In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1973 Code have been included in the 2020 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1973 Code
Location in 2020 Code
Part I, Administrative Legislation
Ch. 1, General Provisions
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. I
Ch. 7, Ethics, Code of
Ch. 16, Art. I
Ch. 8, Village Justice Court
Ch. 29
Ch. 17, Ordinances, Adoption of
Ch. 22, Summonses: Service and Form
Ch. 5
Part II, General Legislation
Ch. 26, Games of Chance
Ch. 157
Ch. 28, Alcoholic Beverage
Ch. 100
Ch. 31, Building and Zoning Administration
Superseded by L.L. No. 1-2012; see now Ch. 112
Ch. 32, Building Construction
Ch. 265, Art. I
Ch. 35, Defects, Notification of
Ch. 185
Ch. 37, Disclosures
Ch. 16, Art. II
Ch. 38, Dogs
Ch. 118
Ch. 39, Elevator Inspections
Ch. 40, Environmental Quality Review
Ch. 130
Ch. 41, Fees
Ch. 139
Ch. 42, Firearms, Fireworks and Explosives
Ch. 144
Ch. 43, Fire Prevention
Superseded by L.L. No. 1-2012
Ch. 45, Flood Damage Prevention
Superseded by L.L. No. 4-2011; see Ch. 152
Ch. 53, Mobile Homes
Ch. 173
Ch. 55, Noise
Ch. 180
Ch. 59, Peace and Good Order
Ch. 191
Ch. 62, Property Maintenance
Ch. 196
Ch. 65, Regrading and Excavating
Superseded by L.L. No. 2-2011; see Ch. 134
Ch. 67, Sanitation and Littering
Ch. 223
Ch. 68, Security Gates
Ch. 209
Ch. 70, Shopping Carts
Ch. 214
Ch. 71, Signs and Illumination
Ch. 218
Ch. 72, Streets and Sidewalks
Ch. 234
Ch. 74, Subdivision of Land
Ch. 238
Ch. 75, Swimming Pools
Ch. 242
Ch. 76, Taxation
Ch. 247
Art. I, Utility Tax
Ch. 247, Art. I
Art. II, Tax Exemption for Senior Citizens
Art. III, Abolishment of Assessing Unit
Ch. 247, Art. II
Ch. 79, Trees, Shrubs and Hedges
Ch. 253
Ch. 81, Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 260
Ch. 85, Zoning
Ch. 275
Ch. A90, Street Specifications