Registration form.
Owners of rental buildings and structures located in the Village shall complete and sign a registration form provided by the Code Enforcement Office and swear to the truthfulness and completeness of the information it contains. The form shall indicate:
The name, physical address, and telephone number of each owner, and property manager when they are not the same;
The number and address of each rental dwelling for which a rental permit is sought;
The Tax Map designation of the address of the rental dwelling(s);
The number of dwelling units contained within each rental dwelling;
Daytime and evening telephone numbers of the owner, and property manager when they are not the same;
The maximum number of tenants who may occupy a dwelling unit; and
Any other pertinent data sought by the Code Enforcement Office or Code Enforcement Officer.
The form shall indicate an address for receipt of notices by mailing under this chapter. The permittee shall be responsible for timely updating such information in the event that changed circumstances would render the information in the registration form inaccurate.
Owners of rental buildings and structures located in the Village who reside in any county other than Chemung County shall provide the Code Enforcement Office with the name and physical address of an individual over the age of 18 who shall reside in or who maintains a permanent place of business in Chemung County and who shall be designated as agent for receiving mailed notice or service of process. Such agent shall be deemed to have the rights and responsibilities of a permittee for the purposes of this chapter. A new owner shall provide the information required in this subsection within 10 days from the date of any change of ownership.
The Code Enforcement Office shall maintain a register of permits issued pursuant to this chapter. Such register shall be kept by Tax Map designation, street address, the name of the permittee, the number of dwelling units at such street address, and the date of expiration of the permit for such unit.
Rental permit fees, inspection fees and reinspection fees will be charged in the amount set forth in the schedule of fees adopted by the Village Board by resolution from time to time.[1]
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Fees is on file in the Village offices.
Rental permits will be issued for thirty-six-month periods and shall be valid for such periods unless invalidated or revoked as provided in this chapter.
Permits will be issued when all requirements of this chapter have been met.
Newly constructed or renovated rental buildings or structures, including conversions, are required to pay a permit fee in the amount set forth in the schedule of fees adopted by the Board by resolution when the rental permit is issued.
If the Code Enforcement Officer determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe that premises are being maintained in violation of this chapter, that Officer shall give notice of the alleged violation to the owner or agent and such notice shall contain the elements required of an information under § 100.15 of the Criminal Procedure Law. Such notice shall:
Be in writing;
Include a description of the real estate sufficient for identification;
Describe the violation, cite the applicable section of the local law, Village Code and/or the codes of New York State pertaining to property maintenance, and describe the remedial action required;
Describe the facts upon which the violation is based;
State that all health, safety and maintenance violations must be corrected immediately. The Code Enforcement Officer shall return at a specified date to verify conformance with the notice of violation/order to remedy. Any maintenance items which cannot be completed at this time because of weather constraints may be granted a time extension. Time extensions are to be negotiated with the owner or the property manager and the Code Enforcement Officer and in the end are set by the Code Enforcement Officer.
State that, if upon reinspection a violation still exists, the Code Enforcement Officer shall order that the rental permit be suspended or revoked and the structure vacated.
Be mailed via first class, registered or certified mail to or served upon the owner, permittee, agent or any other person in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law.
State the time to file an appeal, as provided in § 188-18, the amount of the appeal fee, the right to call witnesses and the right to be represented by counsel.
The Code Enforcement Officer shall have the right to inspect all or any part of rental buildings and structures or units, provided that the tenant has consented, except that in the event that the owner is not a permittee, then the owner, agent or person in charge thereof shall have the right to insist upon the procurement of a search warrant from a court of competent jurisdiction in order to enable such inspection. The officials charged with conducting the inspection pursuant to this chapter shall be required to obtain a search warrant in the event that they are unable to obtain the consent of the owner, if the owner is not a permittee, and, in all circumstances, also a tenant with common authority over the premises to be searched after such tenant has been advised that he or she has a constitutional right to refuse entry of the officials without a search warrant. The Code Enforcement Officer is authorized, on sworn affidavit stating the factual basis therefore (i.e., that there is reasonable cause to believe that a violation of this chapter occurred), to make application to the Village of Horseheads Justice Court or to such other court as may be deemed appropriate for the issuance of an administrative search warrant. The search warrant may be executed by the Code Enforcement Officer only in the case of permittees and, in all other cases, by a police or peace officer who may be accompanied by the Code Enforcement Officer in order to conduct an inspection of any premises covered by this chapter where the occupant refuses or fails, after due notice as provided herein, to allow an inspection of the dwelling unit or premises, where there is reasonable cause to believe that a violation of this chapter or a violation of the Multiple Residence Law, the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code or the Code of the Village of Horseheads exists, or where there is reasonable cause for inspection. The application for a search warrant shall, in all respects, comply with applicable federal and state laws.
The rental permit issued under this chapter shall contain the following information:
The address and property classification.
The date of inspection.
The date of issuance.
The expiration date.
Number of dwelling units, or unit number as the case may be.
A statement, where applicable under this chapter, that the structure cannot be inhabited by more than four nonfamily persons as defined in this chapter.
A current rental permit issued under this chapter shall not be invalidated by sale or transfer of the property.
Every seller of rental buildings and structures, including property occupied under authority of an unrecorded contract for sale, shall inform the prospective buyer of the current status of the rental permit at least 14 days prior to the closing.
Every seller of rental buildings or structures shall give notice of the sale or transfer of same in writing to the Code Enforcement Office within five business days after closing. This notice shall include the name and address and telephone number of the buyer.
Each buyer of an interest in rental buildings or structures shall give notice in writing to the Code Enforcement Office within 10 business days after closing. The notice shall identify the address of the affected property, and the name and address of the buyer and seller.
Any unpaid fines and/or fees pertaining to the affected property shall run with the land and shall be enforceable against the subsequent owner of the property.