[Ord. No. 10-73, § XII]
The developer of a property subdivision within the Borough of Morris Plains shall submit to the Borough Engineer of said Borough of Morris Plains and to any other local or state agency or officer having jurisdiction the proposed method of providing for groundwater drainage and sewage disposal in the development. The method proposed shall be indicated on the tentative plat plan or separate plan showing gradient and datum lines, together with specifications or descriptive information as to clearly indicate the functioning and construction of the layout. A performance bond in the amount of the construction costs estimate shall be posted by the developer with the Borough Clerk guaranteeing satisfactory performance of said developer's work. No building permits shall be issued to any developer of subdivisions until the ground drainage and sewage disposal layout have been approved by the Borough Engineer and by any other local or state agency or officer having jurisdiction, and until a sewer agreement has been entered into between the Borough and the developer.
In cases where a developer of a property subdivision plans the construction of sewer laterals in the streets of the development, said developer shall furnish, at the time the plans for such laterals, as submitted for approval, a maintenance bond, issued by a bonding company acceptable to the Borough Engineer and of a value of five percent (5%) of the estimated cost of the proposed sewers, but in no case for less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.), guaranteeing for a term of one (1) year the correction of any defects in the sewer system, including leaks, excessive infiltration in the street sewers, manholes and building sewers, upon written notice of such defects from the Borough Engineer.
In cases where a developer of a property subdivision has received the approval of the Borough Council for the construction of a sewage pumping station in conjunction with a system of street sewers, the plans and specifications for such pumping stations shall be submitted to and approved by the Borough Engineer and by any state agency having jurisdiction, prior to the construction of said pumping station.
The installation of all sewer lines and their appurtenances shall not be backfilled with unapproved material. Sand material shall be used after approval for the same is obtained and after written certification of approval for the installation of the sewer line and their appurtenances by the Borough Engineer or his authorized representative. Installations shall be in accordance with specifications of the Borough of Morris Plains.
Sewer inspection riser openings (peep sights) for building sewers shall be placed at the end of the four-inch branch connection line. The riser shall be of cast iron, at least four inches in diameter and shall be set up on a T-opening in the building sewer (Y-connection not permitted).