[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Cinnaminson 12-21-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-13.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.
Fee Schedules
Editor's Note: This ordinance repealed former Ch. 498, Vehicles, Towing and Storage of, adopted 3-19-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-6.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide standards, regulations and rates for police-requested, non-preferential towing and storage services without competitive bidding, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.49 et seq. and N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5(u), under the supervision of the Township Committee, Township Administrator, the Chief of Police, and the Cinnaminson Township Police Department.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A motor vehicle of a private passenger, sport utility or station-wagon-type that is owned or leased and is neither used as a public or livery conveyance for passengers nor rented to others with a driver; and a motor vehicle with a pickup body or a delivery sedan, a van or a panel truck or a camper-type vehicle used for recreational purposes owned by an individual or by husband and wife who are residents of the same household, not customarily used in occupation, profession or business by the owner.
The removal and transportation of an automobile from a highway, street or other public or private road or a parking area or from a storage facility and other services normally incident thereto, but does not include recovery of an automobile from a position beyond the right-of-way or berm or from being impaled upon any other object within the right-of-way or berm.
A tow which, based on the weight of the vehicle being over 30,000 pounds gross vehicle weight, or the vehicle's size or special characteristics, requires the use of special equipment greater than that used by a basic towing service.
A towing operator licensed hereunder.
An occurrence in which a private passenger automobile comes in contact with any other object for which the private passenger automobile must be towed or removed for placement in a storage facility. This includes all situations which are accident as to the insured even if they were caused by the intentional acts of a perpetrator where the perpetrator was not the insured or not otherwise involved with the insured.
The Township Police Department, state police, county police or sheriff's departments or such other law enforcement unit that may have jurisdiction upon the roadways within the Township.
The maximum allowable amount to be charged by a storage facility for a twenty-four-hour period or fraction thereof. A new twenty-four-hour period begins at 12:01 a.m.
An automobile storage facility that is secured by a fence, wall or other man-made barrier that is at least six feet high with a locked entrance. The facility is to be lighted at night. The Police Department shall have twenty-four-hour access to the facility.
Those vehicles equipped with a boom or booms, winches, slings, tilt beds, wheel lifts or under-reach equipment specifically designed by its manufacturer for the removal or transport of motor vehicles.
A person, corporation or other form of business entity engaged in the business of providing a basic towing service or heavy-duty tow service to the general public and providing storage facilities for vehicles towed.
The towing operator's principal place of business where the tow trucks are stationed when not in use.
As used in this chapter the Township Administrator of the Township of Cinnaminson. In the absence of the Township Administrator, any duties herein assigned shall be the responsibility of the Township Committee Liaison for the Police Department or his or her designee.
The act of a tow operator to utilize heavy-duty cables or chains to return a vehicle from a berm, ditch or other location off of the right-of-way so that the vehicle may be properly towed. The term shall not include the pulling of a vehicle onto a tilt bed carrier or lifting a motor vehicle with a conventional tow sling.
For ease of operation within the Police Department as well as in operation of the tow list by central communications, the Township limits the rotation to five licensed companies. If the rotational list is not full, the Township will entertain towing applications at any time; however, said applications will continue to expire at the end of the two-year term (end of May of even years) and the application fee shall not be prorated. If the rotational list is full, the Township will maintain a waiting list and advise those companies on the waiting list when a vacancy becomes available.
Each such licensed towing operator shall be put on a rotational list compiled by the Chief of Police and shall be called to respond to the needs of the police on a rotating basis.
Approved tow operators shall operate on a per-call rotational list. The Township does not guarantee a minimum or maximum number of tow calls during a contract period. If a tow operator is called for a tow and does not acknowledge the call within five minutes and respond to the scene within 20 minutes, the tow operator shall be skipped with no compensation and the next tow operator on the list shall be summoned.
Tow operators are called on a rotational list by Burlington County Central Communications ("Central"). The Township recognizes that a tow company may be tied up on other calls when needed by Cinnaminson. If a tow operator cannot meet the requirements of this chapter and respond to the scene within 20 minutes, it has an obligation to immediately inform Central. The tow company is not permitted to assign the work to another tow company. If the company cannot handle the call, Central will immediately notify the next tow company on the rotational list and the originally called tow company will be skipped in the rotation. The importance of this process cannot be overstated.
Only those tow companies that can perform both basic tow services and heavy-duty tow services shall be considered for the rotational list.
