[Ord. No. 2485 §1, 10-9-2012]
A. The
intent and purpose of the "M-U" Gateway District is to ensure the
coordinated redevelopment of the land area adjacent to the I-170/Olive
Boulevard interchange to develop a mixed-use gateway to the City of
Olivette in substantial compliance with the Olivette Strategic Plan,
all regulations and standards in this Article, and all other applicable
or informative land use regulations of the Olivette Municipal Code.
B. To provide the flexibility necessary to effect the intent and purpose of this Article, the method by which such redevelopment shall take place is by application for rezoning to a Planned Development District (PDD), after concept review and development review as provided in Section
400.2170 of this Article. A PDD rezoning application should be accompanied by any necessary subdivision application as may be required by Chapter
405 of the Olivette Municipal Code.
[Ord. No. 2485 §1, 10-9-2012]
The boundaries of the "M-U" Gateway District shall be all non-residential
properties or vacant properties and rights-of-ways abutting Olive
Boulevard, or said properties whose only access is onto Olive Boulevard
via access easements, located between I-170 on the east and Price
Road on the west. See Figure 1 below.
Figure 1: Boundaries of the "M-U" Gateway District
![400.2110 Figure 1.tif 400.2110 Figure 1.tif](/attachment/OL3384/OL3384 400.2110 Figure 1.tif.SM.png) |
[Ord. No. 2485 §1, 10-9-2012]
A. The
objectives of the "M-U" Gateway District include:
1. Guiding development surrounding the I-170/Olive Boulevard interchange
to create a mixed-land use destination, with emphasis on promoting:
a. Medium density development consisting of two (2) or more stories,
b. Development of corporate offices, educational campuses, and medical
services, and
c. Development of housing and lodging services.
2. Limiting retail land uses to prevent such uses from dominating or
fully anchoring redevelopment.
3. Maximizing development by encouraging higher development density.
4. Assuring that the street system is coordinated and managed with regard
to the Olive Boulevard corridor.
5. Providing redevelopment flexibility while coordinating redevelopment
efforts with surrounding properties.
6. Enabling redevelopment that is consistent with the strategic plan.
7. Developing a safe and attractive pedestrian environment along the
Olive Boulevard corridor and within the district.
8. Provide minimum standards and regulations to protect and preserve
the value of properties along the Olive Boulevard corridor.
[Ord. No. 2485 §1, 10-9-2012]
The following words, terms, and phrases shall have the following
The City of Olivette Planning and Community Design Commission.
The City of Olivette City Council.
Any permanent structure having a roof or other covering and
in which the area under the roof or other covering is shielded from
exterior elements by a wall or other architectural veneer. A canopy,
awning, tent, or pavilion shall not be considered an enclosed building
The sum of the horizontal surfaces of the floors of a commercial,
industrial, or multi-family enclosed building structure measured from
the exterior limits of the faces of the enclosed building structure.
A structure, item or area with important aesthetic, historic
or cultural significance including, but not limited to, statues, monuments,
historical markers, decorative clocks or sundials, murals and other
forms of public art and water fountains.
(Also used interchangeably with stand-alone structure) An
enclosed building structure designed to accommodate the operations
of or the occupancy of a single tenant or land use.
The area of land zoned "M-U" Gateway District.
Acronym used for the term Planned Development District.
Improved land subject to deed restriction or covenant ensuring
accessibility to and use by the users of the development and the maintenance
of the development.
An enclosed building structure designed to accommodate the
operations of or the occupancy of a single tenant or land use.
Refers to the Olivette Strategic Plan: Dynamic Sense of Place
as adopted on August 17, 2006, and as subsequently amended.
[Ord. No. 2485 §1, 10-9-2012; Ord. No. 2645, 10-23-2018]
A. Minimum development area shall be eighty thousand (80,000) square
B. Proposed developments less than eighty thousand (80,000) square feet
may join with adjacent property, within or outside of the district
(subject to rezoning), to meet the minimum required area.
C. Any petition to develop property shall identify, for each lot within
the development boundary:
All owner(s) under contract;
The authorized representative of all owner(s) of record or owner(s)
under contract; and
If an applicant has been named as a developer of one (1) or
more lots pursuant to a plan approved by the City Council, the ordinance
or resolution number granting such authority.
[Ord. No. 2485 §1, 10-9-2012]
A. Building Height. Maximum structure height: Forty-five (45)
feet, provided that buildings of a greater height may be authorized
if approved under the procedures for special permit use review.
