[Ord. 614, 12/29/1992, § 401]
1. The sketch plan of a proposed subdivision or land development shall
be clearly and legibly drawn to a scale of one inch equals 50 feet,
except that:
A. If the average size of the proposed lots in the subdivision is 10
acres or larger, the plan should be drawn to a scale of one inch equals
100 feet.
B. If the subdivision proposes lots with an average frontage of less
than 50 feet, the plans should be drawn to a scale of one inch equals
20 feet.
2. Sketch plan and all submitted prints thereof should be made on sheets
A. Eighteen inches by 24 inches.
B. Twenty-four inches by 36 inches.
C. Thirty-six inches by 48 inches.
3. If the sketch plan requires more than one sheet, a key diagram showing
relative location of the several sections should be drawn on each
4. If submitted, the sketch plan shall contain at least the following
information, but not necessarily showing precise dimensions:
A. Tract boundaries clearly labeled and a statement of the total acreage
of the tract.
B. Name of the municipality in which the subdivision or land development
is located.
C. North point, scale (written and graphic), date and labeled as being
a sketch plan.
D. Unique name of proposed subdivision or land development.
E. Name and address of the subdivider or developer and record owner
as recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Deeds.
F. A location map with sufficient information to enable the location
of the property. This map shall also show all existing roads within
or adjacent to the tract, proposed roads within the subdivision and
proposed roads within adjacent recorded subdivisions.
G. Significant topographical and physical features (i.e., water courses,
water bodies, natural drainage channels, quarries, railroad tracks,
one-hundred-year floodplains (including special flood hazard areas
established by FEMA, wetlands, tree masses, rock outcroppings, existing
buildings, etc.) on the tract.
H. Contour lines with source of data.
I. Proposed general street and lot layout and proposed land uses. Approximate
lot sizes and proposed street cartway and right-of-way widths shall
be indicated. When apartments and/or townhouses are proposed the general
building, street, recreation and parking layout shall be shown. When
commercial or industrial buildings are proposed, the general building,
street, parking and loading layout shall be shown.
J. Where a sketch plan shows the proposed subdivision of only a part
of the subdivider's total property, the plan shall include a
drawing showing the entire contiguous land holdings of the subdivider
and indicating the area of ultimate proposed subdivision. The proposed
street system for the remainder of the property proposed for ultimate
subdivision shall be shown so that the street system in the submitted
portion can be considered in relation to future connections with the
unsubmitted portion. In the case of extremely larger properties, the
Borough may delimit the area for which a prospective street system
on adjacent property must be shown. The subdivider shall also include
a statement indicating proposed future land use for the unsubmitted
portion of his property.
K. Wetlands shall be delineated in accordance with the most recent version
of the "Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional
Wetlands." A copy of the wetland report shall accompany the plan and
shall include shaded areas delineating wetlands.
L. Zoning data including all of the following if applicable:
Existing Borough zoning regulations, including district designations,
requirements for lot sizes and front yards and any zoning district
boundary lines traversing the proposed subdivision or land development.
Any proposed changes in the existing zoning (relief) or special
exception to be requested for the Hamburg Zoning Hearing Board by
the subdivider or developer.
[Ord. 614, 12/29/1992, § 402]
1. The sketch plan for record of a proposed subdivision shall be clearly
and legibly drawn to a scale of one inch equals 50 feet except that:
A. If the average size of the proposed lots in the subdivision is 10
acres or larger, the plan should be drawn to a scale of one inch equals
100 feet.
B. If the subdivision proposes lots with an average frontage of less
than 50 feet, the plan should be drawn to a scale of one inch equals
20 feet.
2. Sketch plan for record and all submitted prints thereof shall be
made on sheets either:
A. Eighteen inches by 24 inches.
B. Twenty-four inches by 36 inches.
C. Thirty-six inches by 48 inches.
3. If the sketch plan for record requires more than one sheet, a key
diagram showing relative location of the several sections shall be
drawn on each sheet.
4. The sketch plan for record shall contain at least the following information:
A. Tract boundaries clearly labeled and a statement of the total acreage
of the tract.
B. Name of the municipality in which the subdivision is located.
C. North point, scale (written and graphic), date and labeled as being
a sketch plan.