On a rare occasion, the Township shall require that an automobile be towed to a secured location other than the tow operator's storage facility. In such cases, the tow operator shall tow the vehicle free of charge to the Township and shall not lose its place on the rotation list (i.e., the same tow company will be called for the next paid tow).
Fatalities and serious bodily injury accidents. The Township reserves the right to contact the tow company of its choice to respond to a fatality or serious bodily injury accident. In making this decision, the officer on the scene will consider the extent of the detail and care necessary to preserve evidence and the storage location for follow-up investigation by all law enforcement agencies and/or the National Transportation Safety Board. The rotational list will return to its normal order after such a rare call.
Municipal tows. The Township may require the tow of a municipal vehicle or a minor service repair when the public work yard is closed (example: fix a flat). As a service to the public, the next tow company shall be called and respond without charge to the municipality. That tow operator shall not lose its spot in the rotational list and shall be called for the next paid tow after it is cleared from the municipal call.
Except for the occasional solicited towing incident allowed under § 498-8 hereof, no towing operator shall operate within the Township without obtaining a license in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Every applicant for a license shall complete, sign and verify a written application in the manner and on forms furnished by the Township Clerk and, if no forms are made available, the information shall be furnished on the tow operator's letterhead. The application shall include:
Name, business address, residential address and telephone numbers (cell phone, residence and business numbers) of the towing operator and principal owners thereof.
Locations of storage areas for tow trucks, towed vehicles and all other vehicles used in the towing operator's business.
The application shall be accompanied by the following supporting documentation:
Zoning certification (issued by the Municipal Zoning Officer/Construction Official) and Fire Subcode certification (issued by Fire Official) that the property and structures comply with all approvals. Both certifications shall be issued within the 60 days prior to the applications submittal. Any applicant with outstanding zoning and/or construction code violations will be automatically denied an application if the same is not cured within 30 days notice from the Township official. If the Zoning Officer or Fire Official has not responded to the request, the applicant may submit proof that the applicant's requested such approval in lieu of the actual approval.
Deed of ownership or lease agreement for storage locations. All lease agreements shall cover, at minimum, the entire two-year term of the contract plus one month. For example, the lease agreement for the next term must demonstrate control of the storage area through May 31, 2022.
The applicant shall confirm if it is capable of performing basic tows and heavy-duty tows.
The tow operator shall have a sufficient number of employees available to comply with the minimum operational requirements of this chapter. The number of employees on duty, on call and available to respond 24 hours a day, seven days a week shall not be less than three qualified individuals. The tow operator shall submit a roster of employees (by name and address). That list shall be accompanied by a certified driver's abstract of each identified employee. Said abstract shall be issued by the New Jersey Division of Motor Vehicles within the 60 days prior to the submission of the application.
Background checks will be performed internally by the Cinnaminson Police Department as well as through the New Jersey State Police through a fingerprint system. Applicants will be required to submit fingerprint background checks through the state's Morpho Trak System or the state system existing at the time of the application process. All costs associated with the fingerprint background check will be borne by the applicant. No person shall be utilized for towing or perform any services under this contract unless the Township has obtained a criminal background and motor vehicles records check and the individual has been granted approval by the Chief of Police. A driver shall be automatically disqualified where the individual has been convicted of a crime of the fourth degree or higher within the past five years, unless waived by the Chief of Police for good cause. Any driver convicted of a disorderly persons offense shall be authorized at the discretion of the Chief of Police taking into account the nature of the crime, the date of the event and efforts taken by the individual to make societal amends.
Roster of tow trucks and other vehicles (by registration number and serial number).
Certificates of insurance as required herein.
Affirmative action certification.
Stockholder's certification (if applicable).
Names and addresses of three references from businesses, companies and/or municipalities with whom applicant is or has provided towing recovery and storage services. Failure to provide such list will not automatically disqualify an applicant.
Certification that applicant will be available for service premises 24 hours per day, seven days per week, and that applicant will comply with the fees and procedures contained in or referenced in this chapter.
A current fee schedule recognizing the maximum fees permitted by this chapter.
A nonrefundable $250 application fee shall be paid to the Cinnaminson Township by each applicant.
Such other information as the Township Committee, Township Administrator or Chief of Police may reasonably prescribe.
Tow operators have the continuing obligation to keep the above application requirements up-to-date throughout the entire term of the contract including notifying the Police Department of new hires and providing a certified driver's abstract and submitting to a criminal background check prior to the employee engaging in tow services for Cinnaminson Township.
