[Ord. No. 09-0347 §§1 — 2, 9-9-2009; Ord. No. 10-0102 §1(300.010 — 300.180), 1-4-2010]
Trees, Shrubbery, Natural Life And Property. It shall be unlawful for an individual to injure, damage, alter, or remove any animal, plant, natural feature or property within any park. Nor shall any person plant any vegetation, release any wildlife, or build any structure within any County park without written authorization from the Director. It shall be unlawful to vandalize or destroy any natural or man-made structures or to inscribe/affix any printed material to any natural or man-made structures. This Subsection does not prohibit fishing as allowed by law; however, it does restrict the introduction of any fish species to any County-owned waterways, streams, lakes or ponds.
[Ord. No. 18-0472, 11-26-2018]
Hunting And Weapons. No person shall pursue, trap or kill any wildlife in any manner or in any quantity within any County park. The possession of any weapons shall be in compliance with Chapter 571, RSMo., as amended, and shall be subject to all applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations. No person shall discharge or cause a weapon to be discharged within any County park. The County Executive at the request of the Director or on his own initiative may grant an exception to this regulation. Such exception shall be limited to the allowance of archery equipment and/or shotguns in Beck Park only, on specific dates set forth by executive order, and as part of Department-sponsored, managed hunts in said park. This Subsection does not prohibit fishing as allowed by law.
[Ord. No. 18-0472, 11-26-2018]
Operation Of Motor Vehicles Within County Parks. The use of motor vehicles is restricted to established roads and parking lots. The maximum allowed speed of any motor vehicle within a County park is fifteen miles per hour (15 m.p.h.). No motorized vehicles are allowed on any trail with the exception of personal-assist vehicles and/or other powered-driven mobility devices as listed and defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA").[1]
[Ord. No. 20-0106, 1-27-2020]
Editor's Note: See 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.
Parking Allowed In Designated Areas Only. The parking of vehicles on grassy areas is not permitted; vehicles must park only in areas designated for such use. Overnight parking is prohibited unless the owner or operator of the vehicle is a registered camper at a designated camping area or the owner or operator obtains permission from the Department.
[Ord. No. 18-0472, 11-26-2018]
Open Fires. Patrons may build fires in the devices provided by the Department. All fires must be extinguished prior to departure. Use of personal charcoal/wood-burning barbecue grills/braziers are specifically prohibited in all County parks. Patrons requesting camping permits who intend to have an open fire will be required to provide a five-gallon pail of water at the campsite to enable person(s) to extinguish the fire.
[Ord. No. 18-0472, 11-26-2018]
Camping Permitted In Designated Areas Only. Camping is permitted only in the County parks identified as camping facilities by the Department, and only in areas authorized by the Department. Individuals camping in County park(s) must obtain a permit and pay the established camping fee.
[Ord. No. 18-0472, 11-26-2018]
Proper Disposal Of Rubbish And Debris Required. Park patrons shall leave the park(s) in a clean and orderly condition. All waste products shall be deposited in the containers provided for that purpose. Dumping or littering on County Park property is strictly forbidden. Disposal of household trash and or home furniture or appliances will be considered illegal disposal of rubbish and debris.
Solicitation Prohibited. A written agreement is required between the County and any business or individual to solicit business or service(s) at County parks, except for those businesses that are invited by the Department to participate in special events.
[Ord. No. 18-0472, 11-26-2018]
Firewood. Firewood for cooking and campfires (where permitted) may be allowed in the parks. No person shall cut or remove a live tree of any size within any Jefferson County park. Members of the public may not remove standing trees of any nature. Downed trees or branches may be utilized as firewood in the devices provided for that purpose. Members of the public may obtain permits to remove downed trees located in the parks. Such permits can be obtained at the Department office.
[Ord. No. 18-0472, 11-26-2018]
Use Of Metal Detectors. Metal detectors may be used in County parks for coin searching, etc., except in locations designated as historical by the Department or County and marked as such with signs erected by either the Department or the County. No shovels shall be allowed; only probing with instruments as defined in Section 240.070. (See definitions of "digging" and "non-digging method.") Written permits are required and are available at the Department office.