D. Unique name of proposed subdivision.
E. Name and address of the subdivider or developer and record owner
as recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Deeds.
F. A location map with sufficient information to enable the location
of the property. This map shall also show all existing roads within
or adjacent to the tract, proposed roads within the subdivision and
proposed roads within adjacent recorded subdivisions.
G. Significant topographical and physical features (i.e., water courses,
water bodies, natural drainage channels, quarries, railroad tracks,
one-hundred-year floodplains (including special flood hazard areas
established by FEMA, wetlands, tree masses, rock outcroppings, existing
buildings, etc.) on the tract.
H. Contour lines with source of data.
I. Proposed general street and lot layout and proposed land uses. Approximate
lot sizes and proposed street cartway and right-of-way widths shall
be indicated. When apartments and/or townhouses are proposed, the
general building, street, recreation and parking layout shall be shown.
When commercial or industrial buildings are proposed, the general
building, street, parking and loading layout shall be shown.
J. Where a sketch plan for record shows the proposed subdivision of
only a part of the subdivider's total property the plan shall
include a drawing showing the entire contiguous land holdings of the
subdivider and indicating the area of ultimate proposed subdivision.
The proposed street system for the remainder of the property proposed
for ultimate subdivision shall be shown so that the street system
in the submitted portion can be considered in relation to future connections
with the unsubmitted portion. In the case of extremely large properties,
the Borough may delimit the area for which a prospective street system
on adjacent property must be shown. The subdivider shall also include
a statement indicating proposed future land use for the unsubmitted
portion of his property.
K. A signed and notarized certificate of ownership and acknowledgement
of plan.
L. Certificates of approval by the Borough Planning Commission and the
Borough Council.
M. The source of title to the land being subdivided as shown in the
records of the County Recorder of Deeds.
N. The seal of the surveyor or engineer responsible for the plan.
O. Certification of accuracy by the surveyor.
P. Precise bearings and distances for all parcels to be conveyed (which
shall be field surveyed).
Q. Base flood elevations for the one-hundred-year storm.
S. Existing street cartway and right-of-way lines (including right-of-way
T. An erosion and sediment control plan.
U. Plan notes referencing recording requirements, plan requirements
for residue, improvements agreement and stormwater study as applicable.
V. Wetlands shall be delineated in accordance with the most recent version
of the "Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional
Wetlands." A copy of the wetland report shall accompany the plan and
shall include shaded areas delineating wetlands.
W. Any proposed changes in the existing zoning (relief) or special exception
to be requested from the Hamburg Zoning Hearing Board by the subdivider
or developer.
[Ord. 614, 12/29/1992, § 403; as amended by Ord.
680, 12/28/1998]
1. The preliminary plan shall be drawn to the same scale and presented on the same sheet size as listed for a sketch plan in §
22-401(1) and
(2). The following information shall be shown:
A. Name of the municipality in which the subdivision or land development
is located.
B. North point, scale (written and graphic), date and labeled as being
a preliminary plan.
C. Unique name of proposed subdivision or land development.
D. Date including the month, day and year that the preliminary plan
was completed and the month, day and year that the preliminary plan
was revised, for each revision.
E. Name and address of recorded owner and subdivider or developer.
F. Name, address, license number and seal of the registered engineer,
architect, landscape architect or surveyor responsible for the subdivision
or land development plan.
G. Names of all owners of all abutting unplatted land and the names
of all abutting subdivisions, if any, with the book and page number
where recorded.
H. A key map for the purpose of locating the property being subdivided
drawn at a scale not less than one inch equals 800 feet and showing
the relation of the property, differentiated by tone or patterns,
to adjoining property and to all streets, roads, municipal boundaries,
zoning districts, water courses, any areas subject to flooding and
recorded subdivision plans existing within 1,000 feet of any part
of the property. This map shall show all existing roads within or
adjacent to the tract, proposed roads within the subdivision and proposed
roads within adjacent recorded subdivisions.
I. Total tract boundaries of the property being subdivided showing bearings
and distances and a statement of total acreage of the property.
J. Zoning data including all of the following, if applicable:
Existing Borough zoning regulations including district designations,
requirements for lot sizes and front yards and any zoning district
boundary lines traversing the proposed subdivision or land development.