A license, once issued, shall be valid for a maximum of two years and will expire on the last day of May in even-numbered years. All vendors shall reapply one month prior to the expiration of the current license using a renewal application and paying the applicable registration fee.
No more than one license shall be granted to any applicant. No licensee shall have any interest in any other license. The person or persons comprising the ownership or partial ownership of one towing entity shall not submit an application for another entity under a separate corporate name thereby obtaining two spots on the rotational list. For example, Jones and Jones Towing can submit an application but, if it does, one of the Jones members may not submit a second application under a different corporate name to control two spots on the rotational list.
Once issued, a license is not transferable.
The Chief of Police is charged with the responsibility of investigating new and renewal licensees. Upon completion of an investigation, the Chief of Police shall report his recommendation to the Township Clerk. A recommendation of approval shall be predicated upon the Chief of Police determination that:
The applicant is financially capable of sustaining the business of a towing operator in the Township.
The applicant and all individuals identified on the roster of employees are of good moral character and meets the general standards of this chapter, as hereinafter set forth. The applicant shall authorize a personal background check, commercial, credit and personal references and such other investigative checks as the Chief of Police may require.
If a previous licensee, the applicant has met the performance standards of this chapter, as hereinafter set forth.
The applicant demonstrates the adequacy of equipment and facilities, availability and adequate response time and the security of the vehicles towed or stored, all as specified in the standards of this chapter, hereinafter set forth.
The Township Clerk shall issue a license to any applicant recommended for approval by the Chief of Police. The Township Committee shall therein adopt a resolution authorizing the execution of a contract for services with each licensee.
On or about June 1, the Township Clerk shall furnish the list of licensees for that two-year cycle to the Chief of Police and to all applicants, whether or not approved.
The applicant not so approved may appeal to the Township Administrator. Any such appeal shall be filed within 10 days after receipt of the list of licensees from the Township Clerk. The Administrator shall undertake a review of the reasons for rejection by the Chief of Police and shall make an independent determination based upon the standards and criteria of this chapter and the investigative file developed by the police.
Complaints of any kind, relative to service, overcharging, theft of parts or vehicle contents, damage to towed or stored vehicles, discourteous treatment and the like shall be referred to the Chief of Police for investigation and recommendation to the Township Committee, if necessary. The Township shall notify the tow operator, in writing, of a pending investigation.
The Chief of Police shall allot a reasonable time to correct an issue confirmed by the investigation and notify the subject his findings and time to correct such issues. If the violation is not corrected within the time allotted, the Township may suspend or revoke the contract and immediately remove the tow operator from the rotation list or lists. Removal from the tow list shall occur only for the most egregious violations, including, but not limited to, safety violations.
Adequate grounds for a revocation of the contract shall include, but are not limited to, a violation of the terms of this chapter, fraudulent or inaccurate application information, unsatisfactory service or the violation of the New Jersey Department of Insurance rules and regulations or any statute or regulation of this chapter.
The tow operator has the right to appeal to the Township Committee within 10 days of the receipt of the Township's written decision and shall receive a hearing within 30 days of the receipt of the notice.
Upon conclusion of the hearing, the Township Committee shall determine whether to affirm, reverse or modify the Township's decision. If the tow operator's license is revoked, the tow operator shall not be eligible to reapply for two additional years from the date of revocation at the next contract term.
Responsibilities. Licensee shall:
Provide tow services on a twenty-four-hour, seven-days-a-week basis, including holidays.
Respond to all calls for service from the police within 20 minutes after notification by the police.
Have a minimum of two tow trucks capable of towing most standard vehicles and have at least one heavy-duty wrecker with a minimum of 30,000 pounds gross vehicle weight rating.
Maintain its towing operator's base of service and storage facility for Cinnaminson tows in a location that is accessible to all areas of Cinnaminson Township within 20 minutes under normal driving conditions.
Maintain a storage area which shall include adequate storage space for at least 20 vehicles, 10 of which spaces shall be dedicated exclusively to the storage of vehicles that were removed under the provisions of this chapter. For the heavy-duty tows, the licensee must also identify a separate area not less than 15 feet by 30 feet for the storage of a heavy-duty vehicle. The storage area shall be open a minimum of eight hours per day (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, for reclaiming automobiles. All such storage facilities must be maintained in compliance with local, state and federal laws and regulations, and vehicles must be stored in compliance with all applicable ordinances and only on premises approved by the Township unless otherwise authorized by the owner of the vehicle and permitted by law. The Police Department shall have twenty-four-hour access to the storage facility for investigative purposes.