[Ord. No. 18-0472, 11-26-2018]
Concessionaires. Jefferson County may enter into contracts with concessionaires granting permission to sell products or services in specified County parks. The Department Director may enter into single-day (per-diem) permits for special Department/County events. The revenue generated from these contractual agreements shall be deposited into the Department's General Funds.
[Ord. No. 18-0472, 11-26-2018]
Reservations And Facility Rentals. Specific facilities and amenities may be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis by obtaining a facility reservation permit from the Department. The facilities that may be reserved and/or rented are pavilions, campsites, in-line hockey rink, equine facilities at the Big River Saddle Club and ball fields at the Northwest Sports Complex. The issued reservation is good for the date, time and location specified on the permit. The reservation is not valid for general picnic areas, playgrounds or restrooms. The individual securing the reservation must have the permit on site during the reserved time as proof of the reservation. Any problems arising from unauthorized groups occupying the area should be referred to the Department, or in extreme cases, to the Jefferson County Sheriff's office.
[Ord. No. 18-0472, 11-26-2018]
Pets. All parks have restrictions governing pets. Pets are the responsibility of the owner. Therefore, patrons shall have control of their pet(s) by means of a secured restraint of six (6) feet or less in length. Patrons have the responsibility to remove and properly dispose of all fecal excrements. Selected facilities have more rigid rules governing pets.
[Ord. No. 18-0472, 11-26-2018]
Pets are strictly prohibited from the following parks: Rockford Park; Jefferson County Winter Park; Morse Mill Park; and Cedar Hill Park.
[Ord. No. 24-0142, 3-11-2024]
Pets are strictly prohibited from the fenced areas within the Northwest Sports Complex.
Glass Containers Prohibited. All glass containers are prohibited in the County Park system.
Digging In County Parks Restricted. Digging in County Parks with any device is prohibited. The search for earthworms is permitted when a non-digging method is utilized.
Posting Of Signs Prohibited. The posting of non-government signs is prohibited in any County park, unless otherwise authorized by the Director, such as paid advertising. Posting of political signs is permitted twenty-four (24) hours prior to, and twenty-four (24) hours after, any election if the County utilizes the facility as a polling location. Department employees shall remove posting of signs that violate this rule.
[Ord. No. 18-0472, 11-26-2018]
Use Of Fireworks Prohibited. All fireworks shall be prohibited in County Parks.
Fishing Regulations. All fishing activities shall comply with State laws and regulations as established by the State of Missouri and shall be enforced as allowed by law.
Radio-Controlled (RC) Vehicles/Model Vehicles. No model aircraft/drones, or other model vehicles with internal combustion engines shall be operated in any Jefferson County-owned, -maintained, or -controlled parks. Enthusiasts, photographers, schools, or similar persons or entities may request special use permits to use such restricted aircraft/drones or other model vehicles with internal combustion engines in other County-owned, -maintained, or -controlled parks for the purposes of taking portraits, taking group photos, or conducting photography projects. Such special use permits may be issued at the discretion of the Director of Parks and Recreation. Any such permit may be on a per-diem or yearly basis at the discretion of the Director of Parks and Recreation. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to require that other governmental entities, including, but not limited to, the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, obtain such a special use permit before operating model aircraft/drones in any County-owned, -maintained, or -controlled parks in conjunction with such entity's government business. This Subsection shall not restrict the use of slow-moving, battery-operated, radio-controlled, ground-based devices or watercraft.
[Ord. No. 19-0249, 4-26-2019; Ord. No. 24-0142, 3-11-2024]
Any and all equine activity is hereby prohibited in and within the Jefferson County, Missouri, parks, roads and trail systems. Equine or equestrian activity shall include any person or group, whether mounted or unmounted, who rides, handles, trains, drives, assists or provides others with any equine discipline whatsoever. The use of the term "equine" shall include a horse, pony, mule, donkey or hinny. This Subsection and provision shall not apply to the Big River Saddle Club, River Bend Park or Beck Park, nor shall it apply to miniature horses that have been individually trained to perform a task or service for a person with a disability as a certified service animal as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA").[2]
[Ord. No. 20-0106, 1-27-2020; Ord. No. 24-0142, 3-11-2024]
Editor's Note: See 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.