[Amended 11-9-1992 by Ord. No. 1992-21; 5-19-1993 by Ord. No. 1993-7; 6-17-1998 by Ord. No. 1998-6; 12-18-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-22]
Vehicles over the registered gross weight are hereby excluded from the streets or parts of streets described, except for the pickup and delivery of materials on such streets.
Name of Street
Weight Limit
Acadia Drive
Entire length
Adams Street
Entire length
Arleigh Road
Entire length
Cuthbert Road
Entire length
Fairfax Drive
From Palmyra corporate line to Cinnaminson Avenue
Hunter Street
Between Union Landing Road and Pear Street
Jackson Street
Entire length
Jefferson Street
Entire length
Land Street
Between Union Landing Road and Pear Street
Lilac Lane
From the northerly curbline of Willow Drive to the northerly terminus
Manor Road
Between Riverton-Moorestown Road and Highland Avenue
New Albany Road
Between U.S. Route 130 and the Cinnaminson/Moorestown township corporate line
Oxford Road
Entire length
Parry Road
Entire length
Pear Street
Between Bannard Street and its southerly terminus
Pennsauken Street
Entire length
Rowland Street
Between Industrial Highway and Union Landing Road
Shenandoah Road
Entire length
Valley Forge Road
Entire length
Washington Street
Entire length
Waterford Drive
Entire length
Willow Drive
Route 130 to New Albany Road
Wynwood Drive
Entire length
Yellowstone Road
Entire length
[Amended 6-17-1998 by Ord. No. 1998-6; 1-24-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-2]
The following described streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as one-way streets in the direction indicated:
Name of Street
Between Cuthbert Road and Lejune Road
Main Street
Between Second Street and Fork Landing Road
No person shall make a U-turn at any of the following locations:
Name of Street
New Albany Road
Between Edgewood Lane and Saxony Drive
[Added 3-18-1992 by Ord. No. 1992-3; amended 11-9-1992 by Ord. No. 1992-21; 12-20-1995 by Ord. No. 1995-21; 6-17-1998 by Ord. No. 1998-6; 5-19-1999 by Ord. No. 1999-3; 10-17-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-9A]
North Forklanding Road. It is hereby declared unlawful for any vehicles to pass on North Forklanding Road within the Township of Cinnaminson on said roadway within the physical limits of the Township from West Main Street (County Road Number 537) to State Highway Route 73, a distance of approximately 8,920 feet, and said area roadway shall be designated as a "no-passing zone." Said roadway is further known as a portion or part of County Road Number 537, and said no-passing zone has been approved by the County of Burlington, covered by resolution duly adopted and by the State of New Jersey.
No person shall pass another vehicle at any of the following locations, which shall be designated as "no-passing zones":
Name of Street
Bannard Street
From Pompess Avenue (South) to Union Landing Road (both directions for the entire length of this roadway
Lenola Road
From the Cinnaminson/Moorestown line to Route 130; Wayne Drive-Winding Brook Road; between Moorestown-Riverton Road (County Route 603) and Laurel Drive
Forklanding Road
[Amended 2-16-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-4]
In both directions from Branch Pike to the Cinnaminson/Maple Shade corporate line for an approximate distance of 10,200 feet or 1.9 miles
New Albany Road
Between the border of Cinnaminson and Moorestown Township and Route 130
Parry Road (Parry Boulevard)
Branch Pike and New Albany Road (a distance of approximately 3,940 feet)
Pomona Road
Between Church Road and Moorestown Riverton Road
[Added 6-18-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-14]
Definitions. As used in this section, the following words shall have the following meanings:
A designated area within which the public street shall be closed for a neighborhood party.
A neighborhood block party, celebration or event, but shall not include a garage sale, yard sale, bazaar, rummage sale or other similar activity having the principal purpose of a commercial venture or fundraising for an individual or organization; nor shall it include a political meeting or rally, carnival or theatrical or musical performance such as rock concerts or similar events.
Any street or roadway, or a portion thereof, within the borders of the Township of Cinnaminson which is maintained by the Township of Cinnaminson and upon which only residential properties exist. The term does not include any roadway:
Controlled or maintained by the county, state or federal government;
Controlled or maintained by any private homeowner association; or
Any Cinnaminson roadway upon which the primary purpose and/or zoning of adjacent properties is business or commercial in nature.
Authorization to issue permit; application.
No person, association or group shall cause or permit a street to be closed for the purpose of conducting a block party, without first having obtained a temporary street closing permit issued by the Director of Public Safety.
No person, association or group shall cause or permit a street to be closed for any commercial or business purpose unless the same is associated with a Township-sponsored activity or approved by a motion of the Township Committee at a duly advertised public meeting.
