[Adopted 7-9-2012 by Ord. No. 26]
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this section, the statutory provisions in Chs. 340 to 348 and 350 and §§ 941.01 and 941.30, and 23.33(8)(b) and (11), Wis. Stats., describing and defining regulations with respect to vehicles and traffic for which the penalty is a forfeiture only, excluding penalties to be imposed and procedure for prosecution, are hereby adopted and by reference made a part of this article as if fully set forth herein. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by any statute incorporated herein by reference is required or prohibited by this article. Any future amendments, revisions, or modifications of the statutes incorporated herein are intended to be made part of this article in order to secure uniform statewide regulation of traffic on the highways, streets, and alleys of the state.
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this article, the rules of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation promulgated under Ch. 110, 347 or 348, Wis. Stats., including but not limited to the regulatory provisions in Ch. Trans 305, Wis. Adm. Code, except rules pertaining to federal motor carrier safety standards, describing and defining regulations for which the penalty thereof is a forfeiture, excluding penalties to be imposed and procedure for prosecution, are hereby adopted and by reference made a part of this section as though fully set forth herein. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by any such regulation incorporated herein by reference is required or prohibited by this article. Any future amendments, revisions, or modifications of said rules and regulations incorporated herein are intended to be made part of this article in order to secure uniform statewide regulation of vehicles on the highways, streets and alleys and roads of this state.
A traffic and engineering investigation having been made on the following described highways, the maximum permissible speed at which vehicles may be operated on said highways, which speed is herewith established as reasonable and safe pursuant to § 349.11, Wis. Stats., shall be as set forth herein, subject to approval by the Department of Transportation and upon the erection of standard signs giving notice thereof:
Speed limit of 25 mph.
Aerotech Drive
Anderson Lane
Angel Hill Drive
Appletree Court
Arnies Lane
Atlantis Drive
Autumn Court
Baileys Harbor Court
Barnwood Court
Barry Court
Benjamin Court
Bennett Circle
Bettys Rodeo Drive
Birmingham Street
Blue Heron Lane
Bluebluff Way
Blustery Drive
Bobwhite Drive
Bon Bon Court
Boonesborough Drive
Brackenwood Lane
Brandon Court
Brookview Drive
Brush Run
Buckys Way
Buman Way
Buttercup Court
Cape Cod Avenue
Cedar Drive
Cedar Grove Court
Cedar Lane
Celebration Drive
Challenger Drive
Chapel Hill Drive
Charleen Lane
Cheryl Court
Chesapeake Court
Christy Lane
Churchill Court
Churchill Road
Cleary Court
Clover Lane
Cobblestone Court
Colonial Drive
Columbia Drive
Comet Lane
Communication Court
Communication Drive
Contractor Drive
Cornhusk Drive
Cozy Creek Court
Craftsmen Court
Crandon Court
Daniel Court
Dawn Court
Deer Haven Court
Design Drive
Diamond Court
Discovery Drive
Donna Drive
Dover Court
Ellen Lane
Elpaso Drive
Emerald Court
Emerald Lane
Endeavour Drive
Englewood Drive
Evening Star Drive
Everglade Road (STH 76 to west)
Fairlane Drive
Fairwinds Drive
Family Circle
Fawn Ridge Court
Fawn Ridge Drive
Flagstone Court
Forest Glen Court
Forest Glen Drive
Fox Hollow Lane
Fox Springs Drive
Foxwood Drive
Gemini Lane
Gemstone Court
Gene Court
Glen Rose Lane
Glen Valley Drive
Glenford Way
Glenview Drive
Golden Autumn Place
Goldfinch Court
Goldfinch Drive
Goose Creek Circle
Green Willow Court
Greenbush Court
Greenridge Drive
Greenville Center Drive
Greenville Drive (CTH GV to end)
Greenwillow Lane
Greenwood Court
Greenwood Road (School Road to STH 15)
Harpers Drive
Harvest Drive
Hawkfield Court
Heavenly Drive
Heron Ridge Court
Hickory Meadows Lane
Hickory Nut Trail
High Green Court
High Green Drive
Hillandale Drive
Hillcrest Court
Hillwood Court
Holy Hill Drive
Horizon Drive
Hot Springs Court
Hummock Drive
Hyacinth Lane
Ivy Lane
Jackie Court
Jeremy Court
Joan Street
Joeys Place
Julius Drive (School Road - N1270)
Keifer Court
Keimar Court
Kimberly Court
Knollwood Court
Lakeview Court
Lakeview Lane
Lawler Court
