[Adopted 11-14-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-007]
All persons now receiving sewer services from this Sewer Utility, or who may request service in the future, shall be considered as having agreed to be bound by the following rules and regulations.
Application for sewer service may be made in writing on a form furnished by the Sewer Utility. The application will contain the legal description of the property to be served, name of the owner and the exact use to be made of the service.
Service will be furnished only if:
Premises have a frontage on a properly platted street or public strip in which a sewer main has been laid, or where property owner has agreed to and complied with the provisions of the Utility's filed main extension rule;
Property owner has installed or agrees to install a service pipe from the curbline to the point of use, and laid not less than six feet below the surface of an established or proposed grade, and according to Utility's specification; and
Premises have adequate piping to deliver the sewerage from the point of service to the main.
If the owner of a multiunit dwelling has chosen the option of being served by individual metered water service to each unit, then the owner, by default, chooses separate sewer billings as well.
The Utility may withhold approval of any application wherein full information of the purpose of such supply is not clearly indicated and set forth by the applicant property owner.
The minimum service contract period shall be one year unless otherwise specified by special contract or in the applicable rate schedule. Where the Utility has disconnected service at the customer's request prior to expiration of the minimum contract period, a reconnection charge shall be made, payable in advance, when the customer requests reconnection of service. The minimum contract period is renewed with each reconnection.
A consumer shall be considered as the same consumer, provided the reconnection is requested for the same location by any member of the same household, or if a place of business, by any partner of the same business.
No sewer service shall be laid through any trench having cinders, rubbish, rock or any other material which may cause injury to or disintegration of the service pipe, unless adequate means of protection are provided by sand filling or such other insulation as may be approved by the Utility. Service pipes passing through curb or retaining walls shall be adequately safeguarded by provision of a channel space or pipe casing, not less than twice the diameter of the service connection. The space between the service pipe and channel or pipe casing shall be filled and lightly caulked with an oakum, mastic cement or other resilient material, and made impervious to moisture.
In backfilling the pipe trench, the service pipe must be protected against injury by carefully hand tamping the ground filling, free from hard lumps, rocks, stones or other injurious material, around and at least six inches over the pipe.
The service pipe from the point of service to the property line will be maintained and kept in repair and, when worn out, replaced at the expense of the customer.
If an owner fails to repair a leaking or broken service pipe from point of service to the main within such time as may appear reasonable to the Utility after notification has been served on the owner by the Utility, a sewer plug shall be installed on the lateral and will not be removed again until the sewer repairs have been completed.
Annexed areas to pay connection fee. If land to be benefited by a connection to the Village sewer system has not been specifically assessed for sewer main extension in the street abutting such property, for the reason that the property to be so benefited was not within the corporate limits of the Village at the time the assessment was levied for such sewer main extension, the owner thereof shall, prior to annexation, pay a connection fee to the Village in an amount equal to the amount which the property would have been assessed for such service had the connection been made to the Village sewer system when the mains were laid, together with interest thereon at a rate not to exceed prime rate plus 2% per annum from such date to the date of payment. The estimate of the Village Public Works Director as to the cost of such sewer service shall be binding on all parties.
This article shall apply to all land presently located within the corporate limits of the Village. In the event the Village elects at any time to extend service to any area outside of the corporate limits of the Village, the owners of such land are also subject to the connection fees set forth in this article.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Any person who violates any provision of this article or any order, rule or regulation made hereunder shall be subject to a penalty as determined by Village Board.
Application. When an extension of a sewer main is requested by the prospective user, said person should make an application for such an extension, in writing, to the Village Board by filing of a written application. The application shall include a statement of the location or locations at which it is desired to connect, and a statement of the character of the wastewater to be transmitted.
After the filing of such an application, the approving authority shall select an engineering consultant to design all proposed wastewater systems. All costs and expenses incident to the design and bidding, including engineering, permits and other fees associated with the connection or hookup to the wastewater collection system shall be borne by the developer/customer requesting the extension or by the approving authority at their discretion. Prior to the design of a sewer extension, the developer/customer shall secure and furnish proof of an escrow account for the estimated amount of the design costs, the amount to be determined by the approving authority. The account shall be so arranged and an escrow agreement executed between the developer/customer, the bank, the approving authority to allow the latter to withdraw amounts from the account. The account shall be sufficient to cover payments to all parties under contract with the approving authority for the design of the wastewater system. This money will not be refunded if the project does not proceed to construction.
