[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Hollandale as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Cigarettes — See Ch. 145.
[Adopted 1-5-2010]
No person may smoke in any public buildings and Village vehicles owed and operated by the Village of Hollandale.
The Village of Hollandale has declared the entire workplace a nonsmoking facility.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Carrying a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, or lighted smoking equipment.
The person in charge of any Village building or his or her designee shall cause to be posted at the entryway of all Village buildings signs notifying the public of the fact that the building is a smoke-free building. Absence of such sign, however, shall not be a defense to the violation of this article.
Frequenters of Village buildings who appear to be violating this article shall be advised by the Village employees with whom they are dealing of the Village's smoke-free policy and, with tact and sensitivity, be requested to stop smoking or leave the building. If smoking persists, enforcement action shall be taken through the Iowa County Sheriff's Department.
This article is enacted to protect the health and comfort of the public and Village employees through the regulation of smoking, according to the authority granted this Village by § 101.123(4m), Wis. Stats. (the Wisconsin Clean Indoor Air Act).