[Ord. No. 16-2006, § 1]
The purpose of the Donated Leave Program is to enable Borough employees to donate, voluntarily, a portion of their earned sick and/or vacation time to other employees of the Borough who have exhausted their own earned leave and who are suffering from a serious catastrophic health condition or injury that is expected to require a prolonged absence from work. The program also allows employees to participate if they are needed to provide care to an immediate family member under the same circumstances. This policy establishes the eligibility requirements and other conditions governing participation in the program.
The Borough will do everything reasonable within its established benefit and leave programs to accommodate employees with unexpected health problems. However, an employee's inability to perform the basic functions of his or her position due to chronic absenteeism may be cause for corrective actions leading to disability retirement, if available, or termination of employment.
[Ord. No. 16-2006, § 1]
Recipient eligibility. An employee of the Borough shall be eligible to receive donated sick and/or vacation time from other Borough employees, provided the recipient meets the following criteria:
Full-time employment of not less than one year of continuous service.
A catastrophic health condition or injury which requires absence from work for a prolonged period due to the employee's own illness or to care for an immediate family member.
Medical verification from a physician or other licensed health care provider describing the nature, severity and anticipated duration of the disability.
Exhaustion of all accrued leave time, including compensatory time, sick leave, and vacation leave.
Receipt of not less than five donated days from one or more qualified leave donors.
Donor eligibility. A leave donor must meet the following criteria:
An irrevocable donation of not more than 10 days to any one recipient in whole days only, provided that the donor shall retain a remaining balance of not less than 20 days of accrued sick leave if donating sick leave, and 12 days of accrued vacation leave if donating vacation leave.
Solicitation and/or acceptance of any money, credit, gift, gratuity, thing of value or compensation of any kind which is provided, directly or indirectly, to a donor is strictly prohibited.
[Ord. No. 16-2006, § 1]
The Donated Leave Program is administered by the Personnel Director and is subject to monitoring, audit and any other appropriate rules as may be adopted by the Borough.
Participation in the program is on a strictly voluntary basis and is limited to a recipient receiving a total of not more than 180 days on a nonretroactive basis.
Participation is subject to the approval of the recipient request application and donor transfer certification. In the event the employee is unable to complete the recipient application form, the employee's designated family may complete the form on behalf of the employee. A supervisor may also initiate this process on behalf of the employee. Notice shall be provided to all appropriate bargaining unit representatives, if applicable.
Upon approval of an employee as an eligible leave recipient, the employee's name will be posted in order to give notice to all employees who may be eligible and desirous of donating leave.
The donor's leave account will be reduced by the number of days that are to be donated.
The eligible recipient's leave account will be credited with the donated leave time upon approval of the recipient request form. The recipient may receive days from more than one donor to a maximum of 180 days.
Any unused, donated leave time shall be credited to the leave donors on a prorated basis upon the leave recipient's return to work. However, any portion that would amount to less than one day per donor will not be returned.
The leave recipient shall continue to accrue sick and vacation leave while using donated leave time. This entitlement shall be retained and credited to the employee upon his/her return to work.
Recipients cannot collect temporary disability insurance (TDI) while participating in the Donated Leave Program. Once an employee has exhausted all benefits from the Donated Leave Program, the employee can enroll or re-enroll in the TDI program.
Upon retirement, the recipient shall not be granted supplemental compensation on retirement for any unused sick and/or vacation leave he/she received through the Donated Leave Program.