These regulations are adopted under the authority granted by
§§ 60.62, 61.35, 62.23(7) and 66.0103, Wis. Stats.,
the Town Board having been granted Village Board powers of a continuing
nature by the Town Meeting held on April 4, 1972. This chapter may
be referred to as the "Adult-Oriented Establishments" and is hereby
adopted as part of the Code of the Town of Trenton, Washington County,
Wisconsin, pursuant to § 66.0103, Wis. Stats.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
A retail establishment that has as 30% or more of its business
sale or rental.
Publications which are distinguished or characterized by their
emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to specified
anatomical areas or specified sexual activities, as defined in this
section; and/or
Sexually oriented devices, as defined in this section.
As used in this definition, publications include, by way of
illustration, books, magazines, other periodicals, movies, videotapes,
DVDs, and other products offered in photographic, electronic, magnetic,
digital, or other imaging medium.
Any of the following shall be indicia that an establishment
has as one of its principal business purposes the sale or rental of
publications which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis
on matter depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities
or genitals, as defined in this section, and/or sexually oriented
devices, as defined in this section:
The business advertises the sale or rental of adult publications,
including x-rated movies and/or sexually oriented devices;
Access by persons under 18 years of age to the business establishment
or portions of the business establishment is restricted;
Signs or notices are posted outside and/or inside the business
establishment indicating that the material offered for sale or rental
might be offensive;
The building or portion of the building containing the business
establishment does not have windows or has windows that are screened
or otherwise obstructed or are situated in a manner that restricts
visual access from outside the building to materials displayed within
for sale or rental;
The above factors shall be considered along with all other factors
and available information.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a general circulation video store
that does not offer for sale any sexually oriented devices shall not
constitute an "adult bookstore" even though it offers for sale and/or
rental videotapes or DVDs which are distinguished or characterized
by their emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified
anatomical areas or specified sexual activities, as defined in this
section, so long as:
Such described videotapes or DVDs are stocked and displayed
in a room separate from the area of the business establishment where
general circulation videotapes or DVDs are stocked and displayed;
Access by persons under 18 years of age to the room where such
described videotapes or DVDs are stocked and displayed is restricted;
The square footage of the separate room where such described
videotapes or DVDs are stocked and displayed is no more than 10% of
the square footage of the area where general circulation videotapes
or DVDs are stocked and displayed; and
The general circulation videotapes or DVDs portion of the business
establishment offers a quantity and selection of new release general
circulation videotapes or DVDs that is typical of a general circulation
video store and offers a quantity and selection of other general circulation
videotapes or DVDs that are organized and displayed in a manner that
is typical of a general circulation video store.
An establishment that regularly features dancers or other
entertainers who provide live adult entertainment, including floor
shows, exotic dancing, or similar entertainment and engage in a private
performance, act as private models, display or expose the specified
anatomical areas to a patron or customer, or wear or display to a
customer any covering, tape, pastie, or other device which simulates
or gives the appearance of the display or exposure of any specified
anatomical area.
Any three-dimensional object designed and marketed for stimulation
of the male or female human genitals, anus, female breast, or for
sadomasochistic use or sexual abuse of oneself or others and shall
include devices such as dildos, vibrators, and penis pumps. Nothing
in this definition shall be construed to include devices primarily
intended for protection against sexually transmitted diseases or for
preventing pregnancy.
Less than completely and opaquely covered:
Human genitals, pubic region; or
Showing the areola or nipple of a female breast.
Human male genitals in a discernible turgid state, even if opaquely
Simulated or actual:
Showing of human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or
Acts of masturbation, sexual intercourse, sodomy, bestiality,
necrophilia, sadomasochistic abuse, fellatio, or cunnilingus;
Fondling or erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region,
or areola or nipple of a female breast;
Excretory functions, as part of or in connection with any of the activities set forth in Subsections
A through
C above.
Adult-oriented establishments shall only be a permitted use in the M-l Zoning District under the Town of Trenton Code, §
380-27. The restrictions of §
G and
H shall not apply for adult-oriented establishment use. Accordingly, adult-oriented establishments may be operated or maintained only within the M-1 Zoning District.
No adult-oriented establishment shall be open between the hours
of 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, or between the
hours of 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.
The sale, use, or consumption of any alcoholic beverages, fermented
malt beverages, or intoxicating liquors on the premises of an adult
cabaret is prohibited.
Any person, partnership, or corporation found to have violated
any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction of such violation,
be subject to a penalty of a civil forfeiture of not less than $10
nor more than $500, together with costs of prosecution. Each violation
and each day a violation continues or occurs shall constitute a separate
offense. Nothing in this chapter shall preclude the Town from maintaining
any appropriate action to prevent or remove a violation of any provision
of this chapter.
If any provision of this chapter is deemed invalid or unconstitutional
by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality
shall not affect the other provisions of this chapter.
All public and private schools, as defined in Chapter
115 of the Wisconsin Statutes, are exempt from obtaining a license hereunder when instructing pupils in sex education as part of the curriculum.
All ordinances or parts of ordinance in conflict with the provisions
of this chapter are hereby repealed.