[R.O. 1997 § 230.130; Ord. No. 532 § 1, 5-26-1999]
Disposal of special waste shall be in accordance with Missouri State Law.
Any person desiring to dispose of special waste from within the City shall contact a lawfully operating waste hauler for an inspection appointment. An employee of the waste hauler shall examine the special waste at the scheduled time and determine the most appropriate method of removal, and will either arrange for said removal or refer the resident to the appropriate removal entity. Removal of special wastes shall be at the resident's expense. Special waste consisting of explosive and incendiary material such as ammunition, blasting caps and dynamite shall be removed under the supervision of the Police Department or by an agency designated by the Police Department.
Any resident desiring to dispose of "white goods" shall contact a licensed waste hauler to schedule a time and the most appropriate method of removal. Storage of white goods outdoors for collection shall be rendered safe and have all lockable doors or latches removed or locked.
The Director shall have the authority to approve or disapprove the applications for disposal of special waste and, if the applications are approved, may require any conditions the City Council believes necessary in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare. Copies of the approval of the City Council shall be sent to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
[R.O. 1997 § 230.140; Ord. No. 532 § 1, 5-26-1999]
The Director or his/her designee shall make periodic inspections as necessary to ensure compliance with this Chapter and the terms of any permit issued. Failure of the waste haulers or their agents or employees to cooperate with the Director in his/her inspections, or to comply with the statements in the license or permit applications or agreements, or with the provisions of any license shall result in immediate revocation by the Director of any license or permit issued under this Chapter.
The Director or his/her designee shall have the right of entry for inspection to ensure compliance with the authorization granted by the Director and to ensure the public health, safety and welfare. For a violation of the terms of the authorization of the Director or for a condition which threatens the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the City, the Director shall notify the owners or their agents to correct such violation. If the owners or their agents fail to correct such violation within twenty-four (24) hours, the Director is authorized to enter the property and, with the owner's equipment and employees or with City owned equipment and employees, correct such violation. The cost of such work shall be a special tax on the property and will be collectable in the manner provided by law.