In addition to the goals presented in the general purpose and
the community development objectives sections of this chapter, the
purpose of this district is to provide a unified area, designed according
to a plan of highway-related enterprises which will serve the regional
needs of this area. An additional major purpose of this district is
to ensure a safe and efficient movement of vehicular traffic along,
onto, and off of U.S. Route 202, recognizing its importance as a major
highway serving traffic traveling through the region, especially in
terms of off-premises outdoor advertising.
The following regulations shall apply to all uses permitted
by right and special exception in the C-2 District:
A. Minimum lot area: one acre.
B. Minimum lot width: 200 feet at building setback line; in addition,
200 feet at future right-of-way line of Route 202.
C. Maximum building coverage: 35%.
D. Maximum other impervious surface area: 70%.
E. Minimum front yard setback: 40 feet for any building or parking area.
F. Minimum side yards:
Fifteen feet minimum for each, except 50 feet from the future
right-of-way line of Route 202.
G. Minimum rear yard: 40 feet.
H. Maximum building height: three stories, not to exceed 38 feet.
I. Any accessory use or structure shall be located in compliance with
front, side and rear yard requirements of this district.
The following design standards shall apply:
A. Screening: as required by §
170-1508 of this chapter.
B. Storage: as required by §
170-1509 of this chapter.
C. Landscaping: as required by §
170-1507 of this chapter.
E. Interior circulation: as required by §
170-1513 of this chapter.
F. Lighting: as required by §
170-1514 of this chapter.
G. Off-street parking and loading: as required by Article
XVII of this chapter.
H. Signs: as required by Article
XVIII of this chapter.
In addition to the requirements of §
170-1508 of this chapter, there shall be a forty-foot buffer strip maintained on the property containing any use authorized within this district, when such use abuts any A/C, R-1, R-2, or R-3 District. Such buffer strip shall be in addition to any and all applicable area and bulk regulations, including setback regulations. The buffer strip shall be planted and shall not include any paved area.