[Ord. No. 1341, 7-17-2002]
Scope. This section covers the basic mechanical facilities and fixtures requirements for properties covered by this division.
Evidence of inadequate mechanical facilities. Evidence of inadequate mechanical facilities shall be a violation of one or more of the subsections of this section.
Heating system. Every structure used as a dwelling shall be provided with a heating system capable of providing sufficient heat to all habitable rooms, bathing rooms, bathrooms, toilet rooms or washrooms and, in fact, operating during the hours that the area is occupied and required to be heated. "Sufficient heat" shall be defined as a room temperature of no less than 65°, as measured at a point three feet above the floor and three feet from existing walls, from September 15 to May 15. In the event exterior temperatures fall below 0° F. and the heating system is operating at full capacity, "sufficient heat" shall be defined as a room temperature of not less than 60° F.
Cooking and heating equipment. All cooking and heating equipment, components and accessories in every heating, cooking and water heating device shall be maintained free from leaks and obstructions and kept functioning properly, so as to be free from fire, health and accident hazards. All installations shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the building code or other laws or ordinances applicable thereto.
Installation and maintenance of mechanical equipment. All mechanical equipment shall be properly installed and safely maintained in good working condition, and be capable of performing the function for which it was designed and intended.
Inspections. Mechanical heating systems and heating appliances (including space heaters) shall be inspected and serviced by a licensed heating contractor under the following conditions:
On or before the expiration date of a three-year rental certificate of compliance;
After receiving a written notice stating that an inspection and service is required;
In the third year following the issuance of a six-year rental certificate of compliance; or
In the sixth year following the issuance of a six-year rental certificate of compliance in a newly constructed dwelling unit.
Chimney, flue or vent. All fuel-burning equipment shall be connected to an approved chimney, flue or vent.
Clearances to combustible materials. All required clearances to combustible materials shall be maintained.
Safety controls. All safety controls for fuel-burning equipment shall be maintained in effective operation.
Combustion air. A supply of air for complete combustion of the fuel and for ventilation of the space shall be provided the fuel-burning equipment.
Unauthorized devices. Devices purporting to reduce gas consumption by attachment to a gas appliance, to the gas supply line thereto or to the vent outlet or vent piping there from shall not be used, unless approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory for such use and unless the installation is specifically approved by the enforcing officer. Unvented, gas fired, space heating devices are not permitted as an alternative heat source.
Climate control. When facilities for interior climate control (heating, cooling and/or humidity) are integral functions of structures used as dwelling units or other occupancies, such facilities shall be maintained and operated in a continuous manner in accordance with the designed capacity.
Elevators—maintenance. Elevators shall be maintained to safely sustain the loads to which they are subject, to operate properly and to be free of physical and fire hazards.
Operation. In buildings equipped with elevators, at least one elevator shall be maintained in operation at all times when the building is occupied, unless temporarily out of service for testing and servicing.
Fireplaces, etc. Fireplaces, and other construction and devices intended for use similar to a fireplace shall be stable and structurally safe and connected to approved chimneys
Fireplaces—inspections. All fireplaces shall be inspected and serviced by a qualified mechanical contractor (for gas fueled or for solid fueled fireplaces under the following conditions:
On or before the expiration date of a three-year rental certificate of compliance, after receiving a written notice stating that an inspection and service is required; or
In the third year following the issuance of a six-year rental certificate of compliance; or
In the sixth year following the issuance of a six-year rental certificate of compliance in a newly constructed dwelling unit.
Exception. Fireplaces shall not be required to be inspected and serviced if the owner of a premise determines that the fireplace shall not be used. In this case he or she shall submit a written letter, upon request, stating such to the enforcing officer. Written notice shall also be given to all current and new tenants. Alternately, the fireplace may be physically disabled, or affixed with permanent signage indicating it is not to be used.