employment.
[Amended 12-14-2017 by Ord. No. 761]
The Borough of Trainer, Delaware County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Based on W-2 earnings in which all forms of earnings are derived from the terms and conditions of the employee's employment.
The Council of the Borough of Trainer.
The person who has primary responsibility for the execution of the administrative affairs of this pension plan, or the designee of that person.
The first day following the date on which the member completes 20 years of service.
Of this article, shall be January 1, 1999.
Any sworn police officer in the full-time employ of the Borough Police Department whose customary employment is for not less than 40 hours a week.
All assets held by the trust under the trust agreement relating to this Police Pension Plan.
Any sworn police officer in the full-time employ of the Borough Police Department who has satisfied the eligibility requirements established in § 40-6 hereof and who is, at the time of reference, or has, prior to their elimination, been making such contributions as may be required pursuant to § 40-7A hereof.
The first day following the date on which the member completes 25 years of service and the date on which the member attains age 50.
The Police Pension Plan for the Borough of Trainer, as herein set forth and as the same may hereafter be amended.
A period of 12 consecutive months commencing on any January 1 and ending on the following December 31.
The aggregate of member's total periods of employment as a full-time employee of the Borough. If a member enters military service, either voluntarily or by conscription, after he has been employed for at least six months, such time spent in the armed forces of the United States during a period of wartime or general military conflict shall be counted as service for purposes of the plan, provided that such member returns to police service with the Borough within six months after his discharge or release from such active duty in the armed forces of the United States. The time spent in military service due to voluntary extension of such military service during a period of peacetime shall not be included as service for the purposes of this plan. Time spent on Reserve or National Guard training shall be included as service for purposes of this plan.
Any condition arising from service-connected illness or injury which precludes an employee from performing the duties associated with the normal occupational requirements of a police officer, as certified by a physician designated by the Borough.
The Council of the Borough of Trainer or any other agency or person appointed by such to serve in that capacity as set forth in the trust agreement.
Whenever applicable as used herein, unless the context specifically provides otherwise, the singular and plural shall be interchangeable, and the masculine and feminine pronoun shall include either sex.
All persons who are employees (as defined in this plan) as of the effective date hereof shall be a member as of the effective date.
Any person who becomes an employee after the effective date hereof shall become a member on the first day of service as an employee.
[Amended 12-12-2002 by Ord. No. 652]
Contributions by members. Member shall pay into the fund at a rate of 5% of compensation. "Compensation," for this purpose, shall be as defined in § 40-5 of the plan. The Council may, on an annual basis, by ordinance or resolution, reduce or eliminate payments into the fund by members. Individual records of contributions by members shall be maintained, including all interest credited to each member's individual account. Interest to be credited shall be 6.5% compounded annually. Interest shall be credited from the end of the plan year in which paid to the end of the month after which a refund becomes payable.
Refund of member's contributions. Any member who for any reason shall be ineligible to receive a pension after having made contributions shall be entitled to a refund of his individual account balance; such refund is payable immediately upon discontinuance of his employment with the police force or within a reasonable time (not more than 45 days after discontinuance). If such discontinuance is due to death, then such refund shall be paid to his designated beneficiary or, in the absence thereof, to his estate. If the disabled or retired member is receiving a benefit by reason of disability or retirement, then the refund payable to the beneficiary is equal to the individual account balance at the date of disability or retirement, less any pension payments made to the member.
Deposits. Contributions by members shall be remitted to the trustee monthly.
State aid. The portion of the payments made by the State Treasurer to the Borough and designated by the Council to be allocated to the Police Pension Fund from money received from taxes paid upon premiums by foreign casualty insurance companies for purposes of pension retirement or disability benefits for policemen shall be used as follows: 1) to reduce the unfunded liability, or, after such liability has been fully funded; 2) to apply against the annual obligation of the Borough for future service costs, or to the extent that the payment may be in excess of such obligations; 3) to reduce member contributions pursuant to § 40-7A hereof.
Borough contributions. Subject to the provisions and limitations set forth in other sections of this plan, the Borough shall contribute the amounts certified to be necessary by the fund's actuary to provide the benefits provided by this plan.