Levi Drive
Lilac Lane
Lily of the Valley Court
Lily of the Valley Drive
Linda Lou Drive
Long Court
Lundeen Drive
Lynchburg Drive
Maple Leaf Court
Maple Terrace Road
Marcy Court
Marlys Court
Marrihill Court
Meadow Park Drive
Meadowview Drive
Medina Drive
Merrimac Drive
Michael Court
Midnight Court
Midnight Way
Milly Street
Misty Springs Court
Molly Marie Court
Moon Dust Court
Moon Shadow Drive
Moonlight Drive
Morning Glory Lane
North Springs Drive
Nature Trail Drive
Neubert Road
North Road (WI Avenue - south)
Northmont Drive
Oakwood Avenue
Olive Court
Orchid Way
Parkview Court
Parkview Drive
Peaceful Court
Pebble Ridge Road
Pilgrim Street
Pine View Court
Plymouth Street
Ponderosa Drive
Prairie Court
Prairie View Drive
Priscilla Lane
Puls Farm Place
Quail Run Drive
Rawley Point Drive
Red Hawk Drive
Redwing Drive
Reimer Court
Reimer Drive
Reis Road
Rhinestone Court
Rickey Lane
Ridgeside Drive
Ridgetop Drive
Ridgeway Drive
Rimrock Lane
Rivendale Court
River Drive
Robert Court
Rochelle Court
Rock Island Drive
Rockdale Lane
Rocky Mountain Drive
Saint Helen Drive
Saint Marys Drive
Sally Court
Savannah Drive
School Road (STH 76 to east limit)
Schroeder Farm Drive
Schroth Lane
Shadybrook Lane
Shagbark Way
Shenandoah Court
Sherwood Point Court
Sherwood Point Drive
Skyline Drive
Smokey Court
Snowdrop Court
South Creek Drive
South Mayflower Drive
South Park Drive
Southport Drive
Spencer Road (CTH CB to Mayflower Road)
[Added 1-14-2019 by Ord. No. 01-19]
Spring Court
Spring Green Place
Spring Valley Drive
Squirrel Run
Star Dust Drive
Stone Bluff Lane
Summer Breeze Lane
Summer View Drive
Summer Wind Lane
Sunfield Drive
Sunnyvale Lane
Sunrise Trail
Sunset Drive
Swanee Circle
Tallahassee Court
Talon Drive
Technical Drive (School Road - Design Drive)
Terrace Drive
Thornton Drive
Thrush Drive
Timothy Lane
Topaz Court
Trillium Court
Tuckaway Court
Two Mile Road
Vander Maazen Drive
Vanessa Lane
Vast Domain Drive
Velma Lane
Violet Court
Vista Court
Wally Way
Waterlefe Drive
Weatherhill Court
West Lake Court
West Meadows Lane
Westgreen Court
Westgreen Drive
Westhaven Court
Westhaven Drive
Wieckert Court
Wildwood Drive
Winds End Lane
Windward Drive
Windy Way
Windyhill Road
Woodland Drive
Speed limit of 30 mph.
Speed limit of 35 mph.
Airport Park Drive
Communication Drive
Craftsmen Drive
Design Drive
Everglade Road (Greenwood Road to Mayflower Road)
Greendale Road (School Road to Hickory Court)
Greenwood Road (Everglade Road to STH 15)
Julius Drive (STH 15 to School Road)
[Added 9-9-2019 by Ord. No. 13-19]
Lily of the Valley (STH 15 to Spring Road)
Mayflower Road (WI Avenue to south limit)
Municipal Drive (STH 15 to Everglade Road)
Quality Court
Quality Drive
Specialty Drive
Spencer Road (STH 76 to Airport)
Spring Road (Julius Road to STH 15)
Technical Drive (Design Drive to Quality Drive)
Tower View Drive
Speed limit of 40 mph.
Speed limit of 45 mph.
College Avenue (0.1 m east of Communication Drive)
CTH BB (Irish Road to CTH CB)
Everglade Road (STH 76 to Greenwood Road)
Greendale Road
Hillview Road
Island Road add curve signs
Julius Drive
Manley Road
Mayflower Road (WI Avenue to CTH JJ)
Municipal Drive (STH 15 to Sunnydale Lane)
Municipal Drive (0.2 miles north and south of W Avenue)
North Road
School Road (STH 76 to Julius Road)
Spencer Road (STH 76 to West End)
Spring Road (North Road to Julius Road)
STH 15
Winnegamie Drive (STH 76 to M-sign)
Wisconsin Avenue (Mayflower Road to STH 76)
Speed limit of 55 mph.
College Avenue (exception: WB 0.1 mile east of Communication Drive)
CTH BB (STH 76 to Irish Road)
Greendale Road
Municipal Drive - STH 76
School Road (Julius Road to west limit)
Spring Road (North Road to west limit)
STH 15
Winnegamie Drive (Maint. line west to Anderson Lane)
Wisconsin Avenue (STH 76 west to Greendale Road)
Modifications. The Village Board of the Village of Greenville hereby determines that speed limits on the following streets and roads or portions thereof are unreasonable, unsafe or imprudent and modifies such speed limits under authority granted by § 349.11, Wis. Stats., as follows:
Ten miles per hour in any public park located within the Village of Greenville.
Fifteen miles per hour on any street or road contiguous to a public parks located within the Village of Greenville.
Fifteen miles per hour on any street or road or parking lot located within the public access area of the County Airport.
