[Adopted 1-21-1998 by Ord. No. 11; amended in its entirety 7-12-2021 by Ord. No. 07-21]
[Amended 10-10-2022 by Ord. No. 7-22]
Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes § 61.35, the Village Board of Trustees of Greenville, Outagamie County, Wisconsin, hereby regulates the keeping of farm animals in certain areas in Greenville, Outagamie County, Wisconsin, as described herein.
The purpose of this article is to regulate the keeping of farm animals within certain areas in Greenville, Outagamie County, Wisconsin.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Pursuant to the definition of "livestock" in Wisconsin Statutes § 95.51(1), bovine animals, equine animals, goats, poultry except chickens as defined in Article V, Small-Scale Keeping of Fowl, sheep, swine, farm-raised deer, and any other kind of animal the Department of Agriculture identifies by rule.
[Amended10-10-2022 by Ord. No. 7-22; 2-7-2024 by Ord. No. 1-24]
Includes owner, owners, tenants, lessees and/or occupants.
No farm animal shall be raised, harbored, cared or provided for on any parcel of land in Greenville in the following areas:
Within all zoning districts except for AGD-General Agricultural District, AGD-FP-General Agricultural Farmland Preservation Overlay District, and RR-Rural Residential District.
Minimum lot sizes.
A minimum of three acres is required per farm animal for property zoned RR-Rural Residential except the minimum lot size for each beehive shall be 5,000 sq. ft.
There are no minimum lot sizes for property zoned AGD-General Agricultural District or AGD-FP-General Agricultural Farmland Preservation Overlay District.
Structures used for keeping of farm animals shall meet the requirements of Chapter 85, Building Construction, and Chapter 320, Zoning.
Prohibited animals:
Roosters shall be prohibited in the RR-Rural Residential District.
Registration. Property owners are required to register their farm animals pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes § 95.51(2).
Properties that are not in compliance with these regulations but have farm animals prior to July 12, 2021, may continue to keep them but shall not add more.
Greenville does hereby determine that the keeping of said animals in the above-described areas is a nuisance. Any person violating this article shall be notified by certified mail by the appropriate official from Greenville, or by an issued written police order, to remove the farm animal within a five-day period. If the farm animal is not removed with said five-day period, Greenville shall assess a penalty of $50 for each day that the farm animal remains after the five-day period. Further, Greenville shall proceed in the Circuit Court for Outagamie County to obtain an injunction removing said farm animal. Greenville shall seek an order for removal of said farm animal, and the farm animal shall be destroyed, and the cost of removal and destruction of said farm animal shall be assessed against the owner of the real estate on which the farm animal is located. Greenville shall further collect its costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, for all action under this article.