Cross Reference — As to officer's oath and bond, §115.060.
No person shall be Mayor unless he/she be at least thirty (30) years of age, a citizen of the United States and a resident of such City at the time of and for two (2) years next preceding his/her election. When two (2) or more persons shall have an equal number of votes for the office of Mayor, the matter shall be determined by the Council.
No person shall be Council member unless he/she is at least twenty-one (21) years of age prior to taking office, a citizen of the United States, and an inhabitant of the City for one (1) year next preceding his/her election, and a resident of the ward from which he/she is elected six (6) months next preceding his/her election. Whenever there is a tie in the election of a Council Member, the matter shall be determined by the Council.
All officers elected to offices or appointed to fill a vacancy in any elective office under the City Government shall be voters under the laws and Constitution of this State and, except appointed officers, must be residents of the City. No person shall be elected or appointed to any office who shall at the time be in arrears for any unpaid City taxes, or forfeiture or defalcation in office.
At the first (1st) regular meeting of the City Council after the election in each year, which meeting shall occur at the time fixed by ordinance, but shall not be later than the fourth (4th) Tuesday in April, the Council shall elect one (1) of its members President Pro Tem who shall hold his/her office for the term of one (1) year, and who, in the absence of the Mayor, shall preside at the meetings of the Council; provided that in the absence of the Mayor and President Pro Tem, the Council may select one (1) of its members present to preside at such meetings, who shall be styled "Acting President Pro Tem".
The Mayor and Council of each City governed by this Chapter shall have the care, management and control of the City and its finances, and shall have power to enact and ordain any and all ordinances not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of this State, and such as they shall deem expedient for the good government of the City, the preservation of peace and good order, the benefit of trade and commerce, and the health of the inhabitants thereof, and such other ordinances, rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary to carry such powers into effect, and to alter, modify or repeal the same.
The Mayor shall be President of the Council and shall preside over same, but shall not vote except in case of a tie in said Council, when he/she shall cast the deciding vote; but provided however, that he/she shall have no such power to vote in cases when he/she is an interested party. He/she shall have the superintending control of all the officers and affairs of the City, and shall take care that the ordinances of the City and the State laws relating to such City are complied with.
When any vacancy shall happen in the office of Mayor by death, resignation, removal from the City, removal from office, refusal to qualify or otherwise, nominations of a successor may be made by any member of the Council and selected with the consent of a majority of the members of the Council. The Council may adopt procedures to fill any such vacancy consistent with this Section. In the case of a temporary absence of the Mayor or disability to perform the duties of his/her office, the President Pro Tem of the Council shall perform the duties of Mayor until the Mayor shall return or such disability be removed, and during the time the President Pro Tem of the Council shall act as Mayor, the President Pro Tem shall receive the same compensation that the Mayor would be entitled to.
Vacancies, How Filled — Other Offices. If a vacancy occurs in any elective office other than the office of Mayor, a successor to the vacant office shall be selected by appointment by the Mayor with the advice and consent of a majority of the remaining members of the Council. The Council may adopt procedures to fill vacancies consistent with this Section. The successor shall serve until the next available regular municipal April election. If a vacancy occurs in any office not elective, the Mayor shall appoint a suitable person to discharge the duties of the same until the first (1st) regular meeting of the Council thereafter, at which time the vacancy shall be permanently filled.
The Mayor may, with the consent of a majority of all the members elected to the City Council, remove from office, for cause shown, any elective officer of the City, such officer being first given opportunity, together with his/her witnesses, to be heard before the Council sitting as a court of impeachment. Any elective officer may, in like manner, for cause shown, be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the members elected to the City Council, independently of the Mayor's approval or recommendation. The Mayor may, with the consent of a majority of all the members elected to the Council, remove from office any appointive officer of the City at will, and any such appointive officer may be so removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the members elected to the Council, independently of the Mayor's approval or recommendation. The Council may pass ordinances regulating the manner of impeachment and removals.
