[R.O. 1997 § 235.010; Ord. No. 1230 § 1, 10-24-2005]
This Chapter contains the specific regulations for the establishment of rules and requirements relating to the use of the City's parks and recreation facilities, including its system of multiple-use trail corridors. With public facilities available for use by residents and visitors, certain considerations must be in place to protect these users, respect surrounding property owners' rights and provide rules to enhance the overall experience, while promoting a healthy and active lifestyle in the City of Wildwood. These regulations, as described herein, are intended to govern the activities and uses of park properties and trails within the City of Wildwood. The application of these regulations shall be undertaken to protect the public's health, safety and welfare and promote a healthy, active community where outdoor activities are plentiful and opportunities and facilities exist in close proximity to all households of the City of Wildwood. Consideration shall be given in all instances to surrounding properties to protect lot owners from trespass, vandalism or inadvertent use.
[R.O. 1997 § 235.020; Ord. No. 1230 § 1, 10-24-2005; Ord. No. 2816, 9-11-2023]
For the purposes of this Chapter, and in addition to general definitions provided in this Code, the following words and phrases are defined as follows:
This term shall have the same meaning as set forth in Section 300.020 of this Code of Ordinances of the City of Wildwood.
All land, whether held in fee, lease, right-of-way, easement or other property interest of the City, made available for use to the public by the City of Wildwood for parks, multi-use trails or other recreational purposes, including, but not limited to, all lands specifically identified in the Park Registry maintained on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein.
The portion of park property constituting a pedestrian or multi-use trail, and including, but not limited to, such trail network constructed and to be constructed as included within the trail network map identified in the Park Registry.
[R.O. 1997 § 235.030; Ord. No. 1230 § 1, 10-24-2005]
These regulations, as described herein, are intended to govern the activities and uses of all City parks. The application of these regulations shall be undertaken to protect the public's health, safety and welfare and promote a healthy, active community where outdoor activities are plentiful and opportunities and facilities exist in close proximity to all households of the City of Wildwood. Consideration shall be given in all instances to surrounding properties to protect lot owners from trespass, vandalism or inadvertent use. Nothing in these regulations shall apply to or limit the actions of any City employee or agent acting pursuant to authority of the City.