[Amend. No. 22, 11-7-1989]
The library board of the City of Holland, having been created, is hereby continued. The library board shall be composed of five members, appointed in compliance with the provisions of the Charter and such additional members as may be added pursuant to subsection (b) below. The appointed members existing on the date of this amendment shall continue to hold office for the balance of the terms for which they were appointed, and thereafter, their successors shall be appointed by the mayor, with the advice and consent of the council, during the month of June in each year for a term of five years. Each person appointed as a member of the library board by the city shall possess the qualifications required by this Charter for elective offices of the city and shall be appointed to serve for a term of five years, commencing on the first day of July, following their appointment. A person, appointed to fill a vacancy, shall assume office immediately upon appointment and shall hold office only for the balance of the term of the person creating such vacancy.
There may be added to the library board one or more township members, appointed by their respective township boards. No township shall have more than one member on the library board. The addition of a township member shall be only for the term of any intergovernmental contract for library services, or renewal thereof, entered into between the city and the township. The removal and term of the appointment of the township member shall be governed by the terms, conditions and agreements of the applicable intergovernmental contract. The township member shall have all rights, privileges and duties, without qualification, as any city member of the library board.
The library board shall, at its first regular meeting in the month of July in each year, organize and elect one of its members president. The clerk shall be the clerk of the board. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The board shall appoint a librarian and all necessary personnel required to operate and conduct the affairs entrusted to it, subject to budget allowances therefor. The accounts of the board shall be subject to audit at the time the general accounts of the city are audited.
The library board shall hold at least one regular meeting in each calendar month, and shall be charged and entrusted with the management, supervision, and control of all city library facilities which are or shall be owned or operated by the city and shall have power to make and adopt all such bylaws, rules, and regulations as they may deem necessary and expedient for the transaction of their business, not inconsistent with the general ordinances of the city, or the provisions of this Charter.
On or before the fifteenth day of February of each year, the board shall submit to the council careful estimates in detail of the amount of money which, according to the judgment of the board, will be needed for the library facilities of the city during the ensuing fiscal year of the city, which estimates may be increased, modified or adopted by the council as in its judgment may seem justifiable.
[Amend. No. 8, 10-3-1964]
The council shall, during the month of May, in each year, adopt a resolution providing a budget for, and an appropriation of the money needed by, the library board for the operation of the library facilities of the city during the ensuing fiscal year of the city. The board shall administer its own budget. With the consent of the council, the board may exceed any budget appropriation or allotment where it can transfer a sufficient amount therefor from unencumbered balances within its budget. All proposed expenditures of the library board which are not included in the board's budget, as approved by the council, shall be approved by the council, before any obligation for such expenditures shall be incurred by the board.
The board shall pay daily to the city treasurer all moneys received by it and shall file with him a detailed statement thereof and shall file a copy of such statement with the receipt of the treasurer attached thereto, with the clerk. The treasurer shall credit all such moneys to a fund within the accounts of the city, to be known as the "library fund."