Any proposed changes in the existing zoning (relief) or special
exception to be requested from the Hamburg Zoning Hearing Board by
the subdivider or developer.
K. Contour lines at vertical intervals of not more than two feet from
aerial or field survey reflecting current conditions. Contour lines
at vertical intervals of not more than five feet are permitted for
land with average natural slope exceeding 5%.
L. Locations and elevation of the data to which contour elevations refer,
an established bench mark approved by the Borough Engineer.
M. All existing sewer lines, water lines, fire hydrants, electric and
telephone utility lines, culverts, bridges, railroads, quarries, water
courses, water bodies, tree masses, natural drainage channels, rock
outcroppings, wetlands, floodplain areas based on a one-hundred-year
storm frequency (including all one-hundred-year floodplains established
by FEMA and one-hundred-year flood elevations) and other significant
manmade or natural features within the proposed subdivision and 50
feet beyond the boundaries of the proposed subdivision.
N. All existing buildings or other structures within the proposed subdivision
or land development.
O. All existing streets on the official plan or plans of the Borough
(including unpaved streets) including streets of record (recorded
but not constructed), easements and rights-of-way including names,
right-of-way widths, cartway (pavement) widths and approximate grades
within and adjoining the subdivision/land development.
P. The full plan of proposed development including:
Location and width of all streets, easements and rights-of-way
with a statement of any conditions governing their use and suggested
types, i.e., collector, etc.
Suggested street names and utility easement locations.
Building reserve (setback) lines along each street.
Lot lines with approximate dimensions and approximate lot areas.
Lot numbers and statement of number of lot, parcels and dwelling
A statement of the intended use of all lots and parcels.
Water supply, sanitary and/or storm sewers (and other drainage
facilities) with the size and material of each indicated and any proposed
connections with existing facilities. Cross-sections shall be shown
for all drainage swales.
In the case of multiple family and nonresidential developments,
the location of all buildings, the location of all common parking
areas and access drives to the parking areas, the size and number
of parking stalls, width of aisles and access drives and tentative
grades of parking areas and access drives. The location, number and
dimensions of off-street loading areas shall also be indicated.
Parks, playgrounds and other areas proposed to be dedicated
or reserved for public or common use with any conditions pertaining
Q. Location of all required soil percolation test holes if required.
R. Whenever required under the rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania
Development of Environmental Protection the proposed erosion and sediment
plan shall be shown on the preliminary plan or submitted as a separate
plan. If a separate plan, four copies will be required.
S. Wetlands shall be delineated in accordance with the most recent version
of the "Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional
Wetlands." A copy of the wetland report shall accompany the plan and
shall include shaded areas delineating wetlands.
2. The preliminary plan shall be accompanied by the following supplementary
data as applicable:
A. Typical cross-section drawing(s) for all proposed streets with construction
details of streets, curbs and sidewalks. Cross-section drawings may
be shown on either the preliminary plan or on separate profile sheets.
Tentative profiles along the top of cartway (pavement) edge or along
the top of curb for both sides of each proposed street shall be shown.
Such profiles shall show existing and proposed grades at one of the
following sets of scales:
One inch equals 10 feet horizontal and one inch equals one foot
One inch equals 20 feet horizontal and one inch equals two feet
One inch equals 40 feet horizontal and one inch equals four
feet vertical.
One inch equals 50 feet horizontal and one inch equals five
feet vertical.
B. In lieu of the separate profile sheets, the tentative finished cartway
(pavement) edge or top of curb grades for both sides of each street
may be labeled on the preliminary plan.
C. A plan for the surface drainage of the tract to be subdivided or
developed shall be shown. Such plan shall include stormwater runoff
calculations for the entire property being subdivided as well as anticipated
runoff from areas at a higher elevation in the same watershed and
shall show the proposed method, subject to Borough approval, of accommodating
the anticipated runoff.
D. Preliminary Designs of Any Bridges or Culverts Which May be Required.
Such designs shall meet all applicable requirements of the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protection and the Pennsylvania Department
of Transportation. Calculations for waterway opening shall be included.
All designs shall be subject to approval by the Borough.