Maintain all insurance coverages in accordance with the standards hereinafter set forth.
Pass the background checks identified herein.
Train their tow truck operators in the use of all required equipment and the performance standards of this chapter.
Require their tow truck operators to have a personal driver's license with no restrictions or conditional endorsements, except if prescription glasses are required; and to have a commercial driver's license, if required by law; and present a neat appearance at all times.
Have at least one year of continuous experience in emergency towing, recovery and storage of motor vehicles for law enforcement agencies. Such experience shall be verifiable and proven to the satisfaction of the police at the time of application for license. This provision shall not prevent the issuance of a license but shall be a factor weighed in considering the issuance of a license to a new tow operator business.
Maintain written records for at least six years from the date of the service of all tows performed and all signed acknowledgments of receipt of vehicles by owners or authorized agents.
The tow operator shall submit monthly reports, on or before the 10th of the month, to the Cinnaminson Township Police Department of all vehicles towed the previous month, as well as vehicles which are unclaimed from previous months. The report shall identify each vehicle by make, model, year, license plate, VIN/serial number and police incident/case number. In addition, the odometer reading is needed on all vehicles left on the lot over 30 days. Motor Vehicle Commission requires this information when requesting a title for auction. The contractor further agrees to furnish the Township with such records, reports and information of services rendered as the Township may reasonably request. The Township reserves the right to amend the minimum list of reporting requirements from time to time.
Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in the tow operator being suspended from the tow list pursuant to the procedures in this chapter until the compliance issue is resolved.
Insurance requirements.
All licensees shall maintain the following insurance coverages:
Worker's compensation and employers liability insurance. A tow operator shall procure and shall maintain worker's compensation insurance in accordance with statutory requirements for all of his/her employees to be engaged in work on the project.
General liability insurance. The tow operator shall procure and maintain, during the entire time it is performing services under Chapter 136 of the Township Code,[1] general liability insurance of not less than $1,000,000 in any one occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate.
Editor's Note: So in original.
Automobile liability insurance. The tow operator shall procure automobile liability insurance for claims arising from owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence.
Excess liability insurance. In addition to the above general liability and automobile liability insurance requirements, the tow operator shall maintain an additional $4,000,000 insurance umbrella.
Garage keepers liability insurance. The tow operator shall secure and maintain during the life of this contract garage keepers liability insurance in an amount not less than $120,000 per location.
Public liability and property damage, contingent liability insurance. The tow operator shall also carry public liability and property damage, contingent liability insurance to indemnify the Township of Cinnaminson and the public against any loss due to injuries, accidents or damages of any character whatsoever, where any such damage is the result of any act or omission of the tow operator, his agents or employees in or due to the execution of the work called for under the contract and this chapter. Public liability insurance limits shall be at least $500,000 per accident and be specifically endorsed to provide collision insurance for vehicles in tow.
Each policy required herein shall contain an endorsement providing for 20 days' notice to the Township in the event of any change or cancellation and shall be with insurance companies acceptable to the Township and operating on an admitted basis in the State of New Jersey. Each policy required herein shall name the Township as an additional insured.
In addition, the tow operator shall have coverage for contractual liability and also name the Township as an additional insured. All insurance required hereunder shall remain in full force and effect for the period of the contract. Insurance policy shall cover on an occurrence basis.
Certificate of insurance. Certificates of insurance showing that both the tow operator and the Township of Cinnaminson are named as additional insured, in conformance with the above, shall be furnished to the Township Administrator, subject to approval of the Township Solicitor, Risk Consultant, and filed with the Township Clerk.
Minimum equipment requirements.
Equipment to be carried on all tow trucks should include the following: a universal towing sling, except flatbeds; J-hooks and chains; one snatch block for three-eighths-inch to one-half-inch cable; two high-test safety chains; an auxiliary safety light kit to place on the rear of a towed vehicle; four-lamp or three-lamp revolving amber light or lamp bars; a tool box with assortment of hand tools; rear working lights and rear marker lights; cab lights; body clearing lights located to clear a towed vehicle; blocking choke for the tow truck while working; safety cones; shovels and broom; a steering wheel lock or tie down; and a two-way radio communication system or cell phone with hands-free headset. Applicants who do not maintain such equipment shall demonstrate why the equipment is not necessary.
In addition, every tow truck shall be equipped with safety tools to remove disabled or locked vehicles.
All tow trucks shall be properly lettered on both sides, as required by law. The name on the truck shall match the applicant name so that the police officer can confirm that the vendor dispatched is the same as the vendor that takes the tow.