Contributions by members while on military service. The trustee shall continue to contribute to the fund for the officer's benefit for a member who enters the military service during a time of wartime or general military conflict either voluntarily or by conscription shall continue to make contributions to the plan as outlined in § 40-7A based on the compensation in effect on the last day of service with the Borough's Police Department. However, no contributions will be made either by or on behalf of a member who voluntarily extends his military service during peacetime.
Nonintervening military buy back. The plan provides full service credit for each year of military service or fraction thereof, not to exceed five years, to a member who was not employed by the Borough prior to such military service, payable by the member. The member shall pay the amount for the purchase of credit for military service other than intervening military service which shall be computed by applying the average normal cost rate for the plan as certified by the Public Employee Retirement Study Commission, but not to exceed 10%, to the member's average annual rate of compensation over the first three years of service and multiplying the result by the number of years and fractional part of a year of creditable nonintervening military service being purchased, together with interest at the rate of 4 3/4% compounded annually from the date of initial entry into service to the date of payment. A member of the plan shall be eligible to receive service credit for intervening or nonintervening military service, provided that he is not entitled to receive, eligible to receive then or in the future, or is receiving retirement benefits for such service under a retirement system administered and wholly or partially paid for by any other governmental agency, with the exception of a member eligible to receive or who is receiving military retirement pay earned by a combination of active duty and nonactive duty with a Reserve or National Guard component of the armed forces, which retirement pay is payable only upon the attainment of a specified age and period of service under 10 U.S.C. Chapter 67 (relating to retired pay for nonregular service).
Other contributions. The fund shall be authorized to receive, by gift, grant, devise or bequest, any money or property, real, personal or mixed, in trust for the benefit of the fund. The trustee of the fund shall be subject to such directions not inconsistent with this plan as the donors of such funds and property may prescribe.
[Amended 12-12-2002 by Ord. No. 652]
Normal retirement. Each member may retire on or at any time after his normal retirement date. Any member so retiring shall be entitled to receive a monthly pension commencing as of the first day following his date of actual retirement and ending with the payment made as of the first day of the month in which his death occurs. The monthly pension to which such retired member shall be entitled to under this plan shall be equal to 50% of such member's average applicable compensation. In addition to the monthly retirement benefit described above, each member who has completed 26 years of service shall receive an additional monthly pension benefit equal to a maximum of $100 per month.
Early retirement benefit. Each member may retire on or at any time after his early retirement date. Upon termination, the member must file with the Secretary of the Borough a written notice of his intention to elect an early retirement benefit. This benefit shall become effective as of the date of the notice or the date designated in the notice, whichever is later. The amount of the early retirement benefit shall be the actuarial equivalent of a vested retirement benefit as computed in § 40-10A. The actuarial equivalent of the vested retirement benefit shall be determined by actuarially reducing the vested retirement benefit to reflect that it will commence on the effective date of the early retirement rather than on the member's normal retirement date. The actuarial reduction shall be calculated using the actuarial assumptions reported in the last actuarial valuation report filed with the Public Employee Retirement Commission.
Postponed retirement. An employee shall be allowed to continue as an employee beyond his normal retirement date. In such case, the employee shall remain a member of the plan until he actually retires or ceases to be an employee. Any contributions required pursuant to § 40-7A hereof shall continue.
Disability benefit. If a member retires because of a total and permanent disability, he shall be entitled to receive a pension benefit equal to the greater of 75% of his average applicable compensation or 50% of his salary at the time the disability was incurred, offset by social security. This benefit shall continue until his death.
Cost-of-living adjustment. There shall be a cost-of-living increase provided to all members who retire; provided, however, that such cost-of-living increase shall not exceed the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area from the year in which the police officer last worked; provided, further, that in no case shall the total police pension benefits exceed 75% of the salary for computing retirement benefits; provided, further, that the total cost-of-living increase shall not exceed 30%. No cost-of-living increase(s) shall be granted which would impair the actuarial soundness of the plan. All adjustments shall be made in January and calculated on the twelve-month percentage change in the consumer price index as of the previous December.
