[Adopted 12-13-1934 (Ch. 38, Art. IV, of the 1972 Code)]
[Amended 1-18-2001 by L.L. No. 1-2001]
Every owner or occupant of any house or other building, and every owner or person entitled to possession of any vacant lot and every person having charge of any church or other public building in the Village of Malverne shall, during the winter season and during the time the snow shall continue on the ground, keep the sidewalks in front of such house, building or lot free from obstruction by snow or ice, and shall also, at all times, keep such sidewalks in good and safe repair and clean, and keep the same free from dirt, filth, hedges and weeds or other obstruction or encumbrance.
No person or entity shall remove or cause to be removed any snow or ice and deposit such snow or ice upon any street, roadway and/or highway within the Incorporated Village of Malverne.
A violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $200 per event.
[Amended 2-14-1968]
All property owners are hereby required and directed to keep the curbs and sidewalks, together with any portion of their property paved and used as a sidewalk or public walk, immediately in the front, side, abutting or upon their property, in good order and repair, at proper grade to provide adequate drainage, to keep at all times level with the sidewalk or public walk, gas, sewer or drain, stop or vent boxes, driveways and driveway ramps, and to keep the sidewalks or public walks at all times free and clear of all obstruction to safe and convenient passage. Such owner or occupant and each of them shall be liable for any injury or damage by reason of omission, failure or neglect to make, maintain, or repair such sidewalk.
[Amended 12-7-2016 by L.L. No. 5-2016]
Notices. In the event that the owner of any property fails to or neglects the duty required of him in Subsection A, a written notice may be served upon said owner directing and requiring him to do what is necessary and stating that in the event the owner fails to perform the work required, then the Village of Malverne, in its sole and absolute discretion, may perform the work required or hire an outside agency to perform the work. Such notice may be served upon property owner by leaving the same at his place of residence or his place of business or by leaving the same with the tenant or occupant of the premises or by mailing the same to the owner at his last-known address.
Noncompliance of owner; penalty. If the owner of any property fails or neglects to perform the duty required of him in the preceding subsections, the Village shall make or cause to be made the necessary repair or remove any obstruction. The expense of the necessary materials and labor for doing the work, together with a penalty of 10%, shall be charged against and paid by the property owner, and in default thereof the same shall be collected by action in the name of the Village as a debt or by filing a municipal lien against the property of such owner.