The Town of Southampton has long recognized the importance of,
and the value in, protecting its coastal and inland freshwater and
saltwater bodies. Indeed, there can be little doubt that the continued
viability of the Town's waterways serves as the engine which
drives much of the Town's economy, and which defines and marks
the Town as a marine heritage community. Related to this effort is
the Town's goal of protecting groundwater and surface water resources
from pollutants and activities that threaten the Town's water
quality as recognized in the GEIS for the Town's Critical Wildlands
and Groundwater Protection Plan. A stated goal and recommendation
of said study was to establish performance standards and monitoring
practices to protect groundwater and surface waters from potential
sources of pollution. Measures should be taken to prevent or reduce
the degrading of our marine environment and freshwater ponds which
can occur as a result of land-based activities. In that regard, it
is the Town's desire to increase the availability of funding
for financing, among other things, the continued preservation and
mitigation of our water bodies, including testing and sampling; the
restoration of wetlands and submerged aquatic vegetation, e.g., eelgrass
beds, as well as shellfisheries; and the providing of incentives to
Town of Southampton residents to inspect and/or update their current
septic systems which provide further de-nitrification. Thus, in an
effort to safeguard the Town's important natural resources, protect
its marine heritage, and improve the quality of its water bodies Town-wide,
the Town Board herein creates this fund to further these purposes.
Importantly, whether through land use approvals or other vehicles
through which funding is received, this fund, and any contribution
thereto, shall not be used as a means of satisfying any requirement
of on-site mitigation, whether such on-site mitigation is necessitated
by required approval(s), the SEQRA process, and/or remediation of
a violation. Additionally, should monies be derived from any land
use approval, monies so collected shall be separated relative to the
critical watershed management area from which they came for purposes
of a rebate program. A priority shall be given to rebate applications
then pending within that same management area for purposes of disseminating
funds. All other funding requests shall be derived from the aggregate
of money equally. All dissemination of funds shall be subject to a
Town Board resolution.
The Water Quality Protection Fund shall be funded by the following
sources, which shall not be exclusive:
A. Budgetary appropriation(s) or by such other means as the Town Board,
by resolution, deems appropriate;
B. Donations or contributions;
C. Grant monies fulfilling the purpose of this chapter from any other
funding source or agency; and
D. Such other funds as may be legally appropriated or applied.