Upon completion of the design and after review the Village Board shall act on the application. The minimum length of an extension shall be the distance to the next manhole. All sewer extensions shall be constructed in compliance with local and state laws, ordinances and regulations.
Payment by users. The person who requests the extension shall pay the entire cost of said extension, including the manhole or manholes that are part of the extension.
Method of dividing cost. After making the decision as to the length and location of the extension and prior to the time of making the charge to the person(s), the Village Board shall determine the benefits to be received by any parcel that will be served by said extension. Before making a determination as to benefits received, the Village Board shall first divide the area to be served into logical building lots. The Village Board may consider the recommendations of the landowner in determining said building lots if the landowner as part of his or her application accompanies said application with a proposed division of said land into lots for sale or use. In determining the amount to be paid by the original users, if more than one user is involved, the division of the charge shall be made by considering each building lot as a separate user. Payments are to be considered contributions to construction.
Future users. After the original contribution, any future connection by reason other than to a lot owned by a party making a previous contribution, such user may be required to pay to the original contributor their pro-rata share of the lot or lots owned by the new attaching user in the entire extension cost as if said user had been one of the original contributors. No refund shall be made to the original contributors after the extension has been in service for five years.
Construction. If the Village constructs the extension, full payment shall be made before construction begins unless otherwise agreed between the person requesting the extension and the Village Board. If the developer constructs the extension, no construction shall begin until plans are approved by the Village Board, the Village Engineer and the Department of Natural Resources. The Village shall assume responsibility for the extension when construction is completed, all tests have been satisfactorily completed and the necessary right-of-way or easement has been recorded.
Mandatory hookup. The owner of each parcel of land adjacent to a sewer main on which there exists a building usable for human habitation, or in a block through which such system is extended, shall connect to such system within 12 months of notice, in writing, from the approving authority. Upon failure to do so, the approving authority may cause such connection to be made and bill the property owner for such costs. If such costs are not paid within 30 days, such notice shall be assessed as a special tax lien against the property, all pursuant to § 144.06, Wis. Stats.; provided, however, that the owner may within 30 days after the completion of the work file a written request with the Utility stating that he cannot pay such amount in one sum and ask that there be levied in not to exceed three equal installments, and that the amount shall be so collected with interest at the rate of 9% per annum from the completion of the work, the unpaid balance being a special tax lien, all pursuant to § 144.06, Wis. Stats.
Penalties. In lieu of the above, the approving authority at its option may impose a penalty for the period that the violation continues, after 10 days' written notice to any owner failing to make a connection to the sewer system, of an amount equal to 150% of the average residential charge for sewer service payable monthly for the period in which the failure to connect continues, and, upon failure to make such payment, said charge shall be assessed as a special tax lien against the property all pursuant to § 144.06, Wis. Stats.
Failure to connect. This article ordains that the failure to connect to the sewer system is contrary to the minimum health standards of said approving authority and fails to assure preservation of public health, comfort, and safety of said approving authority.
In addition to the charge made as above provided to each lot, each user shall pay the connection charge and the full cost of the building sewer from the main to the user's building.
Alterations to existing wastewater systems connected to the wastewater treatment works shall be treated as proposed new wastewater systems. The approving authority may modify this provision if the sewer connection is not directly connected to an approving authority sewer and providing the person has previously presented and has had approved a general overall sewer plan. If such a modification is made, it will be done in writing and must be kept on file by the person to which it applies.
After sewer connections have been made in a building or upon any premises, no plumber shall make any alterations, extensions or attachments unless the party ordering such work shall exhibit the proper permit.
Prior to permitting such connection or use, the approving authority may investigate, or cause to be investigated, the wastewater system for which such connection or use is requested. If the approving authority finds such system to be in a satisfactory condition, it will grant a permit for such connection or use. If the approving authority funds such system to be defective in operation, construction, design, or maintenance, the approving authority will so notify the applicant and will advise him that upon completion of specified alterations, new construction, or changes in supervision or operation, a permit will be granted. Should the plans or specifications not be approved, one copy will be returned to the applicant who will be informed as to the reason for nonapproval.