Applications for block party permits shall be made to the Cinnaminson Police Department, with copy to the Public Works Department, no sooner than six months prior to the date selected for holding the event and at least 30 days before the date of such event. Applications shall be made on a form provided by the Cinnaminson Police Department and will be forwarded to the Traffic Safety Officer for review. Approval or denial of the application shall occur within 15 days of receipt. No less than 10 days prior to the event, the applicant shall give written notice by hand delivery or regular mail of the issuance of the permit and the date and time for closure of the roadway. Applications shall contain, at minimum, the following information:
Names, addresses and telephone numbers of applicant(s);
Name and address of each owner of property whose access to the temporarily closed street(s) will be impacted by the permit;
The location of the proposed street closing;
The date and period of time for such temporary street closings, including a rain date, if applicable;
Explanation of the extent and nature of the proposed temporary street closings;
Anticipated number of participants;
Acknowledgement of whether alcohol will be served and, if so, a description of location and access to the same;
Description of the proposed method of effectuating the temporary street closing and the location of any and all barriers to be used in restricting the flow of vehicular traffic on the closed street(s);
The proposed location and description of any temporary structures, rides or other items to be placed in the roadway;
Site sketch showing street, houses with numbers, barricades, cooking facilities, and items identified in subsections (g) and (i) above;
A signed statement by the applicant(s) that he/she or they agree to abide by all the conditions of the permit, the ordinances of the Township and the applicable rules and regulations of the Police Department;
A designated contact person;
Written evidence by at least 70% of the residential properties' owners or tenants situated on the street of closure, that they have consented to same;
An acknowledgement by property owners that no motor vehicles will be permitted during the block party except for vehicles used in connection with the block party, municipal vehicles and emergency vehicles.
If the application is approved, the applicant shall give notification to Public Works at least 72 hours prior to the event to drop off barricades based upon availability. A security deposit of $50 will be required. The applicant shall give notification to Public Works no later than the next business day following the block party to request pickup of the barricades. If any equipment is broken upon return, the applicant's security deposit may be used by the Township towards reimbursement costs.
If the application is approved, the applicant shall give notice to all adjacent property owners of the date and time of closure so that adjacent owners are aware of the time in which they may not operate vehicles in the closed area.
Fee and standards for denial of application. The Director of Public Safety shall authorize the issuance of a temporary street closing permit conditioned upon the applicant's written agreement to comply with the terms of such permit, unless the Director of Public Safety is advised by the Traffic Safety Officer or Public Works that:
The time, size and/or location of the event will unreasonably disrupt the movement of traffic or interfere with other Township scheduled activities;
The event is of a size or nature that requires diversion of Township police officers to the extent that reasonable police protection would be denied in the Township;
Such event will interfere with another event for which a temporary street closing permit has already been issued;
The information contained in the application is deficient or found to be false in any material detail;
The event will interfere with the regular collection of trash, recycling or other municipal service or utility work;
The applicant refuses to agree to abide by or comply with all conditions of the permit; or
The proposed temporary street closing permit prevents or interferes with the movement of fire-fighting, first aid or other safety and/or emergency vehicles to the point of interfering with normal fire protection, ambulance service or other safety application.
Validity of permit. A permit issued pursuant to this article shall be valid only for the date and the hours specified thereon, which shall not be before 8:00 a.m. nor after 10:00 p.m.
Cleanup after block parties. The applicant shall be responsible for removal of litter, debris and other materials from the street used for the party, which is attributable to or caused by the party. In the event littered streets require Public Works to perform a cleanup at its own expense, the applicant shall be charged such reasonable cleanup costs.
Obstacles blocking streets to be movable. A street blocked off for a party shall not be obstructed by obstacles which cannot be readily moved to allow emergency and hazard vehicles to enter it in response to an emergency.
Limits on the number of permits. No more than two permits shall be granted by the Police Department in any calendar year for the same street.
Liability. The persons, organization or association to whom the permit is issued shall be liable for all losses, damages or injuries sustained by any person whether a participant or spectator at the block party, whether or not said losses, damage or injuries arise by reason of the negligence of the person, persons or organization to whom such permit shall have been issued. The applicant shall be required to enter a hold-harmless agreement, which agreement shall provide that the applicant shall agree to save and hold the Township harmless of and from any and all obligations and liabilities which may arise from the temporary street closing which represents the subject matter of the application. The applicant shall further agree as part of these provisions to hold harmless the Township and to defend at his own cost and expense any claims or lawsuits instituted by participants, spectators or other third parties, which obligations or liabilities might otherwise exist or be asserted against the Township.
Revocation of the permit. Any block party permit issued pursuant to this article may be summarily revoked by the Cinnaminson Police Department when, upon reason of disaster, public calamity, riot or other emergency, the Cinnaminson Police Department deems that the safety of the public or property requires such revocation.
Enforcement. This section shall be enforced by the Cinnaminson Police Department or any other law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction over activities in Cinnaminson Township.
Violations and penalties. Any person, persons, organizations or association violating any provision of the section shall upon conviction be subject to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or the maximum allowable under N.J.S.A. 40:49-5, a term of imprisonment not exceeding 90 days or a period of community service not exceeding 90 days or any combination thereof. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense.
[Added 3-20-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-4]
No person shall make a left turn at any of the following locations:
Name of Street
Church Road (County Road 607)
Exiting the driveway on Block 2015, Lots 1.01 and p/o 1.02, and Block 2101, Lots 1 and 2 (Wawa)