Fifteen miles per hour on any street or road within a posted school zone within the Village of Greenville.
Any person violating any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be subject to a forfeiture amount set from time to time by ordinance in the Fine and Forfeiture Schedule of the Village of Greenville.[1]
[Amended 10-13-2014]
Editor's Note: The Fine and Forfeiture Schedule is on file in the Village offices.
Arterial streets shall be designated by stop signs or other appropriate signs, and every operator of a vehicle approaching such sign shall comply with § 346.46, Wis. Stats.
There is hereby established a four-way arterial stop at the corners/intersection of CTH JJ and STH 76 (Municipal Drive) in the Village of Greenville.
No person shall park, stop, or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, temporarily or otherwise, in any of the following places. Any additional parking limitations and restrictions may be enacted by the Village Board and shall be filed with the Village Clerk and be indicated upon a map posted in the Greenville Village Hall.
The Village President or Designee and the Director of Public Works are hereby authorized to impose temporary parking restrictions and temporary intersection control regulations on existing streets and detour routes during street repair or reconstruction or during special events. Such temporary regulations may be enforced like other provisions of this section, and appropriate signs shall be erected in accordance with § 290-28.
All-night parking regulated.
When signs have been erected at or reasonably near the corporate limits of the Village as provided in § 349.13, Wis. Stats., no person shall park any motor vehicle on any street or road in the Village of Greenville for a period of time longer than 30 minutes between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. from November 15 of each year to April 15 of the following year.
[Amended 10-13-2014]
In addition to the penalty set forth hereinafter, any police officer may cause any vehicle parked in violation of this subsection to be moved to a public parking lot or garage, and the cost of moving and storage shall be paid by the owner or operator of said vehicle, and the Law Enforcement Unit shall hold said vehicle until all charges of moving and storage have been paid.
Snow emergencies.
Definitions. As used in this subsection, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
One in which snow is gathering in such a manner as to produce a congestion of traffic or impede the operation of emergency vehicles.
Includes police cars, firefighting apparatus, ambulances, rescue squad cars and Village-owned or Village-hired snowplows, snow-removal equipment, and machinery.
Declaration of emergency. A snow emergency is in existence when the Village President or his designee declares an emergency to exist in the Village of Greenville by reason of an emergency snowstorm. Said emergency is declared to continue for a period of 48 hours after declaration or until such earlier time as snowplowing operations have been declared completed by the Director of Public Works.
Notice of emergency. The Village President or his designee may declare a snow emergency through the press, radio or other public means of communication.
Parking prohibited during emergency. No person shall park any vehicle on any street, alley or public parking lot during the period of a snow emergency, or immediately thereafter, until such street, alley or public parking lot has been cleared of snow.
Removal of vehicles. Whenever such an emergency exists, as hereinbefore defined, and any vehicles are illegally parked, stopped, or standing in such a manner as to prevent or impede snow clearance or removal in any manner upon any street, alley, highway, or public parking lot, the Director of Public Works or his designee shall be authorized to move or remove such vehicles, where such vehicles will no longer prevent or impede such aforesaid snow clearance or removal. Towing fees will be assessed against the violator in addition to any and all fines.
Parking violation forfeitures.
Any person to whom a parking violation citation has been issued for a violation of § 346.505, Wis. Stats., pertaining to handicap parking shall incur a forfeiture of $300, which may be paid by delivering or direct mailing $300 and the citation to the Law Enforcement Unit within 30 days of the date of the citation.
Any person to whom a parking violation citation has been issued for violation of any overtime parking regulation shall incur a forfeiture of $35. Said forfeiture may be satisfied by delivering or direct mailing $20 and the citation to the Law Enforcement Unit within 10 days of the date of the citation. Failure to satisfy the forfeiture within 10 days will result in the full forfeiture being imposed.
Any person to whom a parking violation citation has been issued for violation of any regulation prohibiting parking during a special event shall incur a forfeiture of $55. Said forfeiture may be satisfied by delivering or direct mailing $40 and the citation to the Law Enforcement Unit within 10 days of the date of the citation. Failure to satisfy the forfeiture within 10 days will result in the full forfeiture being imposed.
Any person to whom a parking violation citation has been issued for violation of any parking regulation prohibiting stopping, standing, or parking around a school shall incur a forfeiture of $55. Said forfeiture may be satisfied by delivering or direct mailing $40 and the citation to the Law Enforcement Unit within 10 days of the date of the citation. Failure to satisfy the forfeiture within 10 days will result in the full forfeiture being imposed.
Any person to whom a parking violation citation has been issued for violation of § 346.52, Wis. Stats., as adopted in § 290-23 of this article, except § 346.52(2), Wis. Stats., prohibiting stopping, standing, or parking around a school, shall incur a forfeiture of $35. Said forfeiture may be satisfied by delivering or direct mailing $20 and the citation to the Law Enforcement Unit within 10 days of the date of the citation. Failure to satisfy the forfeiture within 10 days will result in the full forfeiture being imposed.