Prior to permitting any connection or use of the treatment works, the approving authority shall ascertain that all downstream sewers, interceptors, lift station, forcemains, and treatment works have sufficient reserve capacity for volume, suspended solids and BODs to assure adequate collection and treatment of the additional wastewater contributed to the wastewater treatment works. The approving authority reserves the right to refuse a connection or use permit if the requirements for this section cannot be met with the granting of the permit.
During the construction of any wastewater system which the approving authority has approved, the approving authority may, from time to time, inspect the same to see that said work is being done in accordance with the approval plans and specifications. Failure to make such inspections shall not nullify the rights of the approving authority to require reconstruction should nonadherence to approved plans be subsequently discovered. Every person in the construction of laterals or wastewater systems, within its jurisdiction, shall require that such construction be under the direction of a Wisconsin registered professional engineer or licensed master plumber, if plan approval was obtained under his license. The engineer or master plumber shall keep accurate records of the location, depth, and length of the sewers as built, and of the location of the Y-branches or slants.
Permits shall not be granted for the connection of combined sewers to the interceptors or municipal sewers. Permits shall not be granted for the connection of any proposed or existing storm sewers to the approving authority wastewater treatment works. Connection of catch basin or curb inlets to any sanitary sewer directly or indirectly connected to the wastewater treatment works is strictly prohibited.
All proposed sewer connections shall be planned to be made at the main or manhole with the flow lines of the connecting sewer being at or below the manhole shelf or the connection shall be made through an approved drop. At least 24 hours before connection is to be made, notice of such intent must be given to the approving authority. When the actual connection is made, it must be done in the presence of an approving authority inspector.
Records of connections to the wastewater collection system shall be kept by the municipality in which such connections are made and such records shall be available for inspection by the approving authority.
No user shall allow others or other services to connect to the wastewater collection system through his building sewers and building drains.
Every user shall permit the approving authority, or its duly authorized agent, at all reasonable hours of the day, to enter their premises or building to examine the pipes and fixtures, and the manner in which the drains and sewer connections operate; and they must at all times, frankly and without concealment, answer all questions put to them relative to its use.
The approving authority and its agents and employees shall not be liable for damages occasioned by reason of the breaking, clogging, stoppage, or freezing of any building sewers or building drains; nor from any damage arising from repairing mains, making connections or extensions or any other work that may be deemed necessary. The right is hereby reserved to cut off the water and sewer service at any time for the purpose of repairs, or any other necessary purpose, and permit granted or regulation to the contrary notwithstanding. Whenever it shall become necessary to shut off the sewer service within any district of the said approving authority, the approving authority shall, if practicable, give notice to each and every consumer affected within said approving authority of the time when such service will be so shut off.
All users shall keep their own building sewers and building drains in good repair and protected from frost, at their own risk and expense, and shall prevent any unnecessary overburdening of the sewer system.
Sewer activation fees-laterals. The owner of any property upon which it is necessary for the activation of any existing lateral that is currently sold or upon which a lateral needs to be installed shall be responsible for the costs associated with the lateral extension from the point of service to the main as prescribed in the schedule of fees.
Excavation costs. The owner shall pay all excavation costs incurred. The inspection of such construction shall be directed to the Public Works Department. All fees shall be paid along with other building permit fees. Payment for said fees shall be directed to the Sewer Utility Fund.
Connections to Village-owned laterals, mains, and other infrastructure designed to serve sewage treatment for properties outside the Village limits shall be subject to the provisions of the Village Board.
The approving authority shall own and maintain all sewer mains located under Village streets, street rights-of-way, and Village sewer easements. The approving authority shall install laterals from utility mains to property line for each lot, provided a main is adjacent to the property. The approving authority will also maintain said laterals to be physically sound, but not to include cleaning debris or tree roots. Cleaning costs will be solely up to the property owner. If, during the cleaning operation, it is determined and verified by a Utility employee that the backup is due to blockage in the utility main, the Utility shall pay the cost incurred for the cleaning. The Utility shall repair and/or replace any laterals found to be misaligned, broken, crushed, or collapsed between the utility main and property line and said Utility shall pay all costs incurred. When any sewer service is to be relaid and there are two or more buildings on such service, each building shall be disconnected from such service and a new sewer shall be installed for each building.
The maintenance of sewer laterals is the responsibility of the homeowner. The maintenance responsibility will be from the Village's sewer main to the building the lateral is serving, regardless of the distance and location of existing lateral.