[Ord. No. 10-73, Art. I]
In order to assure the proper disposal of sewage and wastewaters and the proper operation and maintenance of the public sewers and other sewerage works within the Borough of Morris Plains and to provide an adequate record of sewers, drains, appurtenances and connections thereto, the following regulations are enacted by the Borough of Morris Plains, under the authority of N.J.R.S. 40:63-7.
[Ord. No. 10-73, Art. II, § 1; No. 24-87, § 1]
The Sewer Supervisor shall supervise the operation and maintenance of the public sewer system and otherwise function as hereinafter specified. The duties of said position shall be performed by the Public Works Superintendent.
Whenever the term "Plumbing Inspector and/or Sewer Inspector" appears in this chapter, the appropriate Borough official may be determined by reference to the following:
The Plumbing Inspector's authority to issue and/or terminate permits and perform inspections is limited to private property, pursuant to the BOCA Code.
The Sewer Inspector/Sewer Supervisor/Public Works Superintendent's authority to issue and/or terminate permits and perform inspections is limited to the public sewer system.
Depending on the nature of the work to be done, either or both of their respective jurisdictions may be involved.