The preapplication conference is provided as an informal session to provide information prior to preparation of formal application documentation and shall be optional at the discretion of the subdivider.
Prospective subdividers shall arrange a preapplication conference with the Township Planning Commission to determine the practical and legal feasibility of the proposed project prior to the development of formal preliminary plan preparation. An appointment shall be made at least seven days prior to the Commission's regular meeting date. No fee shall be required for said conference.
Subdividers shall present all information and data, as required by this chapter, for review and discussion with the Planning Commission.
In assessing the suitability of the plan, the Planning Commission shall consider the Township's Comprehensive Plan and any other appropriate plans.
Consideration shall also be given to possible hazards to health, safety and welfare. Land subject to flooding, slides due to soil type or slope or excavation, excessive erosion, improper drainage, mine subsidence problems, or land unsuited for on-site sewage disposal shall be deemed hazardous and shall require a specific demonstration of measures to remove the identified hazard-producing condition.
Submission of the following information at the preapplication conference is recommended:
General information. A general description of existing covenants, land characteristics, the availability of community facilities and utilities. Also, information relating to the proposed subdivision, such as the appropriate number of lots, typical lot width and depth, commercial areas, playgrounds, park areas, other public areas, proposed protective covenants, proposed utility and street improvements.
Topographic and location map. Existing United States Geological Survey quadrangle sheet or other acceptable map in sufficient detail to show topographic features of the site.
Sketch plan. A simple sketch of the tract boundaries, proposed layout of streets, lots, significant topographic modifications contemplated and other features in relation to existing conditions.
Timing. A projected timetable for development of the project, including the anticipated schedule of project phasing.
Fee. No fee shall be charged for the preapplication conference.