[Amended 5-8-1980 by L.L. No. 1-1980]
Each and every plumber, contractor or excavator or other person, firm or corporation will be required to have a license issued by the Clerk of the Town before he will be permitted to do any work in the Town insofar as this Part 1 is concerned.
There shall be two classes of licenses:
Class I license. This license is required for each and every plumber, contractor or excavator or other person, firm or corporation that will perform work under this Part 1 for property owners other than himself.
Class II license. This license is required for an individual property owner who will perform work under this Part 1 on his own property.
As part of the application for a Class I license, the applicant is required to pay a license fee to the Town of Lenox in the amount of $250. This money shall be in the form of cash, money order or certified check, payable to the Town of Lenox, and is nonrefundable. The applicant shall also present a license bond written by an indemnity or bonding company lawfully doing business in the State of New York in an amount determined by and in a form provided by the Town Board. The applicant may submit a certified check in lieu of a bond. Such certified checks shall be made payable to the Town, and the license bond or certified check, except for the above license fee of $250, shall be held by the Town until all work covered by the license has been completed to the full satisfaction of the Inspector, but not later than as provided in § 102-5A above.
The applicant shall also maintain, until all work is completed, general liability insurance with completed operations and XCU coverage by an insurance company lawfully doing business in the State of New York, in an amount to be determined by the Town Board.
A Class II license shall be issued for one property only, and the owner of several properties shall be issued a separate Class II license for each property. There shall be no fee for a Class II license.
Whenever a Class II licensee (a property owner) contemplates working on or within a Town sewer right-of-way or on or within a Town highway right-of-way or on the Town's sewer facilities, he shall:
[Amended 6-10-1985 by L.L. No. 4-1985]
Provide the Town of Lenox with a certificate of insurance in the amount of $300,000 naming the Town of Lenox and/or the Town of Lenox on behalf of the South Shore Sewer District, as additional insured, as their interests may appear.
Execute a formal hold-harmless agreement in favor of the Town of Lenox and/or the Town of Lenox on behalf of the South Shore Sewer District for any and all injuries or damages, including death, caused or permitted to be caused by the licensee by reason of his negligence or carelessness.
Must comply with all of the foregoing as a condition precedent to being issued a Class II license.
If, in the opinion of the Town Board of the Town, the work performed by the contractor within the Town violates the provisions of this Part 1 or any other ordinance or local law of the Town or if the contractor's work is, in the opinion of the Town Board, substandard, then, in that event, the Town Board may revoke the license for the contractor to do work in the Town which requires a permit as provided by this Part 1.