[Amended 2-14-2002 by Ord. No. 643; 12-12-2002 by Ord. No. 652]
Death benefits if no surviving spouse nor dependent children. If a member dies prior to the commencement of pension benefits, then his designated beneficiary shall be entitled to a refund of his accumulated member contributions with credited interest. If no beneficiary survives, then the refund is payable to the member's estate.
Pension benefit to surviving spouse and dependent children.
If a member dies survived by a spouse or dependent children after having become eligible to receive a pension benefit (i.e., he was eligible because he was already receiving a pension or he met the age and service requirements, but he had not yet retired), then a monthly pension benefit shall be provided.
The amount of the monthly pension benefit shall be 50% of the pension the member was receiving or would have been entitled to receive if he had been retired at the time of his death.
In the event a member dies after completing 12 or more years of service but was not yet eligible for normal retirement or preretirement survivor benefits, the surviving spouse shall act on behalf of the member in selecting the alternative addressed in § 40-10. If a vested benefit is selected, the surviving spouse shall receive 50% of the member's vested monthly benefit commencing on the first day of the month following the member's normal retirement date.
In the event a member dies after completing 20 or more years of service but was not yet eligible for normal retirement or preretirement survivor benefits, the surviving spouse shall act on behalf of the member in selecting the alternative addressed in § 40-8B. If an early retirement benefit is selected, the surviving spouse shall receive 50% of the member's monthly early retirement benefit commencing on the first day of the month following the election of this benefit.
The monthly pension benefit is payable to the surviving spouse until death, then the surviving dependent children under the age of 18 years or, if attending college, under or attaining the age of 23 years. "Attending college" shall mean the eligible children are registered at an accredited institution of higher learning and are carrying a minimum course load of seven credit hours per semester. Dependent children shall include stepchildren, adopted children and any child conceived before the time of the member's death and thereafter born to the member's spouse.
Preretirement survivor benefit. In the event a police employee is killed in service, the police employee's family shall receive the benefits provided for and subject to the terms of Act 51 of 2009,[1] which benefits are paid exclusively by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the exception of any pension benefit to which the police employee was entitled prior to the police employee's death, solely by virtue of the police employee's service with the Borough (i.e., either a normal, early, or vested pension benefit). It is understood that family shall refer to the surviving spouse and dependent children. The benefit is payable to the surviving spouse until death, then to the surviving dependent children under the age of 18 years, or if attending college, under or attaining the age of 23 years.
[Amended 12-14-2017 by Ord. No. 761]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 891 et seq.
If a member leaves the employ of the Borough or ceases to be a member, whether by reason of his transfer, resignation or discharge, or by reason of disability or retirement other than after becoming eligible for benefits pursuant to § 40-8 or 40-9 of this plan, he shall be entitled to a refund of all contributions made by him and then on deposit in the fund, plus interest thereon, computed at the rate described in § 40-7A. However, a member who has completed 12 or more years of service may elect either Subsection A or B as described below:
He may elect to leave his contributions, plus interest in the fund so as to receive a vested pension benefit to start at his normal retirement date. He must file with the Secretary of the Borough within 90 days of the date he ceases to be a full-time police officer a written notice of his intention to vest. The amount of the vested pension benefit shall be (x) divided by (y) where (x) is the number of years of service at the date of termination and (y) is the number of years of service which the member would have had if he worked until normal retirement date, multiplied by the benefits described in § 40-8A. Years of service shall be measured in years and completed months.
He may elect to receive a refund of all contributions made by him and then on deposit in the Trust Fund, plus interest thereon, computed at the rate described in § 40-7A. If he elects to receive the refund of his contributions plus interest, he would forfeit the pension benefit outlined in Subsection A above.
Refund benefits becoming distributable pursuant to § 40-10 and death benefits become distributable pursuant to the provision of § 40-9A shall be paid in the form of a lump-sum distribution.
The normal form of all benefits payable hereunder shall be a pension for the life of the member commencing on the date specified and ending with a payment made on the first day of the month in with the member dies, subject, however, to the payment of a death benefit calculated pursuant to § 40-9B.
