[Ord. No. 14-2012, § 1]
In the event that there shall be filed with the Borough of Morris Plains State Uniform Construction Code Enforcing Agency an application for a building demolition permit or an application for a Removal of Building Permit which involves either the total or partial demolition/removal of a building in excess of 100,000 square feet in size, then the application shall be referred to the Planning Board for its review and recommendation prior to the taking of final action thereon.
[Ord. No. 14-2012, § 1]
Among the matters to be considered by the Planning Board in its review of the application are:
Soil erosion control measures, including but not limited to:
Stabilized construction entrances:
Silt fence around all disturbed areas;
Stabilization of soil stockpiles and all disturbed areas; and
Permanent stabilization of all disturbed areas.
Protection of watercourses and water bodies where demolition is adjacent or close to watercourses and water bodies.
Repair or replacement of any site improvements to remain that are damaged or destroyed as a result of the demolition activities.
Any change that will result to the contour and/or elevation of the land and whether a grading plan is required.
The potential import or export of 50 cubic yards or more of soil and whether a soil disturbance permit is required.
Inspection, if any, on landscaping, including:
Replacement of any damaged vegetation or landscaping as a result of the demolition activities; and
Additional plantings in the area of the building demolition.
Information as to where and how any existing utilities will be disconnected.
Such other aspects of the matter as shall require review in the context of demolition/removal impacts.
[Ord. No. 14-2012, § 1]
Upon such referral to the Planning Board, the applicant for the permit(s) shall appear at a meeting of the Planning Board, at the time the said Board is scheduled to consider the matter, so as to provide relevant and useful information pertaining to the applications.
No notice pursuant to the Municipal Land Use Law shall be required to be made the applicant.
The Planning Board shall report its findings and recommendations to the Borough Council within 60 days of referral of the matter to it, unless an additional 45 days is required for review of the application due to the complexity of the matter.