B. Floor Area. For each of the following land areas, the minimum
floor area ratio permitted shall be as follows:
1. Lot size. Eight thousand (80,000) square feet or
less = 0.3
2. Lot size. Greater than eighty thousand (80,000)
square feet, but less than two hundred thousand (200,000) square feet
= the greater of twenty-four thousand (24,000) square feet or 0.25.
3. Lot size. Two hundred thousand (200,000) square
feet or greater = the greater of fifty thousand (50,000) square feet
or 0.20.
C. Maximum Building Setback From Olive Boulevard Or Internally Established
Street. Twenty-five (25) feet for any freestanding structure
or stand-alone building twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet
or less.
D. Any
development containing a drive-thru window, drive-thru overhead, or
service station canopy shall be screened from the Olive Boulevard
corridor per one (1) of the following:
1. The window, overhead, or canopy shall be located in the building
face directly opposite from the building face along Olive Boulevard;
2. The window, overhead, or canopy shall positioned behind the building
structure housing the primary operations.
[Ord. No. 2485 §1, 10-9-2012]
A. Streets And Cross Access Easements. To coordinate both the
district's street system and access between developments, any development
shall conform to the intent of the street and cross-access easements
illustrated in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1. Street Dedication Map
![400.2160 Figure 1.tif 400.2160 Figure 1.tif](/attachment/OL3384/OL3384 400.2160 Figure 1.tif.SM.png) |
1. Hilltop Road, extension north. The existing public
right-of-way of Hilltop Drive north of Olive Boulevard shall remain
in its current configuration and may not be obstructed or realigned
so as to impede direct access north of Alice Place. Full access points
shall be restricted the first two hundred fifty (250) feet north of
the Olive Boulevard centerline. An exception may be considered for
controlled right-in right-out access points within the first two hundred
fifty (250) feet north of Olive Boulevard if there is a restrictive
median set between opposing traffic lanes on Hilltop Drive.
2. Collingwood Drive, extension south. The existing
segment of Collingwood Drive south of the intersection of Hilltop
Drive and Olive Boulevard shall be reconfigured to extend due south
two hundred fifty (250) feet from the centerline of Olive Boulevard.
Full access points shall be restricted along the extension, however,
an exception may be considered for controlled right-in right-out access
points within the first two hundred fifty (250) feet south of Olive
Boulevard if there is a restrictive median set between opposing traffic
lanes on the south Collingwood Drive extension.
3. Collingwood Drive south connector. Any development
along the Collingwood Drive extension south shall grant a cross-access
to 1010 Collingwood Drive and 1020 Collingwood Drive. Any development
of 1010 Collingwood Drive or 1020 Collingwood Drive shall provide
cross-access to the Collingwood Drive extension south. The required
cross-access shall have a minimum width of twenty-one (21) feet.
4. Price Road connector. Any development along the
Collingwood Drive extension south shall provide cross-access so that
any development to the east can access the Collingwood Drive extension
south. Development between the Collingwood Drive extension south and
Price Road shall provide for cross-access between the two (2) streets.
B. Public Space. A defined and dedicated public space shall
be provided for each development boundary.
1. The public space shall be in addition to aesthetic and other architectural
standards identified in Title IV Land Use of the Olivette Municipal
2. The minimum area of public space shall be two thousand five hundred
(2,500) square feet per development, and shall be increased an additional
twenty (20) square feet for every parking stall in excess of the first
one hundred (100) parking stalls within the development. The maximum
area of required public space shall be ten thousand (10,000) square
3. The required public space may be aggregated, provided that no single
public space area is less than one thousand (1,000) square feet.
4. Public space shall:
a. Be segregated as a separately subdivided lot.
b. Contain no buildings, parking lots, streets, rights-of-way, individual
stormwater detention or retention areas, utility easements, natural
resources protection areas, or any commercial, institutional or industrial
business activity.
c. Be platted and restricted as privately-owned common area or be dedicated
to, and accepted by, the City Council.
d. Be improved with the following:
Pedestrian ways (sidewalks, trails, etc.).
Finished grade and surfaces.
Utilities (where applicable).
Signage (showing public access, etc.).
Lighting and streetscape improvements.
e. Where applicable, public space shall be cleared of underbrush and
debris, hard surfaced, sodded, or seeded.