E. Where the subdivider proposes to locate a street, driveway or other
improvement within a portion of a utility right-of-way or to relocate
an existing utility line, a letter from the appropriate utility company
giving permission to locate within the right-of-way or relocate the
existing line.
F. In the case of a preliminary plan calling for the installation of
improvements beyond a five-year period, a schedule shall be filed
by the landowner delineating all proposed sections as well as deadlines
within which applications for final plan approval of each section
are intended to be filed. Such schedule shall be updated annually
by the applicant on or before the anniversary of the preliminary plan
approval until final plan approval of the final section has been granted
and any modification in the aforesaid schedule shall be subject to
approval of the Borough in its discretion. Staging of sanitary sewer,
water, storm drainage and erosion and sediment control facilities
shall also be indicated.
G. The proposed method of traffic control at each proposed street intersection
shall be shown on the plan.
H. When required by the Borough, a preliminary centerline stakeout of
proposed roads that an onsite road alignment evaluation may be conducted.
I. When required by the Borough, a study indicating that adjacent roads
which will receive traffic from and distribute traffic to the subdivision
or land development shall be adequate in construction, grade, width
and capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the subdivision or
land development.
J. Where a preliminary plan shows the proposed subdivision of only a
part of the subdivider's total property, the plan shall include
a drawing showing the entire contiguous land holdings of the subdivider
and indicating the area of ultimate proposed subdivision. The proposed
street system for the remainder of the property proposed for ultimate
subdivision shall be shown so that the street system in the submitted
portion can be considered in relation to future connections with the
unsubmitted portion. In the case of extremely large properties the
Borough may delimit the area for which a prospective street system
on adjacent property must be shown. The subdivider shall also include
a statement indicating proposed future land use for the unsubmitted
portion of his property.
[Ord. 614, 12/29/1992, § 404; as amended by Ord.
680, 12/28/1998]
1. The final plan shall be of a size and scale as listed for a sketch plan under §
22-401(1) and
(2) of this chapter. The final plan shall show the following:
A. Name of the municipality in which the subdivision or land development
is located.
B. North point, scale (written and graphic), date and labeled as being
a final plan.
C. Unique name of proposed subdivision or land development.
D. Date including the month, day and year that the final plan was completed
and the month, day and year that the final plan was revised, for each
E. Name and address of recorded owner and subdivider or developer.
F. Name, address, license number and seal of the registered engineer,
architect, landscape architect or surveyor responsible for the subdivision
or land development plan.
G. Names of all owners of all abutting unplatted land and the names
of all abutting subdivisions, if any, with the book and page number
where recorded.
H. A key map for the purpose of locating the property being subdivided
drawn at a scale not less than one inch equals 800 feet and showing
the relation of the property, differentiated by tone or pattern, to
adjoining property and to all streets, roads, municipal boundaries,
zoning districts, water courses, any areas subject to flooding and
recorded subdivision plans existing within 1,000 feet of any part
of the property. This map shall show all existing roads within or
adjacent to the tract, proposed roads within the subdivision and proposed
roads within adjacent recorded subdivisions.
I. Zoning data including all of the following, if applicable:
Existing Borough zoning regulations including district designations,
requirements for lot sizes and front yards and any zoning district
boundary lines traversing the proposed subdivision or land development.
Any changes in the existing zoning to be requested by the subdivider
or developer.
J. Contour lines at vertical intervals of not more than two feet from
aerial or field survey reflecting current conditions. Contour lines
at vertical intervals of not more than five feet are permitted for
land with average natural slope exceeding 5%.
K. Locations and elevation of the data to which contour elevations refer,
an established bench mark approved by the Borough Engineer.
L. All existing sewer lines, water lines, fire hydrants, electric and
telephone utility lines, culverts, bridges, railroads, quarries, water
courses, water bodies, tree masses, natural drainage channels, rock
outcroppings, wetlands, floodplain areas based on a one-hundred-year
storm frequency (including all one-hundred-year floodplains established
by FEMA and one-hundred-year flood elevations) and other significant
manmade or natural features within the proposed subdivision and 50
feet beyond the boundaries of the proposed subdivision.
M. All existing buildings or other structures within the proposed subdivision
or land development.