The style of the ordinances of the City shall be: "Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Chaffee, as follows:" No ordinance shall be passed except by bill, and no bill shall become an ordinance unless on its final passage a majority of the members elected to the Council shall vote therefor, and the "ayes" and "nays" shall be entered on the journal. Every proposed ordinance shall be introduced to the Council in writing and shall be read by title or in full two (2) times prior to passage, both readings may occur at a single meeting of the Council. If the proposed ordinance is read by title only, copies of the proposed ordinance shall be made available for public inspection prior to the time the bill is under consideration by the Council. No bill shall become an ordinance until it shall have been signed by the officer presiding at the meeting of the Council at which it shall have been passed. When so signed, it shall be delivered to the Mayor for his/her approval and signature, or his/her veto.
Every bill presented to the Mayor and returned to the Council with the approval of the Mayor shall become an ordinance, and every bill presented as aforesaid, but returned with his/her objections thereto, shall stand reconsidered. The Council shall cause the objections of the Mayor to be entered at large upon the journal, and proceed at its convenience to consider the question pending, which shall be in this form: "Shall the bill pass, the objections of the Mayor thereto notwithstanding?" The votes on this question shall be taken by "ayes" and "nays" and the names entered upon the journal, and if two-thirds (2/3) of all the members-elect shall vote in the affirmative, the President shall certify the fact on the roll, and the bill thus certified shall be deposited with the proper officer, and shall become an ordinance in the same manner and with like effect as if it had received the approval of the Mayor. The Mayor shall have power to sign or veto any ordinance passed by the City Council, and shall also possess the power to approve all or any portion of the general appropriation bill, or to veto any item or all of the same; provided that should he/she neglect or refuse to sign any ordinance and return the same with his/her objections, in writing, at the next regular meeting of the Council, the same shall become a law without his/her signature.
The Mayor shall also have the power to veto any resolution or order of the Council which calls for or contemplates the expenditure of the revenues of the City. Such vetoes shall be noted on the journal of the Council, and shall be effective and binding unless the Council, at a subsequent session thereof, general or special, shall pass said resolution or order by a vote of three-fourths (¾) of all the members elected to the Council.
The Council shall cause to be kept a journal of its proceedings, and the "ayes" and "nays" of the members shall be entered on any question at the desire of any two (2) members. The Council may prescribe and enforce such rules as may be necessary to secure the attendance of its members and the expeditious transactions of its business.
The Mayor shall be active and vigilant in enforcing all laws and ordinances for the government of the City, and he/she shall cause all subordinate officers to be dealt with promptly for any neglect or violation of duty, and he/she is hereby authorized to call on every male inhabitant of the City, over eighteen (18) years of age and under fifty (50), to aid in enforcing the laws.
The Mayor shall have power to remit fines and forfeitures and to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses arising under ordinances of the City, but this Section shall not be so construed as to authorize the Mayor to remit any costs which may have accrued to any officer of the City by reason of any prosecution under the laws or ordinances of said City.
The Mayor shall, from time to time, communicate to the Council such measures as may, in his/her opinion, tend to the improvement of the finances, the Police, health, security, ornament, comfort and general prosperity of the City.
The Mayor shall have power to require, as often as he/she may deem it necessary, any officer of the City to exhibit his/her accounts or other papers or records, and to make report to the Council, in writing, touching any subject or matter pertaining to his/her office.
The Mayor shall sign the commissions and appointments of all City Officers elected or appointed in the City, and shall approve all official bonds.
The Council shall have power to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers relating to any subject under consideration in which the interest of the City is involved, and shall have power to call on the proper officer of the City, or of the County in which such City is located, to execute such process. The officer making such service shall be entitled to receive therefor such fees as are allowed by law for similar service, to be paid by the City. The President of the Council, or President Pro Tem, shall have power to administer oaths to witnesses.
The budget or any authorization to expend funds shall be approved by an ordinance, motion, or resolution that is approved by a majority of all the members elected to the Governing Body.