[Ord. No. 2485 §1, 10-9-2012]
A. Procedures For Rezoning. Development in the district shall
be permitted through City Council rezoning to a Planned Development
District, after concept review and development review as provided
B. Concept Review. The petitioner shall prepare and submit
a petition for concept review.
1. Purpose. The purpose of the concept review is to:
a. Identify the consistency of the proposed development concept with
the intent, purpose, and objectives of this Article and suggest possible
plan modifications; and
b. Facilitate the review process by providing the petitioner an opportunity
for Commission input prior to initiating the contractual expenses
necessary to submit for development review.
2. Pre-application conference. Before submitting a
petition, the petitioner shall schedule a pre-application conference
with the Zoning Administrator to discuss:
a. The proposed development, land assembly, site configuration and building
layouts, land uses, and architectural characteristics.
b. The compatibility of the proposed development with this Article.
c. The submission requirements, review procedures, and scheduling.
3. Submittal requirements. The petitioner shall complete
and submit an original application for concept review in a form supplied
by the Zoning Administrator and three (3) copies of the application
and an electronic copy of the application in a format as requested
by the City. Unless waived by the Zoning Administrator, the application
shall include the information required herein and such additional
information as the Zoning Administrator deems appropriate.
b. A conceptual development plan consisting of a plan or series of plans
depicting the boundaries of the development, identifying existing
improvements and natural features within the development area, and
illustrating the general location of anticipated structures, including
buildings, parking fields, streets and major drive aisles, land use
categories, and public spaces and improvements in geographic relation
to one another.
c. A written narrative of the concept development that demonstrates
consistency with and deviations from this Article.
d. A development program, which at minimum shall include:
Time line for development;
Public improvements and amenities;
Tenant classifications and descriptions; and
Possible subdivisions and street dedications.
e. Preliminary technical reports and analyses, including, but not limited
to, traffic studies, soils reports, stormwater management, market
analysis, financial pro formas, land appraisals, etc., prepared by
a qualified agency or person.
f. Filing and review fees as established by the City Council.
4. Determination of completeness.
a. Within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the petition and the required
supporting documents, the Zoning Administrator shall determine whether
the petition is complete. The Zoning Administrator shall notify the
petitioner in writing when the petition is deemed complete.
b. If the petition is incomplete, the Zoning Administrator shall return
it to the petitioner with a written itemization of the information
needed for completion. The petitioner shall either resubmit a complete
petition or notify the Zoning Administrator of a pending resubmittal
within thirty (30) days. If the resubmittal or notification of a pending
resubmittal is not received within this period, the petition may be
deemed withdrawn.
5. Zoning Administrator's concept review.
a. Zoning Administrator's finding. Within twenty (20)
days after a complete petition has been filed, the Zoning Administrator
shall prepare a written finding, including background or other necessary
information addressing inconsistencies with this Article and any modifications
recommended for the proposed development's compliance with this Article.
This finding shall be contained in one (1) report and transmitted
to the petitioner.
b. Petitioner's response. Within twenty (20) days of
the transmission of the Zoning Administrator's finding, the petitioner
Submit a written request to the Zoning Administrator for a thirty
(30) day extension;
Submit a modified concept petition to the Zoning Administrator
for another finding;
Request that the petition and the finding be forward to the
Commission for concept review; or
Notify the Zoning Administrator that the petitioner will waive
concept review by the Commission and instead file for development
c. If the petitioner does not timely exercised one (1) of the above
options, the petition may be deemed withdrawn.
6. Commission's concept review.
a. On request of the petitioner, the Zoning Administrator shall forward
the petition and the finding to the Commission and shall schedule
the concept review for the Commission's next feasible meeting, which
such meeting shall not exceed sixty (60) days from the date of the
b. Notwithstanding the Zoning Administrator's submittal requirements,
the Commission may request any additional relevant information in
conjunction with its review.
c. The petitioner shall be present at the concept review meeting, at
which time the Zoning Administrator shall present the proposed development
and the Zoning Administrator's finding. The Commission may comment
on the proposed development's compliance with this Article and any
modifications recommended for such compliance.
d. All comments made by the petitioner, the Zoning Administrator, and
the Commission at the concept review meeting shall be informal and
e. Petitioner's response. Within twenty (20) days of
the transmission of the concept review meeting, the petitioner may:
Submit a written request to the Zoning Administrator for a thirty
(30) day extension;
Submit a modified concept petition to the Zoning Administrator
for another concept review meeting; or
Notify the Zoning Administrator that the petitioner will file
for development review.
f. If the petitioner fails to file for development review within ninety
(90) days of notifying the Zoning Administrator of the intent to do
so, the Zoning Administrator may require the petitioner to resubmit
the application for concept review as provided herein.
