The speed limit on all roads and parking lots shall be 15 miles per hour and shall be clearly posted.
Entrance to area. Traffic into the area shall be by the easternmost entrance in front of the Senior High School from Laubach Avenue and also from Ida Smith Lane and Stadium Drive behind the Junior High School.
Drives around schools.
The drive in front of the Senior High School building shall be one way traveling from south to north.
The drive around the front of the Junior High School shall be one way from the place where it branches to the right from the Laubach Avenue entrance. It shall continue one way to Stadium Drive.
The drive between the Junior and Senior High Schools shall also be one way from the place at which it branches from the Laubach Avenue entrance to the parking lot behind the Senior High School building.
That portion of the drive around the Junior High School between the entrance to the parking lot referred to in the above subsection and Stadium Drive shall be two ways. Stadium Drive shall continue to be two ways.
Exits. There shall be two exits from the area of the secondary schools. One of these is the western drive to Laubach Avenue in front of the Senior High School. The other is Stadium Drive and Ida Smith Lane behind the Junior High School.
Signs which meet the requirements of the new Pennsylvania Vehicle Code shall be posted as recommended by the Police Department of the Borough of Northampton. These signs shall include one-way traffic signs, 15 mph signs, signs indicating that traffic rules are enforced by Borough Police, stop signs, and no parking signs.
The above "one-way" regulations shall apply to all vehicles except school buses, which shall be permitted to travel in the opposite direction from those posted in the afternoon when picking up students at the Junior High School. School buses also shall be permitted to exit to Laubach Avenue on the drive which is otherwise posted for one-way entrance.
This exception to the one-way street does not provide for an exception to the speed limit which shall apply equally to buses.
Signs indicating no parking because of interference with the use of fire-fighting equipment are to be installed at locations specified by the Northampton Fire Department. Enforcement of these no-parking areas for all vehicles shall also be subject to the control of the Northampton Borough Police.
Fines for violations of this article will be the same as for similar violations listed in other articles of this chapter.