[Ord. No. 1034, 1-8-1992]
No person shall engage in the business of collecting or disposing of commercial refuse without first obtaining a license therefor in the manner provided in this chapter. No commercial refuse collector shall collect refuse from a residential service user unless the collector shall be the designated contract hauler of the City.
[Amended 1-17-2018 by Ord. No. 1718]
No commercial refuse collector's license shall be issued except upon application to the City Clerk upon forms provided by him or her, stating, in addition to such other information as shall be required by the City Clerk, a statement of the trucks and equipment which the licensee proposes to use for collecting refuse in the City including the following:
The method and location of the disposal of refuse to be used by the commercial refuse collector;
The method and equipment to be used in collecting in the City;
The City Clerk shall submit any such application to the City Council for approval at its next regular meeting after submission, and the City Council shall approve the applications of such licensee as it shall deem best able to collect commercial refuse in the City in accordance with the best interest of the City and its inhabitants.
Whenever any application made hereunder shall have been approved by the City Council, the City Clerk, upon payment of the fee by applicant and filing of a certificate of insurance in the amounts specified by resolution of the City Council, shall issue to such applicant a commercial refuse collector's license.
[Ord. No. 1034, 1-8-1992; Ord. No. 1064, 8-19-1992; Ord. No. 1074, 12-16-1992]
Unless sooner revoked as hereinafter provided, every refuse collector's license shall expire on the 30th day of the next succeeding April following its issuance.
Any refuse collector's license issued under this chapter may be revoked in the manner provided in Chapter 17 of this Code for the reasons stated therein and, in addition, such license may be revoked if any unauthorized change is made in the method or equipment and in the collection or the method or the location of disposal.