The Council shall publish a full and detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures and indebtedness of the City at the end of each fiscal year and six (6) months after the end of each fiscal year in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. Each such statement shall be for the six (6) month period preceding the date of the statement.
The Council shall have power to fix the compensation of the officers and employees of this City by ordinance or resolutions but except as to personnel of a merit system police department whose salary schedules may be revised by the Council upon recommendation of the Personnel Board; but the salary of an officer shall not be changed during the time for which he/she was elected or appointed.
Editor's Note: As to the Mayor and Council Members compensation, § 110.290.
[CC 1978 §105.020]
Regular meetings of the City Council shall be held in the Council chamber of the City Hall in said City at 7:00 P.M. on the first (1st) and third (3rd) Mondays of each month.
[CC 1978 §105.030; Ord. No. 518 §3]
Special meetings may be called at any time by the Mayor or by any two (2) members of the Council. Whenever a special meeting is called, the Chief of Police shall be required to notify each member of the Council of the day and hour fixed for each meeting. Such notice may be served verbally or by leaving a written copy of the notice of said meeting at the residence of each member of the City Council to be notified, with some member of said Council Member's family over the age of fifteen (15) years.
Cross Reference — As to notice of meetings, §125.040.
[CC 1978 §105.050; Ord. No. 110.240, 5-6-2024]
All members of the City Council shall attend all meetings of said body. A Council Member's seat shall be deemed vacant if:
That Council Member shall have missed five (5) consecutive meetings, and
Two-thirds (2/3) of the remaining members of the Council shall have voted to declare the seat vacant.
Policy Statement. While it is legally permissible for members of the City’s public government bodies to attend meetings and vote via video conference transmission, a member’s use of video conference attendance should occur only sparingly because it is good public policy for citizens to have the opportunity to meet with their elected officials face to face. Elected officials should endeavor to be physically present at all meetings unless video attendance is unavoidable.
Video Conference Defined. For purposes of this Section “video conference” or “video conferencing” shall refer to a means of communication where at least one (1) member of a public governmental body participates in the public meeting via an electronic connection made up of two (2) components:
A live audio and video transmission that allows the member not present to be seen and heard by those in physical presence and a live and audio transmission allowing the member not physically present to see and hear those in attendance.
If the member of the public governmental body not in attendance becomes unable to be seen or heard, then the video conference participant is deemed immediately absent until video conferencing is reestablished. A video conference participants absence may compromise a quorum in which case the applicable Missouri laws shall take effect regarding a broken quorum.
Prerequisites. A Council Member and an Appointed Official shall be provided the opportunity to attend a public meeting from a remote location if the Council Member meets the following conditions:
The Council Member and/or Appointed Official must notify the City Clerk or designated personnel in writing or electronic communication at least one (1) business day before the public meeting of his/her intent to remotely participate in the public meeting.
Council Members and/or Appointed Officials who participate remotely and all persons present in the public meeting location shall be clearly visible to the greatest extent practicable and audible to each other.
The Council Member and/or Appointed Officials must assert one (1) of the following reasons why he or she is unable to physically attend a pubic meeting of the public governmental body of which he/she is a member:
Personal illness or disability.
Employment duties outside the City, military service, or other obligations.
A family or personal emergency.
Physical Location. Members of the public may view the public meeting but cannot verbally participate unless they wish to speak in the public comment or public hearing section of the meeting if:
The individual notifies the City Clerk or designated person in writing or electronic communication at least one (1) business day prior to the public meeting of his/her intent.
The individual must be clearly visible and audible by the people in attendance of the meeting.
Prerequisites For Other Participants And City Staff.
Out-of-town applicants, consultants, or other individuals/representatives having official City business before the governing body may participate remotely when:
Notifying the City Clerk or designated person in writing or electronic communication of their intent with good cause at least one (1) business day prior to the meeting.
The individual must be clearly visible and audible to be heard by the people in attendance of the meeting.