Any person to whom a parking violation citation has been issued for violation of § 346.53, Wis. Stats., as adopted in § 290-23 of this article, shall incur a forfeiture of $35. Said forfeiture may be satisfied by delivering or direct mailing $20 and the citation to the Law Enforcement Unit within 10 days of the date of the citation. Failure to satisfy the forfeiture within 10 days will result in the full forfeiture being imposed.
Any person to whom a parking violation citation has been issued for violation of Subsection C above prohibiting parking from 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. shall incur a forfeiture of $35. Said forfeiture may be satisfied by delivering or direct mailing $20 and the citation to the Law Enforcement Unit within 10 days of the date of the citation. Failure to satisfy the forfeiture within 10 days will result in the full forfeiture being imposed.
Any person to whom a parking violation citation has been issued for parking on posted private property or any other parking restriction for which a forfeiture is not otherwise specifically established in this section shall incur a forfeiture of $35. Said forfeiture may be satisfied by delivering or direct mailing $20 and the citation to the Law Enforcement Unit within 10 days of the date of the citation. Failure to satisfy the forfeiture within 10 days will result in the full forfeiture being imposed.
Any person wanting to contest a parking violation citation shall, within 10 days of the date of issuance, file an appeal form with the Law Enforcement Unit. Following the administrative review, any person who is not satisfied with the results of that review shall submit a written request for judicial review to the office of the Village of Greenville Clerk of Court. The request for judicial review shall be submitted within 30 days of the date the parking violation citation was issued. When a timely request for administrative or judicial review is not filed, the parking violation citation shall be presumed to be uncontested. Forfeitures not paid within 30 days of the parking violation citation's issuance may result in action being commenced by the Village in accordance with the uniform traffic procedure for nonmoving violations as set forth in § 345.28, Wis. Stats., to include forwarding the matter to the State Department of Transportation for enforcement under the state traffic violation and registration program.
The operator of any vehicle involved in an accident within the corporate limits of the Village of Greenville shall, within 10 days of such accident, file with the Law Enforcement Unit a copy of the report required by § 346.70, Wis. Stats., if any. If the operator is unable to make such report, any occupant of the vehicle at the time of the accident capable of making such report shall have a duty to comply with this section. Such reports shall be subject to the provisions and limitations in §§ 346.70 and 346.73, Wis. Stats.
Authority to procure and erect signs and signals. The Village President or designee, in conjunction with the Village Director of Public Works or his designee, is hereby authorized and directed to procure, erect and maintain appropriate standard traffic signals, signs and markings conforming to the rules of the State Department of Transportation giving notice of the provisions of this section as required by state law. Signs shall be erected in such location and manner as the Village President or designee of the Village of Greenville shall determine will best effect the purposes of this section and give adequate warning to users of the streets, highways, and roads.
Removal of unofficial signs and signals. The Village President or designee shall have the authority granted by § 349.09, Wis. Stats., and is hereby directed to order the removal of a sign, signal, marking or device placed, maintained or displayed in violation of this section or § 346.41, Wis. Stats. Any charge imposed on the premises for removal of such an illegal sign, signal or device shall be reported to the Village Board of Trustees at its next regular meeting for review and certification.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
[Amended 4-27-2020 by Ord. No. 05-20; 1-24-2022 by Ord. No. 02-22; 10-10-2022 by Ord. No. 7-22; 12-11-2023 by Ord. No. 12-23]
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish all-terrain and utility-terrain vehicle routes in the Village of Greenville and to regulate the operation of all-terrain and utility-terrain vehicles in the Village of Greenville.
Authority. The Village Board of the Village of Greenville, Outagamie County, Wisconsin, has the specific authority to adopt this All-Terrain and Utility-Terrain Vehicle Ordinance under § 23.33(8)(b) and (11), Wis. Stats.
Definitions. For this section, the following definitions shall be used. Words used in the present tense include the future; the singular number includes the plural number; and the plural number includes the singular number. The words "shall," "will," and "must" are always mandatory. The words "may" and "should" are discretionary terms. The masculine shall include the feminine. Terms not defined in this section shall be interpreted based on common usage.
All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV): means a commercially designed and manufactured motor driven device that has all the following:
A weight, without fluids, of 900 pounds or less.
Three or more tires.
A tail light(s).
A brake light(s).
One or two headlights.
A seat designed to be straddled by the operator.
A width of not more than 50 inches.
Village: means the Village of Greenville, the Village Board, or any other Village of Greenville official(s) or agent authorized by the Village Board to act on behalf of the Village of Greenville.
Utility-Terrain Vehicle (UTV): means a commercially designed and manufactured motor driven device that does not meet federal motor vehicle safety standards in effect on July 1, 2012, that is not a golf cart, low-speed vehicle, dune buggy, mini-truck, or tracked vehicle, that is designed to be used primarily off a highway, and that has, and was originally manufactured with, all the following:
A weight, without fluids, of 2,000 pounds or less.
Four or more tires.
A steering wheel.
