[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Socorro 12-2-1985 by Ord. No. 12-84-01. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall be known and cited as the "Socorro Weed Ordinance."
This chapter is intended to promote the general health, safety and welfare of the people of the City of Socorro by prohibiting the maintenance or accumulation of those plants determined to be of major allergenic significance, or which constitute a fire hazard when wind collected, or which otherwise present a hazard or nuisance to inhabitants of the City of Socorro. Further, this chapter is intended to promote the growth of native and other grasses and plants whose root structures tend to aid in stabilizing the soil and reducing dust. It is also the intent of this chapter that by prohibiting those methods of plant removal and control which fail to differentiate between harmful and helpful plants and which tend to create the still greater problem of air pollution, the aforementioned purposes will be realized and accomplished.
When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular, and words used in the singular include the plural number.
The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein:
The City of Socorro, New Mexico.
The Mayor of the City of Socorro or his authorized representative.
Includes one or more persons of either sex, natural persons, corporations, partnerships, associations, joint-stock companies, societies and all other entities of any kind capable of being sued.
All rank, noxious, poisonous, harmful, unhealthful vegetation, deleterious to health, and shall include but is not limited to the following named plants:
Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus)
Russian Thistle (Salsola pestifer)
Ragweed (Ambrosia spp.)
Lambsquarter (Kenopodium spp.)
The Mayor is hereby authorized and delegated the authority and duty to determine if any other plants, due to their unhealthy or dangerous attributes or consequences, should be placed on the list of weeds as defined herein and shall put such plants on said list if, after a hearing based on the evidence before him, it appears that such plants do come within the meaning of the term "weeds" as hereinbefore set out.
It shall be unlawful for any owner, lessee or occupant, or any agent, servant, representative or employee of any such owner, lessee or occupant, having charge or control of any occupied or unoccupied lot or tract of land within the City of Socorro, to permit or maintain on any such lot or tract of land, including the area located between the property line and the middle of the alley adjacent to the property, and the area located between the property line and the curb, the area of any curbs or sidewalks located on the property, and the area located 10 feet outside the property line where there is no curb, any growth of weeds to a greater height than four inches, or any accumulation of weeds.
It shall be the duty of any owner, lessee, occupant or person in control or in charge of any occupied or unoccupied lot or tract of land to cut the weeds and remove the cuttings or any accumulation of weeds to be removed as often as necessary in order to comply with the provisions set out in § 243-4 of this chapter.
If the provisions of the foregoing sections are not complied with, the Mayor or his authorized representative shall notify the owner, lessee, or occupant or any person having charge or control of any occupied or unoccupied lot or tract of land to comply with the provisions of this chapter. The notification to the owner, lessee, or occupant, or any person having charge or control of any such lot or tract of land shall be in writing. In the event such owner, lessee, occupant or any person having charge or control of such lot or tract of land cannot be determined or the owner shall be a nonresident of the City of Socorro, such notice may be served by posting a copy of the written notice upon the premises.
In those cases where the owner, lessee or occupant or a person having charge or control of any occupied or unoccupied lot or tract of land is a nonresident of the City of Socorro or cannot be determined and compliance with the provisions set forth in the notice has not occurred within 10 days, the Mayor shall cause such weeds to be cut and the cuttings or any accumulation of weeds removed. If the owner, lessee or occupant or a person having charge or control of any such lot or tract of land is a resident of the City of Socorro and is notified in writing as provided and fails to comply with the provisions of this chapter within 10 days, the Mayor may cause such weeds to be cut and the cuttings or any accumulation of weeds removed. In any event, should it appear to be a matter of public necessity for health or safety reasons, the Mayor may give notice that the weeds must be cut or removed immediately, in which event, should there be noncompliance, the Mayor is authorized to cause such weeds to be cut and the cuttings or any accumulation of weeds removed immediately. The actual cost of the cutting or removal of weeds plus any other penalties or costs allowed by law in connection therewith, under any of the circumstances herein set out, shall become a lien upon the property from which such weeds were removed in the manner prescribed by law.
The approved methods of controlling weeds shall be mowing, cutting, digging, or other methods designed to remove the weeds but not disturb other vegetation or unnecessarily disturb the soil. Scraping the tillage of lots and tracts of land is prohibited unless permission of the Mayor is first obtained; except that scraping the tillage as part of normal construction activities or as ground preparation for agriculture or landscaping activities shall be allowed. The Mayor shall allow scraping the tillage of lots or tracts of land when this will not detract from or violate the clear intent and purpose of this chapter.
The Mayor or his designated representative shall be the administrative authority for this chapter. The administrative authority shall establish policies and procedures for the receiving and hearing of protests concerning the application of the chapter and the levying of the charges provided for herein.
Any person who shall fail and neglect to cut the weeds and remove the cuttings or any accumulation of weeds as provided in this chapter or who shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of any section of this chapter or of any notice herein provided for, or who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter whatsoever or who shall resist or obstruct the Mayor or his authorized representative in the cutting of weeds or the removal of cutting or the accumulation of the weeds shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine or imprisonment as set forth in Chapter 1, Article III, Penalties, of the Socorro City Code.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).