It is the duty of the trustee to pay the benefits to members and their beneficiaries, as provided in §§ 40-8, 40-9 and 40-10, in accordance with the instructions received from the Council; provided, however, that the duty of the trustee to make such payments is wholly contingent upon the sufficiency of the fund for such purposes.
The Borough may employ an actuary, investment advisors, counsel or other professional consultants from time to time in connection with the operation of the fund or of this plan. Such persons or entities shall be compensated by the Borough at such rates as may be agreed upon by the Council. Such compensation may be paid from the fund.
The trustee shall make an annual determination of the fair market value of the fund as of the anniversary date and as of such additional dates as the Council may direct. The fair market value of the fund shall be reported to the actuary, who shall calculate the amount to be contributed to the fund by the Borough with respect to each plan year in accordance with the assumptions most recently adopted by the Council for the purpose of such computations; provided, however, that the liability of the Borough to make such contributions is subject to all of the conditions and limitations set forth elsewhere in this plan.
The plan shall be administered by the Council of the Borough of Trainer. The Council shall make and adopt rules and regulations for the efficient administration of the plan.
The Council shall keep all data, records and documents pertaining to the administration of the plan, and shall execute all documents necessary to carry out the provision of the plan, and shall provide all such data, records and documents to the professionals whose services are employed pursuant to § 40-12B of this plan.
The Council shall construe the plan, shall determine any questions or fact arising under the plan and shall make all decisions required of it under the plan. Decisions and actions taken thereon in good faith shall be final and conclusive. It may correct any defect or supply any omission or reconcile any inconsistency in such manner and to such extent as it shall be the sole judge of such expediency. The Council shall act uniformly with respect to matters coming before it concerning employees in similar circumstances.
The members of the Council, and each of them, shall be free of all liability for any act or omission except by willful misconduct or gross negligence, and each of them shall be fully indemnified by the Borough against all judgments not involving findings of their respective personal or collective willful misconduct or gross negligence and against all cost, including counsel fees, incurred in defense of actions brought against them.
The Council shall make available to members, retired members and terminated members and to their beneficiaries, for examination during business hours, such records as do pertain to the person examining.
To enable the Council to perform its function, the Borough administration shall supply full and timely information to it on all matters relating to the pay of all members, their retirement, death, termination of employment and such other pertinent facts as the Council may require.
The Council shall enact such rules and regulations for the conduct of its business and for the administration of the plan as it may consider desirable, provided the same shall not be in conflict with any of the provisions of the plan. All actions of the Council which shall be taken at meetings at which at least four members shall be present, or by written resolutions concurred in by not less than four of its members, shall be the action of the entire Council. Written minutes shall be kept of the meetings and action of the Council.
The Secretary, acting on behalf of the Council, shall have the power to execute all documents necessary to carry out the actions of the Council, and any person, partnership, corporation or government agency shall accept such documents over such signature or signatures as if executed by the Council.
It is the expectation of the Borough that it will continue this pension plan indefinitely, and will, from time to time, contribute to the fund such amounts as may be needed to provide the benefits set forth in the plan.
The provisions of any ordinance establishing, amending, or maintaining the plan shall not be a charge on any other fund in the treasury of the Borough or under its control, save the Uniformed Employees Pension Fund herein provided for.
Nothing contained in the plan shall be held or construed as a contract or guarantee of employment nor to create any liability upon the Borough to retain any person in its service. The Borough reserves the full right to discontinue the service of any person without any liability except for salary or wages that may be due and paid, whenever in its judgment its best interests so require, and such discontinuance shall be without regard to this plan.
The Borough may amend this plan from time to time as is necessary to maintain its actuarial soundness and to incorporate changes in plan benefits or entitlements. However, no amendment shall be made which will, in any manner, divert any part of the fund to any purpose other than the exclusive benefit of members or their beneficiaries (except that, upon termination, such diversion may be made after all of the fixed and contingent liabilities to members and their beneficiaries have been met), nor shall any amendment be made at any time which will in any manner divest any benefit then vested in a member or reduce or eliminate a benefit to which a member has been given an expectation by virtue of pension ordinance or pension calculations for retiring officers who retired during the member's participation in this plan.
