[R.O. 2006 §115.260; CC 1985 §2-171; Ord. No. 92.07 §1, 2-20-1992; Ord. No. 23.31, 5-4-2023]
The Mayor shall, subject to confirmation by the Board of Aldermen, appoint a suitable person as the City Treasurer who shall provide bond as required in Section 115.040.
[R.O. 2006 §115.270; CC 1985 §2-173; Ord. No. 92.07 §1, 2-20-1992]
The Mayor, with the advice and consent of a majority of the Board of Aldermen, shall appoint a suitable person as City Treasurer who shall hold office at the pleasure of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. The City Treasurer will provide a bond as required in Section 115.040. The City Treasurer is responsible to and held accountable by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. Work is performed under general supervision of the City Administrator.
[R.O. 2006 §115.280; CC 1985 §2-174; Ord. No. 92.07 §1, 2-20-1992]
The following list is for illustration and general guidance and is not intended to be all inclusive:
Maintain the financial records of the City in accordance with Federal, State and City of Osage Beach Code of Ordinances, as well as following the generally accepted accounting practices as recommended in Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting, Copyright 1988, and any subsequent updates published by the Government Finance Officers Association.
Maintain detailed records documenting the purpose, balances, and the charges to all funds and accounts of the City.
Invest the public funds of the City in accordance with Federal, State, and City of Osage Beach Code of Ordinances.
Coordinate activities of the Treasurer's office with other officers of the City in performance of the Treasurer's duties.
Reconcile bank instruments to the City's financial records on a monthly basis.
Recommend financial policies for implementation by the City Administrator or, if necessary, action by the Board of Aldermen.
Review and monitor internal financial activity of the City for any weakness or impropriety.
Maintain all financial bond requirements.
Develop cash flow analysis in conjunction with the City Administrator.
Assist City Administrator in development of the annual budget and any special reports that may be necessary.
Maintain detailed records on the physical assets of the City.
Maintain detailed records of all financial activity on Federal, State or private grants.
Maintain detailed records on various trust funds and accounts which may be maintained by the City.
Work cooperatively with City Officials and employees to develop policies which safeguard City property while allowing efficient and effective delivery of services.
Assist in training City Officers and employees in fiscal matters.
Provide financial information concerning the City to various entities and individuals.
Assure that financial reports are filed with Federal and State agencies in a timely manner.
Operate computer terminal to input and process information.
Advise and consult with the officers of the City on data processing needs of the City.
Advise the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of any irregularities, unusual events, or possible violations of Federal, State, or City ordinances in a timely manner.
Review and prepare specifications and bids for banking services and recommend to the Board of Aldermen a course of action.
Work cooperatively with the City's independent auditor to allow the auditors to fulfill their function in a timely and efficient manner.
[R.O. 2006 §115.290; CC 1985 §2-175; Ord. No. 92.07 §2, 2-20-1992]
The City Treasurer shall report to the Board of Aldermen on a monthly basis on the City's investments, compliance with bond requirements, and provide copies and explanations of the financial statements of the City, provide such special reports as may be requested by the Mayor or Board of Aldermen, and provide the necessary financial information to the City Clerk to comply with State Statutes regarding semi-annual financial reporting.