A tail light(s).
A brake light(s).
Two headlights.
A width of not more than 65 inches.
A system of seat belts, or a similar system, for restraining each occupant of the device in the event of an accident.
A system of structural members designed to reduce the likelihood that an occupant would be crushed as the result of a rollover of the device.
Designation of all-terrain and utility-terrain vehicle routes. Pursuant to § 23.33(4)(d)4, Wis. Stats., except as otherwise provided in § 23.33(4), Wis. Stats., no person may operate an all-terrain or utility-terrain vehicle on any road, freeway, or highway in the Village, except on those roadways that are designated as all-terrain and utility-terrain vehicle routes by this section.
All streets in the Village of Greenville are open to ATVs/UTVs except the following: STH 15, STH 76, STH 96, CTH CA, CTH CB, CTH BB, CTH GV, CTH JJ.
The route(s) does not include public properties, Village-owned parks, School District property, stormwater management facilities, pedestrian trails, etc., except for those with designated parking areas where motorized vehicles normally park. ATV/UTV operators must receive permission from the Hortonville Area School District to utilize parking lots on school district properties.
The routes do not include private roads or driveways nor any private property in the Village. The Village President, Village Administrator, or County Sheriff shall retain the right to close any Village street to ATV/UTV operation for special events or street construction/repair without notice.
Route restrictions. Pursuant to § 23.33(8)(d), Wis. Stats., the following restrictions are placed on the use of the Village all-terrain and utility-terrain vehicle routes designated by this section. Routes shall be marked with uniform all-terrain and utility-terrain vehicle route signs in accordance with § NR 64.12(7), Wisconsin Administrative Code. No person may do any of the following regarding signs marking Village ATV/UTV routes unless authorized to do so.
Intentionally remove, damage, deface, move, or obstruct any uniform all-terrain and utility vehicle route or trail sign or standard or intentionally interfere with the effective operation of any uniform ATV/UTV route or trail sign or standards if the sign or standard is legally placed by the state, any municipality, or any authorized individual.
Possess any uniform ATV/UTV route or trail sign or standard of the type established by the Village for the warning, instruction, or information of the public, unless he or she obtained the uniform ATV/UTV route or trail sign or standard in a lawful manner. Possession of a uniform all-terrain and utility-terrain vehicle route or trail sign or standard creates a rebuttable presumption of illegal possession.
Maintenance of all-terrain and utility-terrain vehicle routes.
Designation of segments of the Village road system as ATV/UTV routes does not impose upon the Village a greater duty of care or responsibility for maintenance of those segments than for any other segment of Village road.
Operators of ATV/UTVs on Village roads assume all the usual and normal risks of ATV/UTV operation.
The Village accepts no liability for the operation of ATVs/UTVs on any Village streets under the provisions of this section.
Operation of all-terrain and utility vehicles.
Operation shall be subject to all provisions of § 23.33, Wis. Stats., which is adopted as a part of this section by reference, pursuant to § 23.33(11), Wis. Stats.
Operation of ATV/UTVs on village streets will not be legal until official signage is installed designating ATV/UTV routes within the Greenville municipal boundaries.
Operators must abide by all traffic laws unless further restricted by this section.
Operators will be held to the same enforcement, expectations, permissions, penalties, and restrictions, in addition to all other standards adopted by Wisconsin Statutes, which apply to the offense of driving a motorized vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs, and/or other chemical agents which impair an operator's safe use of a motorized vehicle, including but not limited to § 346.63, Wis. Stats., Operating under influence of intoxicant or other drugs.
The speed limit for ATVs and UTVs shall be the posted speed limit on the roadway.
ATVs/UTVs may be operated on paved surfaces only, unless yielding the right-of-way.
All ATV/UTV operators shall ride single file.
No ATV/UTV may be operated on any designated route(s) without fully functional headlights (turned on), taillights, and brake lights.
All ATV/UTV operators shall ride on the right-hand side of the paved portion of the highway unless making a left turn. Operation on the gravel shoulders, grassy in-slope, ditches, or other highway right-of-way is prohibited unless yielding right-of-way.
No ATV/UTV may be operated on any designated ATV/UTV route if the ATV/UTV does not meet all applicable federal noise and air pollution standards.
No person under the age of 16 may operate an ATV/UTV on any segment of Village road which is a designated ATV/UTV route unless accompanied by an adult.
No person under the age of 18 may operate an ATV/UTV on any designated route unless wearing approved protective headgear.
No person may operate an ATV/UTV with a passenger if the vehicle is not intended for a passenger: § 23.33(3)(em), except as provided in § 23.33(11m), with a passenger riding in or on any part of an all-terrain vehicle or utility-terrain vehicle that is not designed or intended to be used by passengers while the all-terrain vehicle or utility-terrain vehicle is being operated on an all-terrain vehicle route, all-terrain vehicle trail, or roadway as authorized in this section.
Licensing, insurance, and registration.