Performance standards. A licensee shall:
When on call, provide towing on a twenty-four-hour, seven-days-a-week basis, including holidays.
Dispatch a tow truck or trucks, as circumstances warrant, when requested by the police to respond, in such a manner that the tow truck arrives at the scene within 20 minutes under normal and reasonable circumstances.
Maintain and operate all tow trucks in accordance with all existing traffic regulations and in a safe and prudent manner.
Not stop at any accident scene unless directed by the police, except to notify the police of an unattended accident and advise accident victims that the police have contacted the licensee on rotation; and not solicit or attempt to divert patrons of another towing operator, whether or not licensed under this section, or solicit prospective patrons of a given repair service to any other repair service.
Not respond to the scene of an accident except upon notification by the police through the per-call rotation list.
Not tow vehicles without proper authorization from the police at the scene or the owner or driver at the scene. Upon such authorization and if not accompanied by the owner or driver of the towed vehicle, the licensee shall disclose, in writing, the location of the storage facility.
Not release any vehicle impounded or confiscated without proper authorization from the police.
Notify the police on a monthly basis of unclaimed vehicles.
Be responsible for all vehicles and their contents after towing. If the vehicle is unattended, the licensee shall make an inventory of any apparent valuable contents at the accident scene and maintain said inventory at least until the disposition of the vehicle.
Cooperate with other towing operators in the case of emergency services at the scene of accidents and/or disasters.
Comply with police instructions at the scene, even if it means countermanding towing requests by the owners or drivers of disabled vehicles.
Prior to departure from the accident scene, clean and clear streets of any debris resulting from any accident, and toward that end carry the necessary equipment to perform such cleaning services.
Report any dispute between towing operators and/or persons at the scene to the police; and report to the police any observed disabled vehicles, accidents or any other activities that may require police attention.
Not use flashing lights or sirens except as permitted by the police pursuant to law.
Not tow a vehicle for illegal parking until a summons has been issued.
Accept at least cash, personal checks, money orders and at least one major credit card for towing and/or storage services.
Immediately notify the police in the event that the licensee is not operational due to mechanical failure, personnel deficiency or other incapacitating cause.
Post hours of operation on storage facilities so that the public may be informed as to when the facilities are open for recovery of motor vehicles.
Maintain the public portions of storage facilities as a clean and safe environment for public invitees.
Not park or store an impounded vehicle on any public street or sidewalk or any unsecured area. All vehicles stored shall be stored in the storage facility as defined herein.
Not employ any Township employee or allow any Township employee to have a financial interest in the towing operator's business.
Clear accident areas of debris upon arrival on the scene.
Display fees on cards, conspicuously indicating the maximum rates for towing and storage charges, in each tow truck, and present a card to the driver of the disabled vehicle to be towed. Such a fee card shall also be conspicuously posted at every storage facility and location where the vehicle is to be retrieved.
At the time of tow, each tow operator licensed shall be responsible for providing a preprinted card identifying the towing company's name, address, storage location, hours of operation for pickup, phone number and rates for towing and storage according to the terms of this chapter. Said card shall be presented and explained to the owner or occupant of the vehicle on scene or, in the alternative, when the owner or occupant is absent or not physically or mentally capable of receiving said card, provided to the officer requesting tow for inclusion in the police report.
Towing and storing charges and fees shall be in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.50 as well as the provisions of this chapter. Except as otherwise provided herein, the charge and fee for towing and storage of vehicles within the Township of Cinnaminson shall be in accordance with the provisions of the rules and regulations of the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs in the Department of Law and Public Safety. The Township shall not be responsible for the collection or payment of any charges for the towing or storage of vehicles. The charges and fees and rates applicable to services performed pursuant to this chapter shall be posted in a conspicuous place visible to the public at the tow operator's storage area and shall be posted on each and every vehicle. The tow operator shall prepare a bill for charges pertaining to each vehicle and present the same to the claimant of a vehicle. The bill shall be itemized in detail as to the actual services rendered and shall contain a statement that the claimant may complain with respect thereto to the Township. The Township will not be responsible for charges due and owing from a claimant of a vehicle. The Township shall not be responsible for the collection or payment of any charges for the towing or storage of vehicles. Vehicles impounded as a result of police investigations involving stolen vehicles or fatal/serious/suspicious accidents will not result in storage charges to the Township, however the Township reserves the right to store such vehicles at a location of its choosing. Said location will include inside storage, lock-down measures, full access accountability and 24/7 access by the Police Department.