N. All existing streets on the official plan or plans of the Borough
(including unpaved streets), including streets of record (recorded
but not constructed), easements and rights-of-way including names,
right-of-way widths, cartway (pavement) widths and approximate grades
within and adjoining the subdivision/land development.
O. The source(s) of title to the land being subdivided or developed
as shown by the records of the County Recorder of Deeds.
P. The total tract boundary lines of the area being subdivided or developed
with accurate distances to hundredths of a foot and bearings to the
nearest second. These boundaries shall be determined by accurate survey
in the field which shall be balanced and close with an error of closure
not to exceed one foot in 10,000 feet; provided, however, that the
boundary(s) adjoining additional unplatted land of the subdivider
(for example, between separately submitted final plan sections) are
not required to be based upon field survey and may be calculated.
The location and elevation of all boundary line (perimeter) monuments
shall be indicated along with a statement of the total area of the
property being subdivided. In addition, the engineer or surveyor shall
certify, using the form specified in the Appendix, to the accuracy
of the survey, the drawn plan and the placement of monuments. Plans
and surveys shall be prepared in accordance with the professional
engineers registration law.
Q. The name (and number) and right-of-way and cartway width and lines
of all roads within the property with a statement of any conditions
governing their use and suggested types (i.e., collector, etc.).
R. The following data shall be shown for the cartway edges and right-of-way
lines and, if required, the ultimate right-of-way for all existing,
recorded (except those to be vacated) and/or proposed streets within
or abutting the property to be subdivided or developed: the length
(in feet to the nearest hundredths of a foot) and bearing of all straight
lines and of the radii, the length of all arcs (in feet, to the nearest
hundredth of a foot) and the central angle (in degrees, minutes and
seconds) of all curved lines.
S. All straight lot lines shall be dimensioned (in feet, to the nearest
hundredth of a foot) and all internal angles within lot lines shall
be designated (in degrees, minutes and seconds) or by magnetic bearings
(in degrees, minutes and seconds). Curved lot lines shall show length
of arc (in feet, to the nearest hundredth of a foot) and the central
angle (in degrees, minutes and seconds) and the radius (in feet to
the nearest hundredths of a foot). Gross and net lot areas shall be
T. A statement of the intended use of all lots with reference to restrictions
of any type which exist or will exist as covenants in the deed for
the lots contained in the subdivision and, if covenants are recorded,
including the book and page number. Lot number and a statement of
lots, parcels and dwelling units shall be provided.
U. The proposed building reserve (setback) line for each lot and the
proposed placement of each multiple family or nonresidential building.
V. The location (and elevation if established) of all existing and required
street monuments.
W. All easements or rights-of-way where provided for or owned by public
services and any limitations on such easements or rights-of-way. Rights-of-way
shall be shown and accurately identified on the plan and easements
shall either be shown or specifically described on the plan. Easements
should be located in cooperation with the appropriate public utilities.
X. Location, size, material, pipe length and invert elevation of all
sanitary and storm sewers, the location and construction details of
all manholes, inlets, endwalls, headwalls, culverts and junction boxes,
the location and design and cross-sections of all drainage swales,
detention facilities and other drainage facilities, including the
slope and maximum depth of all swales and velocities in all swales,
the location, size and material of all water mains and the location
of all fire hydrants, blow-offs and valves on water mains.
Y. Parks, playgrounds and other areas proposed to be dedicated or reserved
for public or common use with any conditions pertaining thereto.
Z. Location of all required soil percolation test holes if required.
AA. If the subdivision or land development proposes a new intersection
with a State legislative route, a highway occupancy permit from the
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation shall be submitted.
BB. A clear sight triangle shall be clearly shown for all street intersections.
CC. A certification of ownership, acknowledgement of plan and offer of
dedication shall be lettered on the plan using the form in the Appendix
and shall be duly acknowledged and signed by the owner(s) of the property
and notarized.
DD. A certificate for approval of the plan by the Borough Council and
by the Borough Planning Commission shall be lettered on the plan using
the form in the Appendix.
EE. A blank space measuring three inches square shall be left on the
plan, preferably adjacent to the Borough certification, in order that
the Borough of Hamburg's corporate seal may be applied.
FF. A blank space measuring 3 1/2 inches by six inches shall be
left, preferably adjacent to the Borough certification, in which the
endorsement stamp of the County Planning Commission may be applied.