In the event of termination of this plan, the Council shall allocate the assets then remaining in the fund as follows:
Sufficient funds shall be maintained to provide the pension benefits prescribed in § 40-7 for all members who have retired prior to termination or who are eligible for retirement at the time of the termination of this fund.
Contributions with interest at a rate established by the Council as provided in § 40-9 shall be refunded to any and all members who terminate service at the time of the termination of the fund.
Of the remaining funds, those which can be identified as municipality contributions or contributions other than from members or from the commonwealth allocation shall be distributed as the Council sees fit, provided that such distribution is in compliance with § 40-12.
All funds in excess of the funds described in Subsection B(1), (2) and (3) above shall be returned to the commonwealth as unused funds pursuant to the act of May 12, 1943, P.L. 259, as amended, 72 P.S. § 2263.1 et seq.
No benefit under this plan shall be subject in any manner to anticipation, alienation, sale, transfer, assignment, pledge or encumbrance, nor to seizure, attachment or other legal process for the debts of any member or member's beneficiary. This provision shall not apply to a "qualified domestic relations order" defined in the Internal Revenue Code § 414(p), and those other domestic relations orders permitted to be so treated by the Council under the provisions of the Retirement Equity Act of 1984. The Borough shall establish a written procedure to determine the qualified status of domestic relations orders to administer distributions under such qualified orders. Further, to the extent provided under a qualified domestic relations order, a former spouse of a member shall be treated as the spouse or surviving spouse for all purposes under this plan.
Any person dealing with the Borough may rely upon a copy of this plan and any amendments thereto certified to be true and correct by the trustee.
In no circumstances, whether upon amendment or termination of this plan or otherwise, shall any part of the fund be used or diverted to any purpose other than the exclusive benefit of members or their beneficiaries until all of the actuarial obligations to such member or member's beneficiaries have been met.
If the Council deems any person incapable of receiving benefits to which he is entitled by reason of minority, illness, infirmity or other incapacity, it may make payment directly for the benefit of such person to the guardian or trustee for said person, whose receipt shall be complete acquittance therefor. Such payment shall, to the extent therefor, discharge all liability of the Borough or the fund.
Should any provision of this plan be determined to be void by any court, the plan will continue to operate and, to the extent necessary, will be deemed not to include the provision determined to be void.
Headings and captions provided herein are for convenience only and shall not be deemed part of the plan.
This plan shall be construed and applied under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania where not in conflict with federal laws, which shall prevail.
This article repeals all other ordinances prior to the date of its enactment.
[Added 12-10-2015 by Ord. No. 747[1]]
Title. This section shall be known as the "Trainer Police Act 44 Retirement Program."
Definitions. When used in this section, the below words shall have the meaning indicated.
The pension payments plan approved by the Pennsylvania Legislature September 18, 2009, amending Title 53 as it relates to Municipal Police Pension Plans.
Separate account created to accept an Act 44 Plan participant's monthly pension check while an Act 44 Plan participant, as well as any interest thereon.
Borough of Trainer, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
The Municipal Police Pension Plan.
A police officer who meets the eligibility for and has executed the proper documents for participation in Act 44 Plan and has had such application approved by the Borough.
Police officers of the Police Department.
Eligibility. Eligibility for the Act 44 Plan shall be determined as follows: Police officers who have not retired prior to the implementation of the Act 44 Plan program may enter into the Act 44 Plan program on the first day of any month following completion of 25 years of credited service and attaining the age of 50. If the officer completed 25 years of credited service and attained the age of 50 prior to the enactment of this section, then the effective date of entry may be the date they completed 25 years of credited service and attained the age of 50, but the date may not be earlier than January 1, 2015.