Driver's license. Every person who operates an ATV/UTV on a segment of Village road which is designated as an ATV/UTV route shall have in his or her immediate possession a valid motor vehicle operator's license and shall display the license document upon demand from any law enforcement officer or official described in § 23.33(12), Wis. Stats.
ATV safety course. An ATV safety certificate is required for all ATV riders in Wisconsin who were born after January 1, 1988, and are at least 12 years of age and who operate on Village ATV routes.
Reference § 23.33(12), Wis. Stats. regarding all-terrain vehicles and utility-terrain vehicles, enforcement.
Reference § 346.04, Wis. Stats. regarding obedience to traffic officers, signs/signals; fleeing from officer.
Insurance. Every person who operates an ATV/UTV on a segment of Village road which is designated as an ATV/UTV route, and/or every ATV/UTV operated on a segment of Village road which is designated as an ATV/UTV route, shall carry liability, and/or other insurances consistent with Wisconsin state law for the operation of a motorized vehicle.
Reference § 344.62, Wis. Stats. regarding motor vehicle liability insurance required.
Disturbing of the peace, and nuisance activities.
Cruising prohibited. No person shall, while operating an ATV or UTV, engage in the practice of cruising on any authorized road. Cruising is defined as running all or part of the length of a roadway multiple times, per day, back and forth, for any purpose other than departing or arriving at their residence, or place of lodging. ATV/UTV travel should be limited to going from point A to point B in a direct route.
Exhaust system/muffler modifications prohibited. No person shall operate on a Village route any ATV/UTV unless such ATV/UTV is equipped with an adequate muffler in constant operation and properly maintained to prevent any excessive or unusual noise or annoying smoke.
Reference § 347.39(1), Wis. Stats.
Radios or the electric sound amplification devices: No person may operate or park, stop or leave standing an ATV/UTV vehicle while using a radio or other electric sound amplification device emitting sound from the vehicle that is audible under normal conditions from 75 feet or more, unless the electric sound amplification device is being used to request assistance or warn against an unsafe condition.
Reference § 346.94(16), Wis. Stats.
Use of trailers or sleds prohibited. No person shall operate an ATV/UTV upon any street within the Village with any person, trailer or sled attached or trailing said vehicle, unless it is designed for such activities. Anyone operating such conveyance in an unsafe or reckless manner shall be deemed in violation of this section.
This section may be enforced by any law enforcement officer authorized to enforce the laws of the State of Wisconsin. A copy of this section shall be sent by the Village Clerk, to the Outagamie County Sheriff's Department, and the Department of Natural Resources, and any other law enforcement agency serving the Village of Greenville's jurisdiction.
As a substitute for or in addition to forfeiture actions, the Village attorney may, on behalf of the Village, seek enforcement of any and all parts of this section by court actions seeking injunction orders or restraining orders and/or pursuing nuisance actions against the violator.
Reference § 23.33(12), Wis. Stats. regarding all-terrain vehicles and utility-terrain vehicles, enforcement.
Reference § 346.04, Wis. Stats. regarding obedience to traffic officers, signs/signals; fleeing from officer.
Penalties. The penalties under § 23.33(13)(a), Wis. Stats., are adopted by reference. Any person who shall violate this section shall pay a forfeiture plus costs established in Fee and Fine Schedule of the Greenville Municipal Code.[1]
Editor's Note: The Fine and Forfeiture Schedule is on file in the Village offices.
Severability. Should any portion of this section be declared unconstitutional, or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this section shall not be affected.
[Amended 10-13-2014]
The penalty for violation of any provision of this article shall, upon conviction, be a forfeiture amount set from time to time by ordinance in the Fine and Forfeiture Schedule of the Village of Greenville.
Enforcement procedure. This article shall be enforced according to §§ 66.0114 and 345.20 to 345.53 and Ch. 800, Wis. Stats.
Any person arrested for a violation of this article may make a deposit of money, as directed by the arresting officer, at the office of Greenville Village Clerk or at the office of the Clerk of Court or by mailing the deposit to such places. The arresting officer or the person receiving the deposit shall notify the arrested person, orally or in writing, that:
If s/he fails to appear in court at the time fixed in the citation, he will be deemed to have tendered a plea of no contest and submitted to a forfeiture, plus costs, not to exceed the amount of the deposit; or
If s/he fails to appear in court at the time fixed in the citation and if the court does not accept the deposit as a forfeiture, he will be summoned into court to answer the complaint.
The amount of the deposit shall be determined in accordance with the deposit schedule established by the Wisconsin Judicial Conference and shall include the penalty assessment established under § 757.05, Wis. Stats., and costs. If a deposit schedule has not been established, the arresting officer shall require the alleged offender to deposit the forfeiture established by the Greenville Municipal Court, which shall include the 26% penalty assessment established under § 757.05, Wis. Stats. Deposits for nonmoving violations shall not include the penalty assessment.
The arresting officer or the person receiving the deposit shall issue the arrested person a receipt therefor as required by § 345.26(3)(b), Wis. Stats.
