Legislative intent. The preservation and improvement of the quality of the natural and human-made environment within the Village of Dobbs Ferry, in the face of population growth, urbanization and technologic change with their accompanying demands on natural resources found to be increasing, are of vital importance to the health, welfare and economic well-being of present and future inhabitants and require forthright action by the governing body of the Village of Dobbs Ferry. It is recognized that the biotic integrity of the natural environment on which man depends for survival and the natural and functional beauty of our surroundings which condition the quality of our life experience cannot be protected without the full cooperation and participation of all the people of the Village working in partnership with local and state officials and with various public and private institutions, agencies and organizations. Establishment of a board for conservation, development, management and protection of natural resources is a necessary step in fostering unified action on environmental problems.
Establishment and organization.
In accordance with the findings set forth above, there is hereby established in the Village of Dobbs Ferry a Conservation Advisory Board (CAB), to consist of nine members appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. All members of the CAB shall be residents of the Village with an interest in the improvement and preservation of environmental quality.
One member of the Village Board of Trustees, the Chairman of the Planning Board, the Village Attorney and other officials that may be designated by the Mayor to serve as liaisons to the CAB.
CAB members shall serve three-year terms.
The Mayor shall select one of the members of the CAB to serve as Chairperson, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. The CAB shall elect among its members a Secretary.
If a vacancy shall occur otherwise than by expiration of term, the Mayor shall appoint a new member for the unexpired term.
Powers and duties. The CAB shall have the following powers and duties:
To adopt rules and regulations for its operation.
To advise the Village Board of Trustees and other boards on matters affecting the preservation, development and use of the natural and man-made features and conditions of the Village so as to enhance the long-range value of the environment to the people of the Village.
To advise the Mayor and Board of Trustees regarding the maintenance of properties deeded or otherwise conveyed to the Village in accordance with the open space requirements of cluster developments.
To develop and conduct a program of public information in the community to foster increased understanding of the nature of environmental problems and issues and support for their solutions. The Board of Trustees shall approve any such program by resolution prior to public information activities.
To conduct studies, surveys and inventories of the natural and man-made features within the Village of Dobbs Ferry as may be necessary to carry out the general purposes of this chapter.
To maintain an up-to-date inventory of all open space in public or private ownership within the Village, including but not limited to natural landmarks, glacial and other geomorphic or physiographic features, streams and their floodplains, swamps, marshlands and other wetlands, unique biotic communities, scenic and other open areas of natural or ecological value, and of the ownership, present use and proposed use of open areas, so as to provide a base of information for recommendations by the CAB for their preservation and/or use.
To seek to coordinate, assist and unify the efforts of private groups, institutions and individuals within the Village of Dobbs Ferry in accord with the purposes of this chapter.
To maintain liaison and communications with public and private agencies and organizations of local, state and national scope whose programs and activities have an impact on the quality of the environment or who can be of assistance to the CAB.
Pursuant to referrals as provided in this chapter, to recommend from time to time to the Village Board of Trustees features, plans and programs relating to environmental improvement for inclusion in the Vision Plan of the Village of Dobbs Ferry and, similarly, recommend to the Village Board of Trustees appropriate and desirable changes in existing local laws and ordinances relating to environmental control or recommend new local laws and ordinances.
To prepare, print and distribute books, maps, charts and pamphlets in accord with the purposes of this chapter.
To obtain and maintain maps, reports, books and other publications to support the necessary researches of the CAB into local environmental conditions.
Upon request of the Board of Trustees, to investigate and make recommendations with respect to the acceptance, by gift, grant, devise, bequest or otherwise, of property, both real and personal.
To review each application received by the Village seeking approval for the use or development of any open space property listed on the Open Space Inventory of the Village (the "inventory") adopted by the Board on August 23, 1999, as amended. The CAB shall submit a timely written report to the referral body. Such report shall evaluate the proposed use or development of open space property in terms of the recommendations of the Open Space Inventory Report and Vision Plan and shall include an analysis of the effect of such use or development on the inventory. The report shall make recommendations as to the most appropriate use or development of the open space property and may include preferable alternative-use proposals consistent with open space goals. A copy of every report shall be filed with the Board of Trustees.
To periodically recommend to the Board of Trustees revisions to the inventory.
To request the opinion of outside experts, including the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York, in the preparation of any report.
To carry out such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Board of Trustees.
Expenses. The Board of Trustees shall make such appropriation as reasonable and necessary for the operation of the Conservation Advisory Board, including but not limited to the hiring of counsel, experts, clerks and secretary, which shall be paid by the applicant in accordance with Article XVI.