[R.O. 1997 § 120.010; Ord. No. 17 § 1, 9-1-1995; Ord. No. 1053 § 1, 4-12-2004]
All committees created by the City pursuant to Statute or ordinance and having any City resident among its membership shall be known as a "Statutory Committee," including:
Board of Adjustment;
Human Rights Commission;
Planning Commission.
[R.O. 1997 § 120.020; Ord. No. 17 § 2, 9-1-1995]
Failure To Attend Meetings. Any person appointed to a Statutory Committee established by the City Council shall be required, as a condition of appointment and in addition to any other requirements imposed by Statute or ordinance, to attend at a minimum fifty percent (50%) of all regularly scheduled meetings. Where "good cause" is required for removal of any committee member, failure to attend at least fifty percent (50%) of such meetings during any six (6) month period shall be prima facia evidence of "good cause" for such removal.
Conflict Of Interest. All members of any Statutory Committee shall disclose in writing any personal or financial benefit that the member could have as a result of particular decisions of the committee, or which could appear to result in a personal or financial benefit, thereby causing a conflict of interest or appearance of conflict by accepting appointment or by taking any action on any matter before the committee. Failure to provide such notice prior to appointment, or on a specific matter before the committee, prior to committee action, shall be "good cause" for removal. Any member having a conflict of interest, or in the opinion of the Council, an appearance of conflict, on a matter before the committee shall be disqualified from voting or taking action on such matter.
[R.O. 1997 § 120.030; Ord. No. 17 § 3, 9-1-1995]
Unless otherwise stated by ordinance, the members of any statutory committee established shall serve without compensation and at the pleasure of the Mayor and Council.