This article only applies to the following appointed officials and employees:
Director of Administration.
Purchasing Agent.
Council Administrator.
All County department directors and deputy directors.
Executive Assistants to the County Executive.
Executive Assistant to the County Council.
Internal Auditor.
Audit Committee.
Building and Fire Inspectors.
All County employees who are classified on the Wicomico County Pay Plan at Grade 17 or above and, who are not covered by the State Ethics Statute.
[Amended 8-18-2015 by Bill No. 2015-10]
All county employees below Grade 17 who received a gift from any person doing business with or regulated by the County.
[Added 8-18-2015 by Bill No. 2015-10[1]]
Editor's Note: This bill also redesignated former Subsection K as Subsection L.
Members of the following boards and commissions:
Animal Appeal Board.
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board.
Agricultural Reconciliation Committee.
Airport Commission.
Board of Appeals.
Board of Electrical Examiners.
Ethics Commission.
Historic District Commission.
Board of License Commissioners (Liquor Board).
Local Management Board.
Personnel Board.
Planning and Zoning Commission.
Recreation and Parks Commission.
Retirement Investment Trustees.
Tourism Board.
Youth and Civic Center Commission.
A statement filed under this section shall be filed with the Commission under oath or affirmation on a form prepared or approved by the Commission.
On or before April 30 of each year during which an appointed official or employee holds office, an appointed official or employee shall file the statement disclosing gifts received during the preceding calendar year from any person doing business with or regulated by the County, including the name of the donor of the gift and the approximate retail value of the gift at the time of receipt.
An appointed official or employee shall disclose employment and interests that raise conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest in connection with a specific proposed action by the appointed official or employee sufficiently in advance of the action to provide adequate disclosure to the public.
The Commission shall maintain all disclosure statements filed under this section as public records available for public inspection and copying as provided in Article IV of this chapter.