C. Development Review.
1. Effect of development and concept review. In that
the purposes of the concept review are to identify inconsistencies
between the proposed development and the requirements of this Article,
to suggest modifications, and to facilitate a petitioner's application
for development review, the concept review findings and comments shall
not be binding on the petitioner or the City.
2. Submission requirements. The petitioner shall complete
and submit an application in a form supplied by the Zoning Administrator,
which shall include the following requirements. The Zoning Administrator
may require additional information or waive technical requirements
as deemed appropriate.
b. Narrative statement. A written narrative of the
proposed development that demonstrates consistency with, and explains
deviations from, this Article. The narrative statement shall include
an explanation of any modifications requested from either this Article
or any applicable standards from the following provisions:
405 Subdivision Regulations
410 Floodplain Management
415 Sign Regulations
420 Stream Buffer Protection Subdivision Regulations
425 Community Design—General
428 Community Design—Olive Boulevard Corridor
c. Development plan. A plan, or series of plans, depicting
the boundaries of the development, identifying existing improvements
and natural features within the development area, and illustrating
the location of anticipated structures, including buildings, parking
fields, streets and major drive aisles, land use categories, and public
spaces and improvements in geographic relation to one another. At
a minimum the development plan shall containing the following:
Legal description of the development area;
The location of the tract in relation to the surrounding area;
A north arrow and graphic scale;
All underlying zoning setbacks and buffers;
Existing and proposed contours at vertical intervals of not
more than one (1) foot referred to sea level datum extending up to
one hundred fifty (150) feet from the boundaries of the development
area. Floodplain and wetland areas shall be delineated;
The location of all existing:
Property lines, alleys, streets, easements, utilities, etc.;
Improvements and structures within the development area and
extending up to one hundred fifty (150) feet from the boundaries of
the development area, including, but not limited to, buildings, parking
areas, driveways and drive aisles, fences, retaining walls, etc.;
Wet and dry weather watercourses, floodplain areas, sinkholes,
wetlands, and other significant physical features within the tract
and within one hundred fifty (150) feet thereof;
The location of all proposed:
Property boundaries, including subdivided lots, alleys, streets,
easements, utilities, etc.
Improvements and structures within the development area, including,
but not limited to, buildings, parking areas, driveways and drive
aisles, fences, retaining walls, etc.;
A minimum of two (2) cross section profiles through the site
showing proposed building massing, existing natural grade, and proposed
final grade;
Proposed ingress and egress for the site, including adjacent
The location and number of all parking and loading spaces;
A plan for provision of public utilities, including sanitary
sewer, water, electric, natural gas and telephone;
A grading and drainage plan demonstrating conformance with applicable
stormwater management design standards; and
Other detailed information and data as deemed necessary by the
Zoning Administrator.
d. Building plans. Including building layouts, floor
plans, and elevations. The building plans shall include several renderings,
including one (1) artistic concept rendering or illustration of each
typical building type and how it will relate to streetscapes and open
e. Traffic impact analysis. The Zoning Administrator
shall determine if a traffic study is necessary based on information
presented at the pre-application conference.
Traffic studies are required for all petitions that include
a motor vehicle oriented business in the City.
The specific requirements of a traffic study shall be determined
by the Zoning Administrator with technical review by the City's Engineer,
if needed.
The petitioner may elect to have the City's traffic consultant
prepare the study or the petitioner may choose to have another qualified
traffic engineer prepare the study in which the City will have reviewed
by their own traffic consultant.
The petitioner is responsible for the cost of the traffic study
prepared by the City's traffic consultant or the review by the City's
traffic consultant.
f. Development program. A specific development program
shall include, but not be limited to:
Types of buildings, including, but not limited to, layouts,
square footages, height and stories, tenant mix, and finishes.
Amounts of open space and parking expressed in both gross floor
area and percentage of total development.
Open space plan. A plan including, but not
limited to, the following:
A conceptual plan for landscaping;
Location and details, illustrations, or renderings of any open,
public, and civic spaces proposed; and
Details, illustrations, or renderings of streetscape designs.
g. Communications with agencies. A report detailing
all communications and/or meetings held with any agencies, including
City departments, which have jurisdiction over, or provide services
to, the site including the status of any applications filed with said
h. Fees. Filing and review fees as established by the
City Council.
