[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Hollandale as Ch. 9, Secs. 9.05 and 9.25, of the 1999 Municipal Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The definition of "fireworks" stated in § 167.10(1), Wis. Stats., is hereby adopted by reference.
No person shall sell, or possess with the intent to sell, fireworks within the Village.
Except as provided in § 167.10(3), Wis. Stats., no person shall possess or use fireworks without a user's permit issued pursuant to § 183-4 below.
As provided in § 167.10(3), Wis. Stats., fireworks user's permits may be issued by the Village Board. The Village Board shall require a certificate of liability insurance, or similar proof of coverage, in the amount of $1,000,000. A copy of the permit and proof of insurance shall be filed with the Village Clerk-Treasurer and copies of the permit shall be given to the Fire Chief at least two days before the authorized use.
The fireworks user's permit fee shall be $10.
No person may use fireworks or devices listed in § 167.10(1)(e) to (g) and (i) to (n), Wis. Stats., including, but not limited to, caps, toy snakes, model rocket engines, sparklers or cone fountains at a fireworks display for which a permit has been issued if the display is open to the general public.
Violation of this chapter shall be subject to a forfeiture of not more than $1,000.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).