Telecommunications facilities, including towers, antennas and
associated structures and equipment, may have profound effects on
the environment and character of communities such as Bethlehem and
on the health, safety and welfare of its residents. Therefore, such
facilities must be carefully and thoughtfully regulated.
The intent of this chapter is to make provisions, with due consideration
given to the Telecommunications Act of 1996, to permit the location
of telecommunications facilities in the Town of Bethlehem while protecting
the public health, safety, welfare and environment, all in accordance
with C.G.S. § 7-148. Specific objectives are as follows:
A. To accommodate the need for telecommunications facilities, while
regulating their location and number and reducing their impact on
the surrounding community.
B. To minimize the adverse environmental (including visual) effects
of towers, antennas and facilities through careful design, siting
and vegetative screening; use of existing structures such as silos
and church steeples; and the use of other visual buffering methods
as camouflage towers.
C. To encourage shared or joint use of towers and facilities.
D. To reduce the number of antennas or towers needed in the future.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
following meanings:
Any device used to receive or to transmit electromagnetic
waves and includes, without limitation, whip antennas, dish antennas
and panel antennas.
The area within which a tower could potentially land if it
were to fall.
Any device used to receive electromagnetic waves from one
or more points and to transmit those waves to one or more other points.
A structure that is intended to support equipment used to
receive or transmit electromagnetic waves.
No telecommunications facility shall be constructed, altered
or expanded within the Town of Bethlehem without a permit. Applications
for such permits shall be filed with the Board of Selectmen, who shall
determine whether the proposed facility complies with the provisions
of this chapter. The following requirements shall apply to all applications
for telecommunications facilities:
A. A detailed site development plan will be presented which will include
an A-2 survey. Plans for any tower shall include field-developed topographic
details, at a contour interval no greater than five feet, of the proposed
tower location and all land within a horizontal distance equivalent
to 150% of the height of the tower. The plan will also include, among
other appropriate items, the following:
(1) Detailed architectural, engineering and construction plans, including
complete elevation details for all improvements contemplated as part
of the application.
(2) A detailed soil and erosion control plan.
(3) Detailed driveway access construction plans, including, among other
items, drainage and utility plans.
(4) Detailed proposed landscaping plans prepared by a licensed landscape
(5) The location of the fall zone.
B. Details of proposed antenna and mounting equipment, including size
and color.
C. Elevations of all proposed and existing screening and details of
materials, including color.
D. Elevations of all proposed equipment buildings or boxes, and details
of all proposed fencing, including color.
E. A preliminary design drawing, including cross sections and elevations
of any proposed tower; a description of the tower's capacity,
including the number and type of antennas it can accommodate as well
as the proposed location of all mounting positions for co-located
antennas and the minimum separation distances between antennas.
F. A structural analysis of the tower certified by a registered professional
engineer demonstrating the adequacy of the design to support the required
load and indicating any additional capacity provided for co-located
antennas. If a predesigned breakpoint has been incorporated, an illustration
of how the tower will collapse shall be provided as well.
G. A report from a licensed engineer certifying that the installation
of the proposed telecommunications facilities will not interfere with
public safety communications.
H. Any additional information reasonably required by the Board of Selectmen,
including but not limited to:
(1) An environmental assessment of the facility and/or access road.
(2) Radio frequency power density modeling and/or testing data.
(3) A structural analysis of tower capacity.
I. Documentation regarding the availability of any existing or approved
telecommunications tower or other structure within the search area
ring (one-fourth-mile radius) that meets the needs of the applicant,
with particular regard to proposed towers.
J. A map depicting the extent of the provider's planned coverage
within the Town of Bethlehem and the service area of the proposed
K. Upon request of the Board of Selectmen, the applicant shall provide
a simulation of the proposed telecommunications facility in order
to help the Board of Selectmen ascertain the visual impacts associated
with such proposal. If such a simulation is required, public notice
of the time and place of such balloon elevation, and an alternate
date in the case of unfavorable weather conditions, shall be published
in the form of a legal advertisement appearing in a newspaper having
a substantial circulation in Bethlehem at least seven days before
the elevation of such balloon.
L. Certain areas of special investigation and consideration may require
additional information to be supplied as part of the application process
for any proposed telecommunications facility, and such information
may be requested by the Board of Selectmen. These areas include the
area within a one-half-mile radius of the Town Office Building, and
within a one-half-mile radius of each of the three operating airports
within Bethlehem and located at 249 Hard Hill Road North, 78 Thomson
Road and 337 Crane Hollow Road.
The Board of Selectmen may require a cash bond, to be administered
by the Town Treasurer, against the restoration plan and any special
landscaping or erosion control required as a condition of approval.
Any permit granted hereunder will expire six months after cessation
of use.