3. Determination of completeness.
a. Within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the petition and the required
supporting documents, the Zoning Administrator shall determine whether
the petition is complete. The Zoning Administrator shall notify the
petitioner in writing when the petition is deemed complete.
b. If the petition is incomplete, the Zoning Administrator shall return
it to the petitioner with a written itemization of the information
needed for completion. The petitioner shall either resubmit a complete
petition or notify the Zoning Administrator of a pending resubmittal
within thirty (30) days. If the resubmittal or notification of a pending
resubmittal is not received within this period, the petition may be
deemed withdrawn.
c. Upon determination by the Zoning Administrator that the petition
is complete, the petitioner shall prepare and submit the required
number of copies of the petition documents deemed necessary by the
Zoning Administrator.
d. Notwithstanding the Zoning Administrator's determination, the Commission
may request any additional relevant information in conjunction with
its review.
4. Review procedures.
a. Zoning Administrator's finding. Within thirty (30)
days after the petition has been deemed complete, the Zoning Administrator
shall prepare a finding, including any background or other necessary
information and addressing inconsistencies with this Article and any
modifications recommended for the proposed development's compliance
with this Article. This finding shall be contained in one (1) report
and transmitted to the petitioner by the Zoning Administrator.
b. Petitioner's response. Within thirty (30) days
of the transmission of the finding, the petitioner may:
Submit a written request to the Zoning Administrator for a thirty
(30) day extension.
Submit a modified petition to the Zoning Administrator for another
Submit a request to the Zoning Administrator to forward the
petition to the Commission for development review.
If the petitioner has not timely exercised one (1) of the above
options, the petition may be deemed abandoned.
c. Commission review.
On request of the petitioner, the Zoning Administrator shall
schedule the development review for the Commission's next feasible
meeting, which meeting shall not be scheduled more than sixty (60)
days from the date of the request. The Zoning Administrator shall
submit and present the petition and finding to the Commission at that
The Commission shall act on the petition within one hundred twenty (120) days of the date of the presentation of the petition and the Zoning Administrator's finding, as provided in Section
400.1910 of the Olivette Municipal Code. This deadline may be extended only with the petitioner's consent.
The Commission's recommendation to the City Council shall include
a comprehensive recommendation on all pending land use applications
then germane to the proposed development, including, but not limited
to, the requested rezoning to a Planned Development District and any
request to approve a special permit use or a preliminary subdivision
plat. If the Commission recommends approval of a petition, the recommendation
may be as submitted or with modifications.
d. Action by the City Council. Within forty-five (45) days of receipt of the Commission's recommendation, the City Council shall schedule a public hearing, following at least fifteen (15) days' public notice, and take action on the petition a provided in Section
400.1910 of the Olivette Municipal Code. This deadline may be extended only with the petitioner's consent.
[Ord. No. 2485 §1, 10-9-2012]
A. Recording. Upon approval by the City Council, the petitioner
shall record a copy of the adopting ordinance establishing the PDD,
including the adopted preliminary development review petition, and
any final subdivision plat with the St. Louis County Recorder of Deeds.
Two (2) original copies of the recorded documents bearing the County
Recorder's signature, seal, and notation as to plat book and page
shall be returned to the Zoning Administrator before any permits for
any manner of construction shall be issued. Failure to record the
adopting ordinance establishing the PDD, including the adopted preliminary
development review petition, within any time specified of the adopting
ordinance, or within one (1) year of its adoption if not specified
in the adopting ordinance, the adopting ordinance shall be rescinded.
B. Guarantee Of Improvements. Upon approval of the adopting
ordinance by the City Council, the petitioner shall enter into an
agreement guaranteeing the completion of all public improvements.
1. Public improvements that shall be guaranteed, at a minimum, shall
include the following:
a. Placement of all utilities.
b. Placement of all utilities related to fire service needs.
c. Costs for the construction of all dedicated and shared access streets,
roads, places, and rights-of-way.
d. Costs associated with all sidewalks, trails, easements, etc.
e. Costs associated with all parking improvements, including parking
islands, curbs, and landscaping.
f. All streetscape and buffering improvements, including, but not limited
to, landscaping, sodding, and irrigation.
g. Costs associated with the completion required landscaping associated
with this Chapter and Title IV Land Use of the Olivette Municipal
h. Costs associated with all proposed public space as required by this
i. Costs associated with all stormwater facilities, including infrastructure,
plantings, etc.