Written election. Eligible officers who wish to be participants in the Act 44 Plan program must signify that intention in writing as follows:
A police officer electing to participate in the Act 44 Plan program must complete and execute an Act 44 Plan participation election form prepared by the Borough, which shall evidence the member's election to participate in the Act 44 Plan. The form must be signed by the police officer and be notarized and submitted prior to the date on which the member wishes Act 44 Plan participation to commence. The Act 44 Plan participation election form shall include an irrevocable notice to the Borough, by the police officer member, that the police officer shall resign from employment with the Police Department effective on a specific date (the "resignation date"). In no event shall the resignation date be longer than 60 months from the date entry into the Act 44 program. No member shall be permitted to remain in the program beyond age 70. A police officer shall cease to work as a police officer on the officer's resignation date, unless the Borough properly terminates or honorably discharges the officer prior to the resignation date. In addition, upon providing the ninety-day notice to the Borough, which may be waived by the Borough in its sole discretion, a participant may resign from employment while in Act 44 Plan status.
[Amended 12-14-2017 by Ord. No. 761; 1-13-2023 by Ord. No. 777]
In addition to the above information, the Act 44 Plan participation election form shall also advise the employee of the following: 1) an explanation of the participant's rights and obligations while in the Act 44 Plan; 2) that, as a condition of Act 44 Plan participation, the participant foregoes active participation in the Police Pension Plan and foregoes any recalculation of pension benefits to include salary increases, or on account of injury in the course of duty, or otherwise, occurring after Act 44 Plan participation commences; and 3) that the Act 44 Plan participant's service while in Act 44 Plan will not count as pension service nor will it entitle a participant to any service increment benefits to which the participant was not entitled prior to commencing Act 44 Plan participation. An Act 44 Plan participant must also complete all necessary and appropriate retirement documents required by the Police Pension Plan Administrator, and such documents must be filed and presented to the Borough for approval of retirement and payment of pension, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Once an Act 44 Plan participation election form has been approved by the Borough, it is irrevocable. Likewise, once an Act 44 Plan participant enters the Act 44 Plan program, the participant may not subsequently leave and then reenter the Act 44 Plan, even if the employee separates from employment and subsequently begins employment with the Borough again.
Benefit calculation. For all retirement Fund purposes, continuous service of a police officer participating in the Act 44 Plan shall remain as it existed on the effective date of commencement of participation in the Act 44 Plan. Service thereafter shall not be recognized or used for the calculation or determination of any benefits payable by the Borough Police Pension Plan. The average monthly compensation of the police officer for pension calculation purposes shall remain as it existed on the effective date of commencement of participation in the Act 44 Plan, calculated over the sixty-month period prior to the officer's entry into the Act 44 Plan for any member hired on or after January 1, 2015 and 36 months for any member hired before January 1, 2015. Earnings or increases in earnings thereafter shall not be recognized or used for the calculation or determination of any benefits payable by the Pension Plan. The pension benefit payable to the members shall increase only as a result of cost of living adjustments in effect on the effective date of the member's participation in the Act 44 Plan or by applicable cost of living adjustments granted thereafter.
Accumulation of the Act 44 Plan account. The monthly retirement benefits that would have been payable had the police officer elected to cease employment and receive a normal retirement benefit, shall, upon the police officer commencing participation in Act 44 Plan, accumulate to the benefit of that officer and be paid into that police officer's Act 44 Plan account. Participants shall not have the option of self-directed investment of their individual Act 44 Plan account while in the Act 44 Plan. Instead, the monies shall be invested in a fund to be identified and selected solely by the Borough so as to generate a rate of return of no less than 0% and no more than 4.5%.
Accrual of non-pension benefits. After a police officer elects to participate in the Act 44 Plan program, all other contractual benefits shall continue to accrue with the exception of those provisions relating to the Police Pension Plan.
Payout. Upon separation from employment, the Act 44 Plan payout options available to the Act 44 Plan participant shall be as follows:
The balance of the Act 44 Plan participant's account, less withholding taxes, if any, remitted to the Internal Revenue Service, shall be paid to the participant or the participant's surviving beneficiary; or
The balance of the Act 44 Plan participant's account shall be paid directly to the custodian of an eligible retirement plan as defined by Internal Revenue Code § 402(c)(8)(b), or in the case of an eligible rollover distribution to the surviving spouse of a deceased Act 44 Plan participant, an eligible retirement plan that is an individual retirement account or an individual retirement annuity as defined by Internal Revenue Code § 402(c)(9).