City staff may fully participate remotely in a public meeting when:
Notifying the City Administrator and/or City Clerk, as well as the Mayor/Chairman of that governing body in writing or electronic communication of their intent with good cause at least one (1) business day prior to the meeting.
The individual must be clearly visible and audible to be heard by the people in attendance of the meeting.
Voting. Elected members of a public governmental body attending a public meeting of that governmental body via video conference are deemed present for purposes of participating in a vote, including a roll call vote, to the same extent as elected members of a public governmental body in physical attendance at a public meeting of that governmental body are deemed present. As indicated in Subsection above, if any component of the video conference communication fails during the meeting, the member attending the meeting by video conference whose connection failed shall be deemed absent immediately upon such failure, and if the public governmental body was in the act of voting, the voting shall stop until all of the components of video conference attendance are again restored and the video conference participant's presence is again noted in the minutes or the member's remote attendance is terminated or abandoned. If the connection with the member attending the meeting by video conference fails during the voting process and before the results are announced, the member's vote, if any, is nullified and shall not be counted.
Closed Meetings. In a meeting where a member of a public governmental body is participating via video conferencing and the meeting goes into a closed session, all provisions of Missouri law and City ordinances relating to closed sessions apply. Upon the public governmental body's initiation of a closed meeting, all members of the general public not required for purposes of the closed meeting and invited to the attend by the public governmental body, shall be excluded. Likewise, a member of a public governmental body participating via video conferencing must ensure there are no members of the public present at their location to see, hear, or otherwise communicate during the closed session. Closed meetings shall not be recorded by video, audio, or other means by either those in-person or virtually in attendance. The member must also take all reasonable precautions to guard against interception of communication by others. Failure to ensure the requirements of this Subsection may result in corrective action by the full public governmental body in accordance with City regulations, including the termination of their video connection.
Minutes. In the meeting, whether in open or in closed session, the minutes taken should reflect the member(s), if any, participating via video conference, the members in physical attendance, and members, if any, absent.
Emergency Meetings And Quorum. In the event that emergency circumstances prevent the members of a public governmental body to physically attend, the body may meet and vote by video conference without the requirement that a quorum be physically present in the same place. Examples of such emergency circumstances, include, but are not limited to, war, riot, terrorism, widespread fire, or natural disaster, such as earthquake, tornado, hurricane, flood, or blizzard. To the extent reasonably possible in such circumstances, the public governmental body shall use reasonable efforts to cause a physical location to be provided for public attendance and participation. The nature of the emergency shall be recorded in the minutes. If no emergency exists, a quorum of the public governmental body shall be physically present at the physical location for which notice of a meeting is provided.
[CC 1978 §105.060; Ord. No. 518 §6]
Upon a roll call of members of the City Council, the names of the members shall be called alphabetically and the absentees noted, after which the names of the absentees shall again be called and those who do not appear may, if ordered by the Council, be sent for and the Chief of Police or other Police Officer of the City, who shall be directed by the Council, shall have power to bring such absentees into the meeting.
[CC 1978 §105.070]
Five (5) Council Members shall constitute a quorum to do business but not less than two (2) members may issue a call of the Council, send for and compel the attendance of absent members and make an order fining said members who fail, neglect, or refuse to attend any meeting of the City Council.
[CC 1978 §105.080; Ord. No. 518 §8]
Parliamentary procedure of the City Council shall be governed by "Robert's Rules of Order", latest edition.
[CC 1978 §105.090; Ord. No. 518 §9]
The order of business shall be as follows:
Message or statement from the President of the Council or the Presiding Officer as to the cause of convening the Council in special session.
Disposition of the business mentioned in the call for special session.
[Ord. No. 110.290, 5-6-2024]
The following shall be the compensation to be paid to the Mayor and Council Members:
Council Member
$50.00 per meeting
City Mayor
$100.00 per meeting*
* This shall be in addition to the Mayor’s monthly compensation of $175.00.