The standards for rabies control provided for in the Health-General Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, Title 18, Subtitle 3, Part III, and COMAR 10.06.02, Communicable Diseases — Rabies, shall be recognized in Cecil County.
All dogs, cats and ferrets over the age of four months shall be immunized against rabies by a licensed veterinarian. The owner shall be able to provide proof of a current rabies vaccine upon request.
A report of the circumstances wherein a person is bitten by an animal shall be made promptly to the local police or Sheriff's Department by every person having firsthand knowledge of the bite occurrence, and the report shall be forwarded to both the Health Department and the Animal Care and Control Authority. The local police or Sheriff's Department shall investigate the incident and carry out the orders of the Cecil County Health Department. The local police, Sheriff's Department or County Health Department may call upon the Animal Care and Control Authority to catch, remove, confine or impound the animal. The animal shall be confined at a private residence, any animal shelter, veterinary hospital or a humane organization shelter approved by the Health Officer at the owner's option and expense.
If proof of current rabies vaccinations cannot be provided within 48 hours, a per-animal fine will be assessed. Prior to the release from confinement, said animal will receive a rabies vaccination administered by a licensed veterinarian at the owner's expense. The owner of the dog will also be required to purchase a dog license at this time.
If any unvaccinated animal bites a human or domestic animal, it shall immediately be quarantined or processed for rabies.
Persons bringing any animal that is required by state law to have a rabies vaccination into the County will have readily available, as proof of vaccination, a valid rabies vaccination certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian or issued by an approved government agency. An owner of an animal without a valid rabies vaccination shall be given up to 48 hours to provide a current, valid rabies certificate for that animal. Animals without valid rabies vaccination certificates shall be impounded and/or vaccinated by a licensed Maryland veterinarian at the owner's expense. Animals which may have had exposure to rabies shall comply with the provisions set forth in this section of this chapter.
Dogs brought into the County for training will be exempt from licensing for no more than 45 days, but shall meet the rabies vaccination requirements of this chapter.
Rescue operations that are qualified as an IRS-defined nonprofit organization shall vaccinate each dog for rabies. However, such organizations are not required to individually license each dog due to the transient nature of the animals.
A rabies tag shall only be worn by the dog for which the corresponding rabies certificate is issued.
Violations of this § 142-14 shall result in the assessment of fines as follows:
No proof of current rabies vaccination: $50 per animal.
Unvaccinated animal bites a human or domestic animal: $500 per animal in addition to the usual rabies and licensing fees.
Tag tampering or switching: up to $500.
Any hospital or physician who treats an individual for an animal bite shall immediately telephone and report the incident to the local police or Sheriff's Department and to the Cecil County Health Department. An animal bite report form shall be completed as required by COMAR
It shall be the duty of every veterinarian to report to the Health Officer and the Animal Care and Control Authority any animal considered to be rabid or rabies suspect.
When an animal is presented to a veterinarian for euthanasia and rabies is not suspected, the veterinarian shall determine if the animal was involved in a human bite (COMAR and, if so, report the animal bite (COMAR If the veterinarian determines that the animal cannot be safely or humanely quarantined for 10 days and euthanasia is performed, then the Health Officer, or its designee, shall be notified to arrange for submission of the animal for rabies testing.