Stipulation of no contest. Any person charged with a violation of this section, except §§ 346.62(1) and 346.63(1), Wis. Stats., may make a stipulation of no contest pursuant to § 345.27, Wis. Stats., which shall be received at the Law Enforcement Unit or the office of the Clerk of Court within 10 days of the date of the alleged violation. Such person shall, at the time of entering into the stipulation, make the deposit required under Subsection B, if s/he has not already done so. A person who has mailed or filed a stipulation under this subsection may, however, appear in court on the appearance date and may be relieved from the stipulation for cause shown as required in § 345.37, Wis. Stats.
Uniform citations. The uniform traffic citation promulgated under § 345.11, Wis. Stats., shall be used for all moving traffic violations under this article.
Parking citations. Citations for all nonmoving traffic violations under this article shall conform to § 345.28, Wis. Stats., and shall permit direct mail payment of the applicable minimum forfeiture to the Law Enforcement Unit within 10 days of the issuance of the citation, in lieu of court appearance. The issuing officer shall specify thereon the amount of the applicable forfeiture as provided in this section.
Notice of demerit points and receipt. Every officer or person accepting a forfeited penalty or money deposit under this section shall furnish a receipt on a serially numbered form as provided in § 345.26(3)(b), Wis. Stats. Every officer or person accepting a stipulation under the provisions of this section shall comply with the provisions of §§ 343.28, 345.26(1)(a) and 345.27(2), Wis. Stats., and shall require the alleged violator to sign a statement of notice in substantially the form contained on the uniform traffic citation and complaint promulgated under § 345.11, Wis. Stats.
Forfeiture to go to treasury. All forfeitures and penalties recovered for the violation of an ordinance shall be paid in to the Village of Greenville treasury for use by the Village. Any officer or person accepting deposits or forfeiture penalties under this section shall deliver them to the Village Treasurer within 20 days of receipt.
Authority. This section is adopted pursuant to authority conferred by § 350.18(3)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes.
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to authorize and regulate use of certain Village Roads for snowmobile operation.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
All public ways and thoroughfares and bridges on the same. It includes the entire width between the boundary lines of every way open to the use of the public as a matter of right for the purposes of vehicular travel. It includes those roads or driveways in the state, county or Village parks and in state forests which have been opened to the use of the public for the purpose of vehicular travel, and roads or driveways upon the grounds of public schools, as defined in § 115.01(1), Wis. Stats., and institutions under jurisdiction of the Outagamie County Board of Supervisors, but does not include private roads or driveways.
For the purpose of traveling for the shortest distance that is necessary for a person operating the snowmobile to go between a lodging establishment and the snowmobile route or snowmobile trail that is closest to the lodging establishment.
For the purpose of traveling for the shortest distance that is necessary for a person operating the snowmobile to go between a residence and the snowmobile route or snowmobile trail that is closest to that residence.
That portion of a highway between the regularly established curblines or that portion which is improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel, excluding the berm or shoulder. In a divided highway, the term "roadway" refers to each roadway separately but not to all such roadways collectively.
An engine-driven vehicle that is manufactured solely for snowmobiling, that has an endless belt tread and sled-type runners, or skis, to be used in contact with snow but does not include such a vehicle that is any of the following:
A vehicle that has inflatable tires.
A vehicle that is driven by a motor of four horsepower or less and that is operated in sanctioned races, derbies, competitions or exhibitions or only on private property.
Prohibited use. Snowmobile operation is prohibited on the following Village highways: (Reserved).
Designated use. Snowmobile operation is authorized on the following designated, posted and marked Village highways: (Reserved).
Limited use. Snowmobile operation is limited to the purpose of access from lodging and to the purpose of residential access on all other Village highways.
Emergency use. Snowmobiles may be operated on any Village highway during a period of emergency when so declared by the Village Board.
Path of operation. Snowmobiles shall be operated on the far right side of the roadway and shall travel single file.
Left turns. Left turns shall be made as safely as possible from any position depending on snow cover and other prevailing conditions.
Yielding right-of-way. Snowmobile operators shall yield right-of-way to other vehicular traffic and pedestrians.
Months of use. Snowmobile operation on Village highways and Village trails is limited to the period November 1 to March 31.
Operation regulated by statute. Snowmobile operation is subject to the rules and regulations of Chapter 350 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
Speed limit. Snowmobile operation shall not exceed speeds of 35 miles per hour on any Village highway.
Stopping at intersections. Snowmobiles shall come to a complete stop at all highway intersections.
Snowmobile renter's license.
No person shall engage in the business of renting or leasing of snowmobiles to the public or of renting or leasing use of a snowmobile track or other private property to the public for the operation of snowmobiles thereon in the Village of Greenville unless he has first obtained a license therefor as provided in this subsection.
