[CC 1978 §535.010; Ord. No. 707 §1, 12-12-1966]
No building shall be moved on any street, curb, sidewalk or parkway without a permit from the City Street Commissioner. Such permit shall specify the location the building is to be moved from and the location to be moved to, and shall specify the streets to be traveled in moving to, and shall specify the streets to be traveled in moving such house. No building shall be moved, except upon pneumatic tires, and the number and size of tires required for moving a building shall be determined by the Street Commissioner. The City Street Commissioner shall prescribe such further regulations as in his/her opinion shall be necessary for the protection of public property.
[CC 1978 §535.020; Ord. No. 707 §2, 12-12-1966]
The fee for each building permit required by Section 515.010 shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00) which shall be paid by the Street Commissioner into the Contingent Fund of the City, and which shall not be refunded.
[CC 1978 §535.030; Ord. No. 707 §4, 12-12-1966]
In addition to the fee required by Section 515.020, the person securing such building moving permit shall deliver to the City Street Commissioner a surety bond in a sum as determined by the City Council in favor of the City guaranteeing the repairs to any streets, curbs, sidewalks and parkway made necessary by damage caused by moving such building and also conditioned to save the City harmless and free and clear from any and all charges, claims or suits for damages resulting from the granting of such permit, such bond shall be required for each house moved.
[CC 1978 §535.040; Ord. No. 707 §5, 12-12-1966]
It shall be unlawful for any person moving any house, barn or other building of any character whatsoever over, along or upon or across any street, avenue or alley in the City to break, crush, damage or destroy any tilings of culverts or manholes or sewers or catch basins or curb boxes or meter boxes or hydrants or telephone poles or telegraph poles or telephone wires or telegraph wires or electric light poles or wires or any other private property of any character whatsoever located in, upon or along any such streets, avenues, or alleys; provided however, that when it shall become necessary to remove any of the tilings, culverts, manholes, sewers, catch basins, curb boxes, water boxes, hydrants, telephone poles, telegraph poles or wires or any other private property of any character whatsoever, the person causing such building to be moved shall pay the cost for such removal and remove the same under the direction of the owner thereof; provided further, that this Section shall not be construed to change or alter the terms or conditions of any franchise or ordinance passed by the Council of the City applying to the removal of obstructions from streets, avenues and alleys during the moving of any building.
[CC 1978 §535.050; Ord. No. 531 §2]
It shall be unlawful for any person to move or cause to be moved any house, barn or other building over, upon or across any paved street, alley, avenue or sidewalk within this City without first having obtained the permit from the Mayor as provided in Section 515.010 of this Chapter, and without first covering such paved street, alley, avenue or sidewalk with timbers of sufficient width and thickness to prevent any injury to any such paved street, alley, avenue or sidewalk. Said timbers shall be at least two (2) inches thick and not less than ten (10) feet in length and so placed as to cover a space at least thirty (30) inches in width of hard wood, upon which the rollers or wheels used in moving shall be run.
[CC 1978 §535.060; Ord. No. 531 §3]
No person moving or causing to be moved any house, barn or building within this City shall drive or set, or cause to be driven or set, any stakes, nails, pegs or poles, or posts in any paved street, alley, avenue or sidewalk or move or tear up any portion of any such paved street, alley, avenue or sidewalk or to in any way assist in such moving, without first having obtained permission from the Street Commissioner, and having deposited with said Commissioner, for the City's use, a sum of money sufficient to replace or repair any damage done by reason thereof.
[CC 1978 §535.070; Ord. No. 531 §4]
It shall be unlawful for any person moving or in charge of the moving of any house, barn, shed or other building of any character within this City to permit or allow any such building to remain for a longer period than six (6) hours in the streets in any one (1) block, except for the period between sunset and sunrise, when such building shall have red lanterns hung on it from every side from which vehicles might approach same.
[CC 1978 §535.080; Ord. No. 723 §12, 11-23-1953]
It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm, co-partnership or corporation to raise, move, overhaul, remodel, or otherwise change, alter or tamper with any building in this City to which is attached any water connections or sewer connection until a permit has been granted therefor. Such disconnections of water and sewer service shall be done by a licensed plumber in the manner prescribed by the inspector or shall be done by an employee of the Water and Sewer Department of this City upon the payment by the owner of said building, or the person in charge of the work thereon, the actual cost of all labor and materials necessary therefor.