In the event the Township conducts an auction of unclaimed abandoned vehicles pursuant to Title 39, the tow operator's bill for towing and storage shall be an expense of possession and sale and shall be paid from the proceeds of such auction. Each vehicle auctioned shall be a separate item for purposes of this subsection. The title fee for which the Township must pay the State of New Jersey for title certificates shall be paid by the purchaser at the auction even if the tow operator is the purchaser and shall be in addition to the bid price of each vehicle. In the event the Township determines to utilize the provisions of Title 39 with respect to unclaimed vehicles, the tow operator shall receive no compensation for its services but shall not lose its place on the rotational list.
The fee for towing a vehicle shall include the service rendered from the scene where the vehicle is located to the storage area and from the storage area to the curbline of the property on which is located the storage area. The charge for towing includes any incidental and related costs such as connecting and reconnecting a transmission, drive line or axle. There shall be no additional charges for any other services, including but not limited to waiting time, cleanup costs and additional labor, when the towing services as defined herein are provided, except as otherwise provided herein. The tow operator may charge a fee for a vehicle lockout service, i.e., when a tow operator responds and opens a locked vehicle when the owner/operator has locked the keys in the vehicle or is otherwise unable to open the vehicle.
The rates for all towing and towing-related services shall be as set forth in the New Jersey State Police Schedule of Services approved by the Attorney General and implemented by the New Jersey State Police, as shall be amended. A current listing of rates is attached hereto and shall be maintained, as amended, by the Chief of Police or his designee, and towing companies operating within the Township.[1]
[Amended 5-15-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-4]
Specialized equipment. In cases where the tow operator must hire laborers or rent or utilize specialized equipment not specified in this chapter, all reasonable charges therefor shall be paid by the owner of the vehicle, after the owner of the vehicle or his agent has given his prior written consent thereto. The consent requirement may be waived when the Chief of Police deems the vehicle to be a hazard to health or safety, whereupon said vehicle will be removed by the direction of the Chief of Police, with the owner then being responsible for all personnel, equipment and labor costs. The necessity for specialized equipment shall be determined by the Chief of Police.
Unloading of goods. In the event that it is necessary to unload a vehicle which has been used for transportation of goods prior to or after towing, an agreement shall be reached between the tow operator and the owner of the vehicle or the owner's agent or representative as to the charge for said service. No written agreement is necessary in an emergency situation, and the Chief of Police shall determine when an emergency exists.
Township vehicles.
During the tow operator's rotation period, the tow operator will tow any Township-owned vehicle to any location within the Township's borders without cost to the Township. The tow operator may invoice for mileage cost (federal rate) if required to tow outside Township borders. Tows beginning in Cinnaminson Township, going through an adjacent municipality and returning to Cinnaminson Township do not qualify for mileage reimbursement. The tow operator performing this service shall not lose its turn in the rotation.
This chapter shall not prevent the occasional operation at the scene of an accident, upon the request of an owner or driver of a vehicle, of a tow truck which is owned by a person not a licensee hereunder. If a tow operator is called to a scene and subsequently recalled because of this situation, the tow operator will return to the rotational list for the next police dispatched tow call. Neither the vehicle owner or the Township shall be charged for such an event.
Upon the adoption of this chapter, the Township Clerk shall give 30 days' public notice by newspaper publication of the necessity of making application for a license to engage in the business of basic towing service as a licensee of the Township. In addition, the Chief of Police shall give notice to all towing operators known to have engaged in basic towing service in the Township for the year last past. In the year of adoption of this chapter, the Township Clerk shall identify the date applications are due and the expected date of award. The initial contracts shall expire on May 31, 2016, regardless of the date of implementation of this chapter.
The Chief of Police may promulgate such rules, regulations and procedures, not inconsistent with this chapter, as may be reasonable and necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter. Copies thereof shall be provided to all licensed tow operators and shall be made available to the public, along with copies of current fee schedules, during normal business hours. Failure to comply with applicable rules, regulations and procedures may be the cause of suspension or revocation of a tow operator's license. The Township Committee may amend fees from time to time by adoption of a resolution.
The Chief of Police is hereby designated to enforce the provisions of this chapter and any applicable rules and regulations.
In addition to the suspension and revocation provisions established herein, any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 or to imprisonment for not more than 90 days or a period of community service not to exceed 90 days, or any combination thereof; and each day any such violation shall continue shall be deemed to be a separate and distinct offense.