If the Act 44 Plan participant or beneficiary fails to make an election within 60 days following the date of termination of Act 44 Plan participation, then the Borough shall implement Subsection H(1) above.
Service-connected disability during Act 44 Plan. If an Act 44 Plan participant becomes temporarily incapacitated during his participation in Act 44 Plan, that police officer shall continue to participate in the Act 44 Plan program as if fully employed. The police officer shall receive disability pay in the same amount as disabled police officers that are not participating in Act 44 Plan. In no event shall a police officer on temporary disability have the ability to draw from his Act 44 Plan account. However, notwithstanding any other provision in this subsection, if a police officer is disabled and has not returned to work as of the date of his required resignation, then such resignation shall take precedence over all other provisions herein and said officer shall be required to resign. Nothing contained in this plan shall be construed as conferring any legal rights upon any police officer or other person to a continuation of employment, nor shall participation in the Act 44 Plan Program supersede or limit in any way the right of the Borough to honorably discharge a police officer based upon an inability to perform his or her full duties as a police officer. If an Act 44 Plan participant becomes eligible for a disability pension and his employment is terminated due to an inability to continue in service on grounds that render him eligible for a service-connected disability pension, the monthly normal retirement benefit of the Act 44 Plan participant shall end. The monthly retirement benefits of the Act 44 Plan participant shall be reclassified as being on account of a service-connected disability. An Act 44 Plan participant's monthly retirement benefit shall not be recalculated (i.e., the benefit shall remain at 50%, as calculated at the time of entry into the plan, subject to applicable cost-of-living adjustments).
Death. If an Act 44 Plan participant dies, the participant's eligibility for Act 44 Plan shall terminate upon the date of death. In such case, if the Act 44 Plan account balances have not yet been paid out, the participant's legal beneficiary shall have the same rights and options as the participant to withdraw/roll over the account balance.
Forfeiture of benefits. Notwithstanding a police officer's status as an Act 44 Plan participant, a current or former participant who is convicted or pleads guilty to engaging in criminal misconduct which constitutes a "crime related to public office or public employment," as that phrase is defined in Pennsylvania's Pension Forfeiture Act, 43 P.S. §§ 1311-1314, shall forfeit his right to receive a pension, including any amounts currently deposited in the Act 44 Plan account. In such a case, the participant shall only be entitled to receive the contributions, if any, made by the participant to the Police Pension Fund, without interest.
Cost of management for Act 44 Plan Program. The police officers and the Borough agree that any costs or fees associated with the management of the Act 44 Plan accounts shall be paid directly and solely from the pension fund and not by the Borough.
Amendment. Any amendments to the Act 44 Plan Ordinance shall be consistent with the provisions covering individual retirement option plans set forth in any applicable collective bargaining agreement and shall be binding upon all future Act 44 Plan participants and upon all Act 44 Plan participants who have balances in their individual retirement option accounts. The Act 44 Plan may only be amended by a written instrument, not by any oral agreement or past practice.
Construal of provisions. A police officer's election to participate in the Act 44 Plan program shall in no way be construed as a limitation on the Borough's right to suspend or to terminate a police officer for just cause or to grant the police officer an honorable discharge based upon a physical or mental inability to perform his or her duties.
Severability. The provisions of the Act 44 Plan program shall be severable, and if any of its provisions shall be held to be unconstitutional or illegal, the validity of any of the remaining provisions of the Act 44 Plan program shall not be affected thereby. It is hereby expressly declared as the intent of the Borough that the Act 44 Plan program would have been adopted had such unconstitutional or illegal provision or provisions not been included herein.
Effective date. The effective date of the Act 44 Plan program shall be the date the Borough approves the collective bargaining agreement, which references the creation of this Act 44 Plan.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided as follows: "Section II. Superannuation retirement for employees hired after December 31, 2014. As part of the collective bargaining agreement, the parties agreed to changes to the Pension Plan's superannuation retirement benefit provided for in Act 600. Therefore, the Police Pension Plan for the Borough of Trainer is amended as follows: As to police officers hired after December 31, 2014, the final average salary for superannuation retirement benefits shall be calculated over the last 60 months of employment."