2. Failure to complete the agreement within any time specified in the
adopting ordinance, or within one (1) year of its adoption if not
specified in the adopting ordinance, shall result in the adopting
ordinance being rescinded.
C. Design Review.
1. Prior to the construction or improvement related to the approved
PDD, the petitioner, or any representative thereof, shall prepare
and submit a petition for design review. The intent of design review
is to:
a. Allow for the phasing of construction of portions of the development.
b. Ensure construction adheres to the requirements of the adopting ordinance
establishing the PDD.
2. Submittal requirements. A petition for design review
shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator and shall include the
a. Petition application. A completed petition application
form supplied by the Zoning Administrator, including any supplemental
information required by that form.
b. Narrative. A narrative statement demonstrating how
the final development plan conforms to the adopted "M-U" Gateway District,
including all associated development guidelines approved.
c. Final development plans. Development plans containing
the following:
All information required in preliminary development plan;
Any additional information required by the "PDD" ordinance;
Other detailed information and data as deemed necessary by the
Zoning Administrator.
d. Fees. Filing and review fees as established by the
City Council.
3. Determination of completeness. The petition is complete if it provides sufficient information for the Commission to conduct its review as required in this Section. The determination of completeness for a petition for final development review shall otherwise follow the same method as in Section
4. Petition review. The Commission shall review the petition for final development review. The review process shall otherwise follow the same method as in Section
5. Actions by the Commission. The Commission shall
have forty-five (45) days to act on the petition.
a. Approve the petition as submitted. If the Commission
approves the petition as submitted, the petitioner must file a petition
for building permit within one hundred eighty (180) days.
b. Approve the petition with conditions. If the Commission
approves the petition with conditions, the petitioner must resubmit
a revised petition for Commission review in accordance with this Section
incorporating the Commission conditions within forty-five (45) days.
c. Deny the petition noting the reasons of why the petition is inconsistent
with the adopted and recorded PDD.
D. Modifications. An eligible petitioner shall submit a written
request to amend or modify the adopting ordinance establishing the
PDD, including the adopted preliminary development review petition
to the Zoning Administrator. Submittal requirements shall be those
required to act on the requested modification as determined by the
Zoning Administrator.
1. The Commission may act to extend the development schedule; however,
for each extension granted said extension shall not exceed twelve
(12) months in duration.
2. Other requested amendments which do not require rerecording of the
adopting ordinance establishing the PDD, including the adopted preliminary
development review petition, shall require that the Commission review
the petition and consider a recommendation to the City Council followed
by approval of the City Council.
3. Other requested amendments shall require the same submittal, review,
and approval procedures as a new petition for preliminary development
E. Failure to commence construction. Unless otherwise specified
in the adopting ordinance establishing the PDD, including the adopted
preliminary development review petition, substantial work or construction
shall commence within eighteen (18) months of ordinance adoption,
unless, through modification, the Commission acts to extend the development
schedule. If construction has not commenced in the specified period
or extension, the adopting ordinance shall be rescinded. As used in
this Section, substantial work or construction shall include final
grading for roadways necessary for first (1st) approved plat or phases
of construction and commencement of installation of sanitary and storm
sewers as applicable.
[Ord. No. 2485 § 1, 10-9-2012]
A. Permitted land uses are categorized as follows:
Schedule A: Retail Services
Schedule B: General Offices
Schedule C: Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
Schedule D: Accommodation and Food Services
Schedule E: Personal Services
Schedule F: Educational Services
Schedule G: Health Care and Social Assistance
Schedule H: Transportation and Warehousing
B. The combined floor area dedicated to the following land uses within
a development shall be restricted as follows:
Restricted land uses.
Schedule A: Retail Services.
Food services and drinking places identified under Schedule
D: Accommodation and Food Services.
Schedule: E: Personal Services.
Medical and diagnostic laboratories identified under Schedule
G: Health Care and Social Assistance.
Development area.
Eighty thousand (80,000) square feet or less: the combined floor
area dedicated to the aforementioned restricted land uses shall not
exceed thirty-three percent (33%).
Greater than eighty thousand (80,000) square feet, but less
than two hundred thousand (200,000) square feet: the combined floor
area dedicated to the aforementioned restricted land uses shall not
exceed sixty-six percent (66%).
Greater than two hundred thousand (200,000) square feet: there
shall be no restrictions to the combined floor area dedicated to the
aforementioned restricted land uses.