Editor's Note: R.O. 1997 §§ 220.010, Contract for Police Service and Protection, and 220.020, Contract for Police Department Mutual Aid, were repealed by the City during the 2019 recodification project. See § 200.040.
[R.O. 1997 § 220.030; Ord. No. 58 § 1, 9-1-1995]
The Mayor of the City of Wildwood is authorized to execute a contract with St. Louis County for a contract providing for and appointing a disaster planning coordinator. The contract is on file in the City offices.
[R.O. 1997 § 220.040; Ord. No. 136 § 2, 9-1-1995]
The Mayor of the City of Wildwood is authorized to enter into on behalf of the City of Wildwood a contract with St. Louis County, whereby the County shall provide the services of trained Health Department personnel to carry out a public health and sanitation program within the City of Wildwood including dog-catching and rabies control services, general sanitation and food inspection, and such other services and activities excepting mosquito control, as the County Health Commissioner may at any time, and from time to time, determine to be necessary and within the facilities and capacities of the County's Department of Public Health; all terms and provisions of the contract shall be such as the Mayor approves.
[R.O. 1997 § 220.050; Ord. No. 137 § 1, 9-1-1995]
The Mayor of the City of Wildwood is hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute a contract with St. Louis County, Missouri, whereby the County, by and through its Department of Health will perform mosquito control services within said City. The contract is on file in the City offices.
[R.O. 1997 § 220.060; Ord. No. 281, 10-14-1996]
The Mayor of the City of Wildwood is hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute a contract with St. Louis County, Missouri, whereby the County, by and through its Department of Planning will perform subdivision deposit agreement escrow management. The contract is on file in the City offices.