GG. A blank space measuring three inches square shall be left along the
lower edge of the sheet in order that the Recorder of Deeds may acknowledge
receipt of the plan when it is presented.
HH. A plan for the surface drainage of the tract to be subdivided or
developed shall be shown. Such plan shall include stormwater runoff
calculations for the entire property being subdivided as well as anticipated
runoff from areas at a higher elevation in the same watershed and
shall show the proposed method, subject to Borough approval, of accommodating
the anticipated runoff.
II. Designs of any bridges or culverts which may be required. Such designs
shall meet all applicable requirements of the Pennsylvania Department
of Environmental Protection and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Calculations for waterway opening shall be included. All designs shall
be subject to approval by the Borough.
JJ. Typical street cross-section drawing(s) for all proposed streets
with construction details of streets, curbs and sidewalks. Cross-section
drawings may be shown on either the final plan or on separate profile
KK. Where the subdivider proposes to locate a street, driveway or other
improvement within a portion of a utility right-of-way or to relocate
an existing utility line a letter from the appropriate utility company
giving permission to locate within the right-of-way or relocate the
existing line.
LL. The proposed method of traffic control at each proposed street intersection
shall be shown on the plan.
MM. Wetlands shall be delineated in accordance with the most recent version
of the "Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdiction
Wetlands." A copy of the wetland report shall accompany the plan and
shall include shaded areas delineating wetlands.
2. Whenever required under the rules and regulations of PennDEP, a copy
of the approved erosion and sediment plan shall accompany final plan
submission. Permits, when required, shall be submitted with the final
3. Profile sheets for all proposed streets within the tract shall be
provided. Such profiles shall show at least the following information,
properly labeled:
A. Existing (natural) profiles along the centerline of each street and,
if slope within cartway areas exceeds 5%, along both cartway edges.
B. Proposed finished grade of the centerline and proposed finished grades
at the top of both curbs or proposed finished grade at both cartway
pavement edges.
C. The length of all vertical curves.
D. Existing and proposed sanitary sewer mains and manholes, storm sewer
mains, inlets, manholes and culverts and existing or proposed water
mains. Such profiles shall be drawn at one of the following sets of
One inch equals 10 feet horizontal and one inch equals one foot
One inch equals 20 feet horizontal and one inch equals two feet
One inch equals 40 feet horizontal and one inch equals four
feet vertical.
One inch equals 50 feet horizontal and one inch equals five
feet vertical.
4. A copy of all permits required for the Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection for affecting water courses, bodies of water
or water obstructions or written indication from PA DEP that a permit
will not be required shall be submitted to the Borough.
5. In the case of developments containing apartments and townhouses
and commercial and industrial developments the location of refuse
collection areas and provisions to be made for refuse collection shall
be indicated.
6. A separate landscape plan showing the number, location, size and
species of all trees and shrubs that will be planted shall be submitted
with the final plan.
7. A final grading plan shall be submitted with the final plan.
8. A lighting plan showing the location of poles, the type and height
of poles and the type and brightness of lighting fixtures shall be
submitted with the final plan.
9. The proposed location and design of guide rails shall be indicated
on the final plan.
10. As applicable, the plan shall contain notes referencing recording
requirements for the plan, submittal requirements for residue land
of the subdivider, the improvements agreement for the subdivision,
maintenance responsibility for stormwater detention and retention
ponds, responsibility for placement of curbing and sidewalks within
the subdivision and references to erosion and sediment control plans
and stormwater studies with plan and study dates and plan numbers.
11. In the case of land development plans the following additional information
shall be shown:
A. The location and use of all buildings.
B. Location and grade of all parking areas and access drives, the size
and number of parking spaces and the width of aisles and access drives.
C. The location, number and dimensions of off-street loading areas.
D. Provisions for landscaping of the tract.
E. Provisions for lighting of the tract.
F. Provisions for traffic control.
G. The location of refuse collection areas and provisions to be made
for refuse collection.
H. A table showing extent of compliance with the area, yard and height regulations of the Borough Zoning Ordinance [Chapter
I. A grading plan for the tract showing existing and proposed contour
lines at the interval required by § 22-403(1)(H).
J. Lowest floor elevations for each proposed building.