Application for snowmobile renters' licenses shall be filed with the Village Clerk and shall include the name of the owner of the premises on which such business will be conducted, the proposed period and hours of operation, the name of the person, firm or corporation who or which will conduct such business, the state registration number of such commercial owner, if any, and the registration numbers of any snowmobiles to be leased by such business and such other information as the Village Board shall require to consider such application. The application shall be accompanied by a fee as prescribed in the Village Fee Schedule[1] to cover the cost of investigation and issuance of the license.
Editor's Note: The Fee Schedule is on file in the Village offices.
No license shall be issued unless approved by the Village Board after public hearing. Notice of such hearing shall be given as a Class 1 notice under Ch. 985, Wis. Stats. The Village Board shall approve issuance of the license only if it determines that the public health, safety and welfare will not be adversely affected thereby and that the following requirements are met:
The applicant must have on file with the Village Clerk proof of liability insurance in force covering the premises to be licensed and the operation of any snowmobile thereon or to be rented or offered for use to the public by the business with limits of $50,000 per person, $300,000 per accident, and $10,000 property damage.
If snowmobiles are to be used on the licensed premises, such use must be restricted to areas located at least 700 feet from any dwellings not owned or occupied by the applicant.
Snowmobiles shall be operated on the premises only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:30 p.m.
The licensing period shall be for one year from September 1 to August 31.
The Clerk shall issue a renewal license to any person, firm or corporation holding a valid license under this subsection upon payment of the annual license fee; provided, however, that any such applicant who has been convicted within the preceding 12 months of a violation of this section or any state statute regulating or restricting the use of snowmobiles or snowmobile renters shall not be entitled to a license renewal until approved by the Village Board after public hearing as required under Subsection O(3) of this section.
Penalty. Any person who shall violate any provision of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit an amount listed in the Fine and Forfeiture Schedule that shall be set from time to time by ordinance by the Village of Greenville, together with the costs of prosecution, and, in default of payment thereof, may be imprisoned in the county jail for not exceeding 90 days, provided that no person shall forfeit an amount in excess of the maximum fine or forfeiture allowed in the Wisconsin Statutes for the same offense, and further provided that the penalty and forfeiture for parking violations on highways shall be the amount applicable to such violations by owners or operators of motor vehicles under the Village Traffic Code.
[Amended 10-13-2014]
Uniform citation for highway violations. The uniform traffic citation promulgated under § 345.11, Wis. Stats., shall be used for violations of this section relating to highway use, except as herein provided, and shall be used for enforcement of violations of rules of the road relating to parking of vehicles adopted by reference in § 290-23.
Other violations. All violations of this section not described in Subsection P(1) of this section shall be enforced in accordance with §§ 66.0111 and 66.0114 and Ch. 799, Wis. Stats. Stipulations of guilt or no contest may be made as provided in § 66.0114(1)(b), Wis. Stats., in substantially the form provided in the uniform traffic citation within five days of the date of the citation for such violation. Bail deposits may also be made under § 66.0114, Wis. Stats. Such deposits shall include a Clerk's fee and costs of prosecution.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Law Enforcement Unit to receive stipulations and penalties. Stipulations, forfeited penalties and deposits for obtaining release from arrest authorized under this section may be accepted by the Law Enforcement Unit. The officer authorized to accept penalties and deposits shall be bonded and such bond shall be filed with the Village Clerk.
Forfeited penalties and deposits. Except as otherwise provided in § 345.26, Wis. Stats., and the deposit schedule adopted by the Wisconsin Judicial Conference thereunder, required forfeited penalties and deposits or bail, not including costs or fees, for violation of this section shall be provided an amount listed in the Fine and Forfeiture Schedule that shall be set from time to time by ordinance by the Village of Greenville.
[Amended 10-13-2014]
Filing. The Clerk shall file a copy of this section upon its enactment and publication with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Class B highways. The following Village roads are hereby classified as Class "B" highways pursuant to §§ 349.15 and 348.16, Wis. Stats.
Name of Street
Everglade Road
Greendale Road
Greenwood Road
Hillview Road
Lily of the Valley
Manley Road
Mayflower Road
Island Road
Julius Drive
North Road
School Road
Spencer Road
Spring Road
Winnegamie Drive
Excess of 10,000 pounds. Vehicles in excess of 10,000 pounds shall be prohibited on all streets and roads except on the following Village roads and streets:
State trunk highways
County trunk highways
Airport Park
Communication Drive
Contractor Drive
Craftsmen Drive
Design Drive
Levi Drive
Quality Court
Quality Drive
South Park Drive
Technical Drive
Tower View Drive
Two Mile Road
Moving supplies. In accordance with § 349.17 Wis. Stats., heavy vehicles obtaining orders for supplies or moving or delivering supplies or commodities to or from any place of business or residence which has an entrance on such a street or highway may not be prohibited from using roads restricted under this section.
No trucking signs. Temporary "No Trucking" signs may be installed on Village streets as deemed necessary by the Village due to circumstances such as, but not limited to, detour routes.
One-way streets shall be designated by appropriate signs, and every operator of a vehicle approaching such sign shall comply with § 346.04(2), Wis. Stats.
The following streets are designated as one-way streets: (Reserved).