At all locations in the Township where official traffic control signals are installed, pedestrians, except where directed otherwise by pedestrian-control signals installed under § 270-60, shall obey the directions of those traffic control signals, as follows:
Conestoga Road at Garrett Avenue/Williams Road, east and west
County Line Road at East Lancaster Avenue
East Lancaster Avenue at County Line Road
Garrett Avenue at Conestoga Road
Haverford Road at Landover Road
King of Prussia Road at Matsonford Road
Matsonford Road at South Centennial Drive
North Wayne Avenue at Poplar Avenue
North Wayne Avenue at West Avenue/Station Road
150 Radnor Chester Road
Sproul Road at Clyde Road
Williams Road at Conestoga Road
When facing a green signal, a pedestrian may proceed across the roadway within a crosswalk.
When facing a steady yellow signal, a pedestrian shall not start to cross the roadway.
When facing a steady red signal, a pedestrian shall not enter the roadway.
At the following locations, official pedestrian-control signals shall be erected (or are ratified if previously erected):
Airdale Road at East Lancaster Avenue
Aldwyn Lane at East Lancaster Avenue
Bryn Mawr Avenue at County Line Road
Conestoga Road at West Wayne Avenue
County Line Road at Bryn Mawr Avenue, north and south
County Line Road at Glenbrook Avenue
County Line Road at Lindsay Avenue
550/555 East Lancaster Avenue, east
East Lancaster Avenue at Airdale Road
East Lancaster Avenue at Chamounix Road/St. Davids Road
East Lancaster Avenue at Hillside Road
East Lancaster Avenue at King of Prussia Road
East Lancaster Avenue at Louella Avenue
East Lancaster Avenue at Lowry's Lane
East Lancaster Avenue at North Spring Mill Road/Aldwyn Lane
East Lancaster Avenue at North Ithan Avenue/South Ithan Avenue, east and west
East Lancaster Avenue at Radnor Chester Road
East Lancaster Avenue at South Aberdeen Avenue/North Aberdeen Avenue
East Lancaster Avenue at Villanova Chapel, east and west
Glenbrook Avenue at County Line Road
Glenbrook Avenue at Conestoga Road
Kenilworth Road at East Lancaster Avenue
King of Prussia Road at Radnor Chester Road
Lancaster Avenue at South Wayne Avenue/North Wayne Avenue
Lowry's Lane at East Lancaster Avenue
North Ithan Avenue at East Lancaster Avenue
North Spring Mill Road at East Lancaster Avenue
South Ithan Avenue at East Lancaster Avenue
Sugartown Road at Morris Road
West Lancaster Avenue at Banbury Way/Bloomingdale Avenue
West Lancaster Avenue at Conestoga Road/Eagle Road
West Lancaster Avenue at Old Eagle School Road/Sugartown Road
Every pedestrian facing a steady or flashing "upraised hand" symbol shall obey the directions of that signal, as follows:
When facing a steady "upraised hand" symbol, a pedestrian shall not start to cross the roadway in the direction of the signal, but any pedestrian who has partially completed his crossing on the "walking person" symbol should proceed to a sidewalk or safety zone while the "upraised hand" symbol is showing.
When facing a flashing "upraised hand" symbol, a pedestrian shall not start to cross the roadway in the direction of the indication, but any pedestrian who has partly completed crossing during the "walking person" symbol should proceed to a sidewalk or safety zone.
Any pedestrian who fails to obey the directions of an "upraised hand" symbol as indicated above, shall be guilty of an offense and a violation of this article.
Except when authorized by a police officer or other appropriately attired person authorized to direct, control or regulate traffic, it shall be unlawful for any pedestrian to cross the roadway at any of the following streets, at the intersection with that street indicated:
Bryn-Mawr Avenue at Mailin Road
Conestoga Road at Sproul Road
Eagle Road at Radnor Street Road
King of Prussia Road at Eagle Road/Pine Tree Road
Lancaster Avenue at Kenilworth Road
Lancaster Avenue at Villanova Center
North Wayne Avenue at Eagle Road
Sproul Road at East Lancaster Avenue
It shall be unlawful for any pedestrian:
To cross any roadway in a business district within the Township, except in a crosswalk.
To cross the roadway in any of the following portions of streets in the Township, except in a crosswalk:
Clyde Road at Drakes Drum Road/Arbor Place;
Conestoga Road at Brookside Avenue;
Conestoga Road at Macrone Park, east and west;
Conestoga Road at Meredith Avenue/Bailey Road, east and west;
Conestoga Road at Rockingham Road/Good Shepherd Terrace, east and west;
Conestoga Road at South Devon Road;
Conestoga Road at Summit Terrace;
1200 Eagle Road;
Cooper Road at Landover Road;
1001 Eagle Road;
East Lancaster Avenue at Louella Court;
290 King of Prussia Road;
King of Prussia Road at Glen Mary Road;
Landover Road at Coopertown Road;
Louella Avenue at Midland Avenue;
Louella Avenue at School Lane;
Louella Avenue at Windermere Avenue;
North Aberdeen Avenue at Aberdeen Terrace;
North Ithan Avenue at Villanova University Main Gate;
North Wayne Avenue at Walnut Avenue;
Radnor Chester Road at Chew Lane;
Rockingham Road at Dreer Lane;
Saw Mill Road at Saw Mill Park Entrance;
South Aberdeen Avenue at Midland Avenue; and
South Aberdeen Avenue at St. Davids Road/Windermere Avenue.
South Wayne Avenue at Runnymere Avenue;
South Wayne Avenue at West Wayne Avenue;
South Wayne Avenue at Windermere Avenue;
60 West Avenue;
South Wayne Avenue at School Lane;
419 West Wayne Avenue;
West Wayne Avenue at Arbordale Road;
West Wayne Avenue at Bloomingdale Avenue;
West Wayne Avenue at Crestview Road;
West Wayne Avenue at Donna Lane;
West Wayne Avenue at Dory Lane;
West Wayne Avenue at Highland Avenue;
Williams Road at Conestoga Road;
Any pedestrian who violates any provision of this article shall be guilty of a summary offense and, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of $5, plus costs.