[R.O. 2006 §410.400; Ord. No. 98.04 §2, 3-19-1998]
A. Street
lighting shall be provided at each street intersection to adequately
illuminate the entire surface of the intersection.
B. Where
intersections on existing or proposed residential or local streets
are in excess of four hundred (400) feet apart, additional lights
shall be placed along the street at intervals not exceeding four hundred
(400) feet. Existing lots with road frontage of three hundred (300)
feet or less shall be exempt.
C. Where
intersections on existing or proposed non-residential or collector
streets are in excess of three hundred (300) feet apart, additional
lights shall be placed along the street at intervals not exceeding
three hundred (300) feet. Existing lots with road frontage of two
hundred (200) feet or less shall be exempt.
D. Where
intersections on existing or proposed arterial streets are in excess
of two hundred (200) feet, a street light shall be provided at intervals
not exceeding two hundred (200) feet. Existing lots with road frontage
of two hundred (200) feet or less shall be exempt. Lighting along
State arterial corridors shall be installed in accordance with Missouri
Department of Transportation standards or as specified by an adopted
street lighting plan.
E. Street
lights that extend over the paved surface shall be a minimum of twenty
(20) feet above said surface. Lights that do not extend above the
pavement surface shall be a minimum of twelve (12) feet in height.
F. Street
lights shall be provided at all cul-de-sacs, public turnaround areas,
or abrupt turns, and at the terminal end of dead-end streets.
G. Street
light structures and poles shall be placed in the right-of-way of
the proposed or existing street(s). Street lights shall be placed
as close to the right-of-way line as possible. Light poles or structures
which impede drainage or may create a traffic hazard, as determined
by the Public Works Director, shall be redesigned or relocated in
conformance with the provisions herein.
[Ord. No. 13.57 §5, 9-19-2013]
[R.O. 2006 §410.410; Ord. No. 98.04 §3, 3-19-1998; Ord. No. 00.19 §8, 6-1-2000]
Street lights to be located within or adjacent to City street
or parking right-of-way or easements shall be designed in accordance
with the Osage Beach Design Guidelines, which shall be on file in
the City offices.